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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Farm Animal fun-sucking

    Yes, I was admin-in-training on balota buddies UK servers. I'm still there temporarily,helping out and I'd still play there and recommend their servers. No hassle from hackers and none of those hideous scripter kiddies. But then I would say that as I represent them but, as Nicemod points out, there are lots of good servers (I'm sure his is another good one). So why not go look in the Private Hive Discussion Forum as that is where all the "adverts" are for all the private hive servers and you can have a look through to see if there are a few you like. You can join as many as you like. :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    What is the point of this game now?

    I haven't read this thread. I just saw your first point, LordHussyPants and decided to comment on that. The fact that you are asking what is the point now you can't see how many people you have killed, in myview, shows you should not be playing this game but something more PvPer like CoD. This is not a player v player game. It's - and for the love of god I'm sick of saying it - is a survival game set in a sandbox environment where you can play as you choose with the tools available to you. As it's an alpha those tools may change. (That means you can kill players if you like but that is not the purpose of the game. The purpose is different for everyone. If you can't imagine other reasons to play then perhaps you should think about that.) And that's true for everyone. We are not all killers wanting high kill scores, which is good as that information isn't part of the game. Many of us don't shoot other players ever. I died last night helping a little shitbag with food and water, killing the zeds who attacked him and then got a bullet in the head for my efforts but that's the risk I choose to take. So there's no point complaining that you don't know how many people you've killed. That information has never been available except in the developers' debug monitor, which is clearly temporary (unless they choose to add it to the standalone) because it's an alpha test mod. And to everyone who says this is boring or that is boring - you are wrong. If it makes someone happy then it's right for them. It doesn't have to be right for you. If you're happy with the way you play fair enough but stop whining because we won't play the way you want the rest of the world to. Real life isn't like that and neither is dayz.
  3. Sula

    Any other father and son teams?

    I'm amazed at the languages you speak yet you say English is your mother tongue? Are you sure you're English? We're not meant to be very good at languages. For example, this is my finest .... Deux croissants et une cafe creme s'il vous plait, Monsieur. :huh:
  4. Sula

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year to everyone. :)
  5. To dayz? And you just can't say "improve all weapons", for example. You have to be more specific. :thumbsup: For me it would be: 1) Increase the water bottle to three drinks (like the chemi-lights have more than one use). Seems pointless being the same as one can. It'd be worth carrying more if they have more than one drink inside. 2) Improve power of the pdw, as I think more rare weapons need to have a reason to bother hunting them down. 3) Make night easier to see. If I join a game and I'm off in the middle of the woods, I'm stuck. I really can't see anything and it's impossible for me to play. Of course, I'm sure others will say they find it easy but this is MY three things I'd genuinely want to see changed in DayZ to improve my enjoyment of playing. So what are yours? :)
  6. What a lot you've learned! I'm still working on it. :)
  7. Sula

    New player looking for friends

    Hi Ezekiel! Welcome to dayz. :) Best to add your time zone, so players know if you'll be around when they're around. Also, what style you're looking to play. Initially, you might just want to meet up and make friends then you might want to try surviving or be a bandit and so on. Have fun! :thumbsup: :beans:
  8. Sula

    Finally! I found NVGs!

    Whaddaymean a black speck? Like a circle? How can you see it if it's just a speck. I'll need photographic proof! Drop a pair and take a screenshot! Ooh I can do that myself now! I'll give it a go and let you know.
  9. Sula

    How long have you survived?

    I was on day 85 or 86, I think, when the official public hive died and I lost my character. :( Some might say 10 days on a high PvP server is better than a long life trying to stay alive but I say that's a matter of personal choice. To me the game is stay alive, not be a fool who gets shot repeatedly.
  10. Sula

    Finally! I found NVGs!

    Maze, I've always wondered that too. The ridiculous thing is, I still don't know because I was prone behind the tip of the heli and just saw the words. So I froze and grabbed them but all I saw was grass. I'd even visited the site earlier but all I saw then was an ak74u, which I thought was a dropped weapon. When I went back, it was for the ak, as I had given away my bizon. I crawled all around and under the front, and found a saw 249 and one box of ammo. So I was mad with joy. Lost my good weapon but one good deed deserved another and I end up with another good weapon and NVGs! :thumbsup: :beans: What do NVGs look like on the ground? Let's see if any of you actually know! :P
  11. Sula

    Finally! I found NVGs!

