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Everything posted by Sula

  1. I've played it and had a good time. Definitely will be back. :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    Arma II Editor Models

    I'm sorry, this is all way above my head. I use the editor to put cows on the map and hunt them (which is quite easy as I know where they are!). What about the off-topic discussion forum or maybe contact one of the guys who has made the films you mention? Good luck. :thumbsup:
  3. Spent the evening running around chernarus on server UK Zombie Nation and would recommend it. The players were friendly, well apart from the bandits but even they were civilized, and I'll definitely be playing there regularly. :thumbsup: Two things made it extra good fun. First, the very subtle admin, so quiet I didn't know he/she was there until some scripter kiddy child was dumb enough to try to spoil our fun. Like lightning the admin swooped, dealt with the idiot and reassured us that all was under control. It's really nice to feel protected and safe when playing dayz. That's a great admin. :thumbsup: And the second thing that made it extra fun was I played with my maniac dayz pal, Stiffy. We passed the hours running around repairing vehicles, which he then crashed on the way to picking me up with whatever spare part I'd found. I spent my time panicking and scolding him for his driving, "Slow down! You're too dangerous and reckless! Keep to the middle of the road...don't go that way..!" and Stiffy spent his time laughing at me good-naturedly, telling me to lighten up. I think he's right. I do need to lighten up. :beans: *downs bottle of gin* :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Random acts of kindness!

    Isn't it sad that we see such kind acts and are surprised. I play as Twiglet a lot of the time (just in case you see me on a server) and truthfully, I've never even pointed my gun at another player, let alone killed anyone. I played today on a few servers without any problems. I always say hello when I join a server and enjoy coming across friendly players too. I helped a player with a transfusion, went and searched fror antibiotics for another, found an akm for another, but not because I want to be seen as generous and kind. It's because it's what I do when I play. It's like in real llife, if someone falls over, you don't stand and stare, you help them up and make sure they are ok. I think we start off naturally sociable but then die so often that some players don't feel they can trust anyone anymore in dayz. I just refused to ever let that happen to me. :thumbsup: I do get frustrated and feel down sometimes - like the day I died over 30 times. But I think you have to get back up, smile and start over. I love this game more than any other I've ever played. :thumbsup:
  5. I did, thank YOU! :thumbsup: And I apologise as I meant to make a general thread about how much fun I had playing dayz and realise now that I made this a private hive dayz discussion thread. :blush: Right I'm giving myself 478 warning points for posting this in the wrong forum. I'm sorry, I know that might seem harsh to some of you but people like me just have to learn! *looks firmly at self* :huh:
  6. Oh thank you, Maca, you mentioned the one that I came and made this thread for but forgot what I was going to say! :o I don't want to not be able to use my axe just because I have a rifle, so what I'd really like is to be able to carry and use my axe to fight by just storing my rifle, not dropping it! :thumbsup: Hmm now I'm going to have to drop one of my first three choices. :huh:
  7. Sula

    Why did they nerf the DMR?

    Yes, the wasteland deserts of London! Oh it's a dry kind of thirst...I love the smell of zombie in the morning!
  8. That's what I just had playing DayZ with people from Finland, England and France among other places. People were talking, helping each other, offering to share things. It was great! At one point I was legging it through Elektro at speed, as I do, when I noticed what looked like a zombie but then I realised that I was running towards someone crawling in the coming direction. I couldn't help but smile. It was a funny thought but then I remembered I'd be pulling my home boy zeds with me and they'd probably want to eat him. So I stopped briefly to do the wiggle friendly dance, said Hi and ran away. It pays to be friendly because that guy saved my life shortly after when my homie zeds turned on me and he gave me a transfusion. God I love this game. :D :thumbsup:
  9. Which reminds me, I used my first chemi-light yesterday. I've never picked them up, as they seem too dangerous to carry if you want to avoid being noticed. I can't say it did much to improve the light around me though. Zombo - loved the zombies running straight thing. I agree! :thumbsup: I just died 3 times on the same server after trying to get away from a crowd of zombies while trying to get onto a quad bike. The new Get in/on vehicle buttons seems to have been derped. When I click my mousewheel on the seat image I don't get on/in the vehicle, my avatar crouches down instead, as though picking up something. Maybe I should change my third option to improved quality control? ;) Rage, I would like steak to last longer than tinned food considering the effort you have to go through sometimes to get it. But harder zombies? Hmm they get the better of me whenever I'm fully kitted out. :huh:
  10. The quiver is a very sensible idea. Carrying all those separate arrows is just silly, isn't it? :thumbsup:
  11. Sula

    Why did they nerf the DMR?

    And yet the Makarov stays constant. Constantly crappy and worthless. I know some people quite like it but I swear I run right passed makarovs because my axe kills more zombies - and Lee Enfields because they're so loud I've had zombies come running not just from other parts of the Chernarus map but from my next door neighbour's computer!
  12. Orlok, I found it in the servers list. I'll check my recent servers list and let you know. It was great. Makes me laugh when the tweenies coming storming in trying to kill everyone because they think they're playing call of duty. :D :thumbsup: Rage, that's right, I'm baaaad with a capital baaaah! :P (So, so not bad. I got that point because a mod saw my thread in the wrong forum and missed my request for a mod to move it to the right forum. So I got a ban and a point for being uh polite and respectful.)
  13. Sula

    Dayz Female!!!

    Hang on, it's not available at the moment, is it? I've been playing as a male character since the female option disappeared - bloody annoying but if it's part of the dayz mod then it won't be fixed until the next version comes out or if it's part of the beta patch, possibly sooner. (I do still have some female characters on some hives but I assumed that was because they were older, not created with new version)
  14. Sula


    Hey, welcome to DayZ. Ask if you've any questions about the game. :thumbsup: Oh and somebody tell me what OP means please!!! Other person?
  15. Sula

    Can't save my tent!

    I don't think you have to save tents or vehicles anymore. Mine are still there after a couple of days and the new menus have different options on them, like fix left front wheel - so the save option not being there is deliberate, I suspect. I have problems with tents but they have always been inexplicable. I have one tent that I cannot access at all. I put another next to it some 10 metres away and it works perfectly. I'm sorry I haven't more specific and useful advice.
  16. Tamaster, you little genius! Thanks for that. :thumbsup: :beans:
  17. Sula

    How to fly a plane?

    No need for codes to unlock stuff, just go to Operation Arrowhead in steam (if that's what you're using) and right-click on it. Choose Properties and then select Launch Setting Options. Cut the text out of that box and save it somewhere, so you don't lose it - like a text file. Then run OA and it will run without dayz. Go into the Armory (Armex) and you can fly any plane or helicopters and drive any vehicles around chernarus whenever you like. Just remember to paste the text back into the Launch settings box so you can play dayz. :thumbsup:
  18. Sula

    Day Z is cruel

    Never worth driving vehicles over the pobeda dam, mate. Not worth the risk. At least you learned that next time you can just run your vehicle a few metres to the right of the damn over the grass. :thumbsup:
  19. Sula

    Need a Taviana server

    I was just watching Frankie's latest video. It's on Taviana. Nice map. :thumbsup:
  20. Welcome to the forums, Ewipe. I suggest going into your Options and under Video looking in the Advance section. Then, as well as disabling post-processing, turning down all the settings and gradually working your way up bit by bit. That way you will learn what works for you. It's how I got dayz to run well for me. I've a similar spec to you, so it should be do-able. :thumbsup: Let us know how you get on. Killer22, exactly, if people don't own a machine then they are just airing factless opinions. I can happily tell people all about the PCs and laptops I own but I don't waste my time criticising what I don't have own. ;)
  21. I know, mate. It's heart breaking. Happened to me yesterday and I've never really had many problems with those scriddies, I won't call them the H word, they're just dumb children. You know what I'll say - maybe try a private hive. They work for me, usually. :thumbsup: Sorry, I can't recommend a server as I'm in the UK.
  22. Scraggles, you sound so strict! *salutes Scraggles* :D Your post made me smile because I'm very similar to you. I cannot stand it when I say something like, "OK, let's make our way to x, collect y and then go to z." And the other person agrees but then half way to x says something like.... "No! I know, let's go to Ballota. NO! Let's go to Cherno. OH I know, let's shoot cows! I haven't any food, It's been flashing for five minutes. Can I have yours? How about we...hey is that an M9? I can borrow it? Can I? CAN I? PLEEEEASE? OH! I really want your gun? Can I have it, I'll use it to cover you! Hey, how come you died? Cover you? Oh yeah lol, I was shooting your gun at that chicken! Why don't I shoot you and give you a blood transfusion? Whaddayamean "Piss off, cheat?" That isn't very nice!"
  23. Sula

    DayZ - Hatchet Killing Montage

    I'm a new mod, so to be honest with you, InfctedMushrOOm, I'm not entirely sure yet but I'll check. I think the Private Hive Discussion forum is going to get bigger and bigger with so many private hives. I've only been on an official server for maybe five minutes in the last month or so. I'm playing just private hives these days, it's a good way to avoid scriddies, though the map changes without warning on some hives do drive me nuts. :huh: Btw, I really liked that added extra of the body, made me smile. :thumbsup:
  24. Sula

    DayZ - Hatchet Killing Montage

    It amazes me that people will PvP and when someone does it with an axe instead of a big gun there's moaning and griping. Ah well, you can't please everyone all of the time. :) Actually, thinking about it, this must be a private hive video what with that dead guy hanging from the street-light. I think this needs to go in the private hive forums but I'll check. :thumbsup: