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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    confused about cfg files..

    I've never had any need to mess with my .cfg files. What are you trying to achieve? Smoothing? Perhaps there's another way. I go into video options and turn down most of it to low, but still run at high resolution and have no problems now. I will have a look at the specifics and post them next time I'm I play.
  2. Sula

    GB#500 New player banned?

    Hi Marjo, sadly, when you allow private servers that is the crap you have to put up with - unprofessional, irresponsible kids with the power of gods. I think there's nothing you can do because once some fool has labelled you, you're stuck. You're not banned official from all official servers by Dayz just by whomever it was over-reacted in their state of paranoia. Good luck, mate. :thumbsup: Oh and make sure you know the keys better before you play again. I heard of someone who got banned for clicking on the server option in lobby of a server. Shouldn't have the bloody button if they don't want it clicked.
  3. Sula


    Moved? where? If you don't tell him where you moved it to, how's he meant to know that? And how are we to see it and be able to provide help? Honestly, the culture here is just inherantly unhelpful. Other forums leave a marker in a forum, showing where a thread has been move to. Troubleshooting might make sense to you but not necessarily to a bambi.
  4. Sula


    I'm sorry I can't help you. There are a number of issues that might be relevant, for example: Did you install dayz and the patches/updates via steam, or dayz commander or manually? If steam have you checked your files are up-to-date and verified? It's quite possible a more experienced pc person will be able to help with your query. Sorry I don't have an answer but good luck. :thumbsup:
  5. Exsgo, you're very lucky I didn't notice your comment on the 8th of September, when I posted this thread. Now some twit has posted in it bumping the thread with yet another inane and unhelpful comments. So for the record. You're talking to a woman. I'm not a child of 14 who shouldn't be playing this game (it's for over 18s). And I don't script - or cheat. That's for emotionally immature children, not adults. If you've nothing actually useful to say, don't bothering trying to put whole sentences together that the rest of us have to waste time reading. :rolleyes:
  6. Yes! I was talking to another player in de 1479 and climbing under a helicopter crash, when my connection was kicked for the third or fourth time today. I'm so tired of this. Of course I'd just swapped out my kobra for a dmr, which means I'll have no weapon when I get back in, if ever. Because each time this happens the server disappears from my list and I can't find it. I know there's nothing can be done about it but I'm so frustrated, I had to tell you all about it. *crawls under sofa, whimpering and chews on her backpack* :( Can you tell me something nice about dayz so I can remember the good?
  7. Sula

    Why don't more players play like this?

    Now it's your turn, Digital, to learn by that and set your standards as I! :thumbsup:
  8. That sounds interesting. What exactly do you mean by looking for those who wish to make "...a bit more commitment to the community"?
  9. I've been running around on a vilayer server for a couple of hours and spotted a huge square in a field. When I got to it, it looked like a giant gift box that'd been dropped by a plane, with webbing still around it. There was nothing fancy around it, just a makarov, a winchester, some empty tins and a tent. I've seen these twice before on youtube vids. Are they hackers or, as one youtube vid guy said, a gift from the server's admin? I ask because I'm suspicious. When in a couple of towns today I couldn't pick up anything. As though lag was stopping me but I could run around just fine. I know it's a mad suggestion but do any of the moderators still play dayz and know anything about either of these issues? Thanks!
  10. Sula

    I can never find a sniper rifle!

    It really is sheer luck, or random mathematical calculations of what "luck" might be. Anyway, depends on what sniper rifles you mean. But I usually carry one and get mine from deerstands, nw airfield and firestations. Also, if you play heavily populated servers you can proabably forget about the nw airfield and fire stations. Stick with deer stands, just run round as many as you can and eventually you get a good one. FN Fal's are noisy and bizons but it's nice to have them for their rarity, like the as50 etc. I like quiet guns but they don't kill quickly enough. If I had a choice of one gun, right now I'd go for the kobra, though I like the mp5sd6's quiteness, it's too weak. Forgot to say, I had an FN FAL and a DMR from helicrashes disappear from my backpack - it drives me nuts. I know we keep saying it's just an alpha - but that doesn't things won't disappear in the "final" version of this game (if there is one) or in the standalone.
  11. Sula

    Livestock Fiddling.