    Oh Rage, you do make laugh and smile a lot. :D *slaps Fraggle* :P I should be in bed. I've been so busy with housework after Christmas, and then got a hair cut. I've not had much time to play at all today. Though that's probably not a bad thing. I noticed one of my regular servers has become inundated by people whose first words are "Whaddaymean no killing other players?" and second question is "Who's going to stop me?" So the twenty minutes I did get to spend on dayz were all I could face. You killy-people types scare me. :o Goodnight!
  12. Yes, strange and mysterious, indeed! I play on a lot of servers. One in particular I like especially, as it's a no kill server. Yes, you might say that isn't allowed but so what? What are you going to do about it? Anyway, stop interrupting me, I'm telling you about something odd and spooky that happened! I spawn back in the server where I was last time - nothing strange about that - but it's night time and far ahead of me I can see the red light from a flare lighting up an opening in the woods. I think I can make out a camp fire and someone by it. As I move closer I can hear distance, haunting violin music. I write a message saying, "Hi", asking if I can approach the camp fire. There's no response. I ask who is in the area and 3 of the 4 players respond, so I know it isn't any of them. I stop moving when I'm about 30m from the camp fire as I don't want to intrude uninvited. Suddenly, the fire and flare go out and the music stops, all at the same moment. I'm in darkness. I check the list of players and the person who had not replied when I asked if anyone was near me, has gone. But here's the odd thing. How do a flare and fire go out at the same time? And at the same time as the music? :o Very strange. I'd have liked to join someone at that camp fire. It would have been pleasant. I searched the area but found no sign of a camp fire. I even went back during daylight to the same spot but there was nothing. :o I don't normally see players very often but on this particular server, I feel safe enough to meet others. (Mind you, I say that but I've only just been shot by someone on the same server, which was a shock to everyone. We're not sure who did it but thanks to the friendly players, I survived.) So do you think the music playing shy camper was a ghost or am I losing my mind? It's hard to know for sure! :huh:
  13. Thanks for all your suggestions, you bunch of mentalists. :D Really? Flares and fires go out when you leave? Hmm curiouser and curiouser! And I'm not drunk! *pulls another ring pull and takes a swig* If I were drink yoo woud bee abul to tel bie noow! :huh:
  14. Hi Taltal. You're not flooding the forums if you're asking valid questions in the same thread. :thumbsup:
  15. Sula

    Calling All Hardcore Players!!

    No, over in Private Hive Discussion, is where you will post your server addresses, thank you. That's what it's for!
  16. Sula

    I'm Disappointed...

    I agree with your thread's sentiments. Now if we can all sign up to agree on what "survival" means well, all will perfect. Form an nice straight line.
  17. Sula


    Nice ideas. I can't re-bind my run/walk toggle key. It simply will not change. :(
  18. Some of my keys just will not let me rebind them. For example, Run/Walk toggle. No matter what I bind it to, such as right-shift, or right mouse button, or mousewheel - nothing. It just doesn't work. Any idea why? I would love to move from run to walk in quick single move and from stand to crouch too. I'd appreciate advice from anyone who has actually bound these actions to other keys.
  19. Sula

    How do you get to the NW Airfield?

    OK, I'll tell you but if you follow me, or tell any other living soul, I will have to kill you with my axe, or throw my empty makarov at you! :huh: I usually head up via Stary and then head North West, entering the south barracks first and trying to recover from the 7 pints of blood I lost while trying to drag myself under a tree and away from the zombies that attacked me a mile from the bloody barracks and came with me for the journey and a good laugh at my expense! <_<
  20. Sula

    Noobiee with questions.. :/

    I have to say, what a friendly and helpful thread! Hi Kyle, I hope you enjoy the dayz mod. And beans to all you nice guys too! :) :beans:
  21. Sula

    hacking situation

    Go look in the Private Hive Discussion Forum. There's a whole forum full of people advertising their private forums! Including the one I help to admin/mod. :thumbsup: I'd have a link in my signature but I'm waiting for Fraggle to make it for me. :blush:
  22. Sula

    New dude here.

    I don't think we want to get into an argument between games here. Both have their followers. (That's not because we can't it's because most of us are sick of it. It's old news.) :) Welcome to the forums, Tcbys. Lots of useful new player information pinned to the top of this forum. Feel free to ask for advice as you learn. Happy to help. :thumbsup:
  23. Sula

    Hey im new here

    Hi, Yoad! Welcome to the forums. :) There are lots of useful threads pinned to the top of the forums. Have a look when you get the time. If you say which country you're from or your time zone, and the times you play, it will be easier for others to make a rough estimate of whether they play around the same times. :thumbsup:
  24. Sula

    hacking situation

    And as the public hive is down the hackers will have nowhere to play. I guess they will be working overtime trying to get into some of those private hives. <_<
  25. Sula

    Can't find any official servers...

    Yep, I saw a tweet from Rocket this morning asking us to ask the company who took down the server to put it back up. I wrote a nice polite please message on their wall. (No point in being rude or they'll just ignore it.) I'm kind of stunned, as I felt my character there was my real dayz character and I really cherished her. Had my kit, would go off hunting for game and had survived for about 80 days. Now I feel kind of homeless but I play whitelist servers too. So I still have some place to play. :thumbsup: