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Everything posted by Sula
Haha! No, it isn't a trap! Honestly it really is there and all the parts are green! It's by the redbrick apartments, just plonked right in the middle of the street, outside the hospital. I should add two things, first, there is not a jerry can anywhere near cherno, I've looked. Though not the petrol station for some reason. I really should have checked it. So you'll need to get fuel before you get to cherno, and second, I got the name of the server wrong. The server title says zombville and 24/7 DAYLIGHT. :thumbsup: It would be nice if a new players got it, and hopefully, had already practiced flying in arma2. :huh:
Considering getting this. But have questions holding me back..
Sula replied to Excelsior24's topic in New Player Discussion
Bcaused, I don't recall it happening but there was one time that I kept being killed whenever I played with a particular guy, and I'm pretty sure he was telling a pal who was then coming into the game right to my location and killing me. But other than that, nope. Not sure it is luck, I'd say I avoid situations that attract scriddies. :thumbsup: -
Dudz, when you look at the list of servers, if there is NO mention of "private hive" or "chernarus" then it's probably a server that is part of the regular dayz main hive. However, if a server does have one of those phrases in the title then it is part of one of the many private hives Private hives are groups of private servers that run a separate version of dayz. So you get to start afresh with a new character. If you wanted you could play male on the main hive and female on another hive, as they are separate. Do you see? I hope that helps but ask if I haven't made it clear. :thumbsup:
Looking for a team to run with on dayz.. I stay up late
Sula replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hi, Xpun. If you give a bit of info of how you play and what you're looking for, like friendly, or bandit, or some place in between like "just looking to have fun" and then mention your country and time zone, it might help people to decide. Also, have a look at linked threads for helpful info on finding other players. :thumbsup: -
Where can I get an outdated version of DayZ?
Sula replied to Jackie Chan's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Just use a hardcore private host server. :thumbsup: -
Can anyone please give me a ride?
Sula replied to alexandere99's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
GangsTa's right. If you have a map and set waypoints you can run it much more quickly than waiting for someone to come and kill you, I mean offer you a lift. :thumbsup: -
What makes you more intelligent and professional at DayZ ?
Sula replied to ianaconda's topic in New Player Discussion
When you say "you", I'm going to assume you mean people in general because I wouldn't say I personally, am "more intelligent" at the game than I was. I'm more experienced. I practice a lot and I try to learn from my mistakes so that I don't repeat them, and so that I find more effective ways of doing things. I'd say those are the skills that have made me more successful at dayz than I was. But I'm still learning and still trying to develop my skills. For example, I shoot like a jelly-fish on crack. :huh: (That's not good, by the way.) -
So you're absolutely sure this is only happening to you on one particular hive, yes? Have you tested it out on other hives? Ramm - eat a big bit of cake and a glass of fizzy for me! :thumbsup:
Mic - hold down capslocks to speak or double tap it to keep mic on and continue to speak without hands on capslock. But remember it's on and everyone nearby will hear what you're saying. :thumbsup:
Oh Fishy, fishy, fish, fish. You clever and useful guy! This is a helpful thread, thank you! :thumbsup: Couple of things: I've been told if you accidentally pack your tent when it's not empty take a look around, as the stuff will be in the area, sometimes quite far; and also, try not to do what I've done-been far too clever for my own good - putting a tent between two bushy trees. It works but two things tend to happen: the tents disasappear or worse still, you can't save or access them no matter how much you crawl, hop skip or roll around on your belly, waggling your gun at them as you roll your mouse wheel - no menu option to save tent or anything else shows up. :o Kingkrabbe, sorry to hear that, mate. I feel your pain.
Hi, Mile. Welcome to DayZ. You sound like another player who's off to a good start. The trick with the water is don't go in too deep. Then right click on your water and click "fill waterbottle". That's it. Here's the dayzdatebase map, which is god but an in game map is best. You find them mainly in towns in stores and cafes/bars. http://dayzdb.com/map#3.069.075 Have a read through the threads at the top of this forum. You'll find them useful. :thumbsup:
Good idea! Sadly, I can't even get the link to open right now. Stupid internet! <_< I like the idea though. :thumbsup:
Mine PC is a custom built beauty that I had built for power, speed, silence and reliability. It's way over spec'd but can still struggle with dayz sometimes, depending on what I'm asking it to do. I suspect broadband capacity is as critical as anything. Ignore all the people just insulting other people's computers. They're all good quality machines. Buy the best you can afford if you're buying and if you're not, I hope your current machine will let you play. You can strip back what you need for arma/dayz to the basics and cut graphics right down if necessary. :thumbsup:
I've currently got a few weapons at my tiny little base. I'm using a DMR and a FN-FAL with night vision, an AS50 and a SAW 249. The AS50 is out of ammo because I used it to hunt animals the other day. I have more steaks than I will ever eat. I no longer rate any of the dayz weapons as perfect or great because they're all too loud, too weak or the ammo is too hard to find. But if I had to choose a weapon a gun, I'd go for the AK-74 Cobra. If I had to choose a weapon, I'd choose the axe over any other weapon, any day. :thumbsup:
Zinny, no I'll never be de-sensitized to death in this game but while I've shot back at players I've never killed one. I don't like it and don't need to do it. I do have the hero skin but that means nothing to most players, probably because so many people have faked it by shooting their pals and tranfusing. I earned mine the right way and slowly, over time.