    I felt quite sick to my stomach at the title. I think my interpretation was the same as LVG's. God what a relief. Though I'm still not entirely sure what you're on about.
  12. Thanks, Fraggle. It looks like a huge box surrounded by a net that you'd use to do say food drops by plane. It's taller than me, and sort of looks like a gift box as it has yellow ties hanging off it. I didn't take anything just in case but the loot was pretty basic stuff in any case. :thumbsup:
  13. Sula

    Best day in DayZ

    Glad you had such a good day, Swens. I'm running around right now on a server, trying to get a bit of dayz in as my broadband is due to shut down for a few days while the network is updated later today. But I had to come post - I just saw something greenish on the ground in cherno, in an apartment block - I found my first ever Mountain Dew! I can't believe it. All these months I've been playing and almost missed it because it was just some odd green and white thing on the floor but as I didn't recognise it I decided to try to pick it up - and there it was! :thumbsup:
  14. So the previous time I updated the beta patch, steam stopped working, but as steam has now stopped working for other games too, that seems to be their error, not arma's. This time I downloaded the patch because I can't see a single server within the game's "gamespy server list" but can see five in dayzcommander (gone are the thousands are usually see). Edit - sorry, I think I ran the wrong file but steam still seems to be the problem. I've updated it until I'm blue in the face but no luck.
  15. Sula

    [LFC] Looking for some companionship

    Hi IBG, good luck in dayz. I don't like adding people to my steam account. I have two people on there by accident mainly but I don't use steam to communicate as it's too bloody nosey. I object to people knowing what games I've bought, am playing, what time I turn on and off my computer etc. However, if you see me in a game I'll happily work with you. I don't kill players, only zombies, so you be sure I won't turn on you. I think everyone who's played with me will confirm that. :thumbsup:
  16. Sula

    How Not to Survive in DayZ -- Berezino

    I recognise that red barn, so that must be Dolina. There aren't many of them in Chernarus. :thumbsup: You're right to warn your friend about losing backpacks. It does happen and it's heartbreaking when you lose stuff. Catholics are just one of many types of Christian. My parents are catholic and they don't believe in ghosts. Neither do I. ;) I like your vids. I know we've all seen many Let's Plays but it's always good to see another. Epi pens bring you too, if you faint. :thumbsup: Btw, did you visit the deer stand a short distance behind the factory? Berezino has 3 deer stands right next to it (one in it!) and 2 supermarkets plus it has a military tent area too, which make it a popular place. :) Toolkits or tool boxes are used to remove barbed wire and I think maybe other things like sandbag walls and tank traps too.
  17. Hi Craig, welcome to dayz. If you see me on the servers feel free to say hi. I don't PvP, so I'm always friendly, if a little cautious. :thumbsup:
  18. I want to know if you can train them to attack bandits! :thumbsup:
  19. Well, yes that's a good point, possibly, astemioma. So good it needed to be said 4 times, er possibly! :) :beans:
  20. Sula

    Your way of saying "friendly"

    Well done on following them and then taking their stuff! Great vid. :thumbsup:
  21. The clocks went back an hour in the UK this morning. So I've been up since extra early hunting game. I've travelled for hours across country from Kamenka to Elektro, then up country, back and forth across the map but all I've seen is one rabbit, oh and a crazy chicken. No point in killing her though, she was running with zombies. :huh: So if you're out looking for game today, it looks like it's thin on the ground. I might try and hunt down a tree. Seem to quite a lot of those! Not sure it'll help with my anaemia though! :)
  22. Sula

    I'm a newb.

    God no wonder my 16GB RAM, 4.7Ghz overclocked pc with Phantom 1GB vid RAM works so well! God I wasted so much money on this thing. <_<
  23. We can all react too quickly in the heat of the moment. Don't beat yourself up about it. You've done the honorable thing and apologised. Many wouldn't. Good for you. :thumbsup: :beans:
  24. Sula

    Private hive, should i try it?

    Fraggle's right. Good admins are so important to a fair and open game. Some servers are run by a player for himself and his mates to hunt down innocent players who don't even know that's what's happening - and bad admins will often steal all the good vehicles. Good admins might have one vehicle and leave the rest to the other players. :thumbsup:
  25. Sula

    Have I done wrong?

    Well, it's a matter of opinion. You could have just walked on by, or told him not to move, that you had a gun on him but that you were friendly and didn't want to shoot but you would if he moved. Then you could have questioned him. You chose to shoot and it is understandable why - instinct - a reaction to a new threat. But you always have a choice. If you keep on making that same choice, you'll end up with a bandit skin.