Rossco, it's good that you feel bad about killing other players. It shows you're a nice guy who wants to play the game without unnecessary killings. I've been playing for about six months and I haven't killed anyone. There's no need but you have to play the game as you feel is right for you. :thumbsup:
Honestly, I never pick them up. My top priority in game is to find an axe, then I don't worry about zombies or players who are close. I'm not a great shot who kills with a single bullet to the head, so a makarov is useless to me. I've put 5 clips in a group of 4 zombies and none of then has died. So it's just pointless me bothering with them. Good luck to those who find them helpful. :thumbsup: Seriously, the hand guns in this game are bloody awful. I love the look and feel of the pdw and the m9 but for me, the only ones worth carrying are the Revolver and the m1911, which will probably be totally derped by the next update. They're already pretty harmless.
The ''frankieonpcin1080p'' attitute to survival
Sula replied to bottar1's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Frankie is great but let's keep in mind that there are plenty of us out there who are trying to play this game with a kinder and more playful approach. What Frankie has that we don't, is his fame, which means that you guys get to watch his brilliant vids and see how much fun it can be to be kind and helpful to bambis instead of mindlessly killing them. :thumbsup: -
Hi Doc. I'm sorry to hear about the sorts of people you've encountered but we're not all like that. I find the "n word" as offensive as the inappropriate use of the misuse of the word rape, too. I even heard Frankie use it recently, which was a disappointing surprise. It's like the word "gay", kids didn't understand the impact of misusing these words and become de-sensitised to them. You'll find there are lots of older, and more mature players who don't use those sorts of words and bad language. :thumbsup:
As I mentioned recently, if you see me on the servers, playing as Sula or Twiglet, you're safe from me. I don't shoot at anyone who isn't shooting at me. Actually, you're unlikely to ever come across me unless I want you too, as I'm a bit of a lone traveller. But if you see me on a server list you can ask me for help, such as transfustions/morphine etc. I'm often up in the country but if I can reach you I will help. :thumbsup:
Hi, anniecanoe. Sounds like you're being sniped by someone who has a military grade sniper weapon. Sometimes it is simply inevitable, and can't be avoided. Other times, I'd say the best you can do is stay alert, NEVER move in straight lines, ALWAYS try to be aware of your surroudings - are there hills in sight, or tall buildings, and can you keep a wall between you and them? If not, find another route. :thumbsup: In my view, an hour is far too long to be in a town, especially if there are more than two or three players on the server with you. Move in, move fast and take only the essentials. You can pick up the rest on your travels. My apologies, I've just noticed, Derpy already said similar. :thumbsup:
Uh, think you should have read the thread before posting, Conor. The guy was asking about his map problem. :thumbsup:
For the millionth time magazines are NOT clips!
Sula replied to DJKhaled's topic in New Player Discussion
From now on I shall call all of them bullety-thingies and weapons shall be called, pew-pews. -
My tent designated server is running "incorrect server-side application"
Sula replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
Me too. I've lost a couple of tents on a number of servers for the same reason, and in some cases it's where the servers just keep disappearing or changing maps. It bugs me that they announce a change of map on a server for say 48 hours so you get a chance to move stuff. -
Ah yes, truth is, people are a bunch of liars. And I say that as your friendly friend. Just the other evening I was having a bit of a skip through Cherno, confident in the knowledge that there were only 2 other players in town, when one of them asked who was in town. I said I was and he asked where exactly. Ahahaha! Oh yes, I'm going to tell him that. Next thing a bullet whizzes passed my ear and like a feeble-minded chicken head I stop to taken time to wonder who could possibly be shooting at me. The shooter - very generously, I thought - shot at me again, to encourage me to think faster. So I legged it out of town as quick as my avatar would carry me. And what does the shooter say? "Hey, I killed that zombie for you....come back...do you need anything or help?" <_< I told him I'd take a rain check and I kept on running. To be honest, I rarely meet anyone in dayz that I don't already know. When I do, it's because they've died repeatedly on the server and I can't take it any more, I just have to go help them. But the kids I come across who are immediately asking "where are you?" always end up being killers. Avoid them like you would the plague. :thumbsup: Dallas, I agree. That's the one thing I don't like about Frankie's approach. It's humiliating and intimidating, even though he doesn't mean it to be. He's just trying to stay alive.