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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Demenz, no you haven't seen him on Balota Buddies servers. I'm a whitelister there and know who is on the database. Remember I can call myself anything but that does not make me the person you think you are talking to.
  2. Sula

    What do new players prefer?

    If everyone spawns with NVGs then a day/night cycle would be more fun. In my view, one of the biggest flaws with this mod is the rarity NVGs making it almost impossible to spawn at night with nothing in pitch dark, while being shot at by someone with NVGs.
  3. Hi Ven, it is confusing, isn't it? Most of the servers are private now, if not all. Some are whitelisted (meaning you need to be on that hive's database to get in) or passworded but most are open to the public. Because they're private hives (hives are groups of linked servers on which you keep the same character and gear) the admins can add weapons, remove them, start you with a gun or 2 bandages or add or remove start items as they see fit. I don't think there is a public hive anymore (by which I mean an official hive that links lots of servers. A month or so ago Rocket tweeted a message saying the company that runs the official server had closed it down. I haven't heard any more and I can't find my old official servers from the official hive.) I suggest you go into lots of low ping ones and write down the ip addresses and names of the ones you like. Then you will know where you are and what gear you had on them for when you revisit. That's unless the admin decides to change the server to Namalsk or some other map without any warning - which a lot of the idiot type admins do! Edit - Go to the Private Hive Discussion Forum for all the private hives and servers (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/64-private-hive-discussion/) and have a good look to see what they are offering. Remember you can join as many as you want - so join lots! Good luck, mate. :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    dayz sniper tutorial!

    You know, that is a proper tutorial on how to use the DMR and calculate using the mil-dots. :thumbsup: I like it a lot. :) However, I just point guns and hope the bullets hit zombies. The truth is, I'm not sure I'd have the time to use a calculator to calculate the height and work out the distance to know where to point the gun. The zombies would have eaten me long before then. :huh:
  5. Sula

    Noob question. Logging.

    So make sure you write down the name and/or the IP of the server you play on! :)
  6. Sula

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    No he isn't. :P Also, to those who want "true survival" how about getting off your arses and heading to the deserts, mountains and forests of the world. Leave the rest of us our crosshairs to play games! Edit - hang on a minute! This is the mod forum, not the standalone. Are we talking about removing crosshairs from the mod? Oh FFS! I despair, I really do.
  7. Sula

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Other cons: It would confirm the PvP priorities of this game and further discourage those players who have no interest in being great shots and just want to be able to play dayz and survive. Actually, it doesn't matter what I say, I'm sure it's all about the realism. I'm not going to post any more on this other than to say it makes my heart sink and saddens me far more than it should. I feel for the many players who play this game who do not fit the shooter/PvP type. There are so many players in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and up who love the fact we are free to roam, hunt, explore, defend ourselves with a gun without being great shots, and still have a great time while avoiding servers full of CoD kids. We would never play shooter games and things like maps and compasses and crosshairs make it possible for us to succeed and defend ourselves against the PvPers. In fact why have maps and compasses? Let's up the realism. Few of us would know where to find toilet tissue let alone compasses and maps in an apocaypse. Drop it all. That's my view. Smasht, thanks you point it very well. :thumbsup:
  8. Sula

    White Listed Server List

    Oneninese7ev, the Private Hive Discussion Forum IS the list of Private Servers. Please go look there to find server recommendations. :thumbsup: Closed.
  9. Sula

    DayZ partner needed?

    You're also in the wrong forum. Survivor HQ is where to post threads about meeting up with others. :thumbsup:
  10. Sula

    new guy looking for a partner

    This should be in Survivor HQ forum. :thumbsup:
  11. Sula


    Hi Chronic. This should be in the Survivor HQ. :thumbsup:
  12. Sula

    DayZ 2017 first impression.

    I wasn't impressed either. It lacks realism. You can't eat human flesh without going mad and if you ate infected flesh then what was the point in bothering to try to survive in the first place? Also, there's little to collect except empty tin cans.
  13. Closing. Well spotted Crusader and Tr!ple. :thumbsup:
  14. OK it sounds like English isn't your first language because I cannot understand what you are saying. I suggest you use Google Translate to convert to English and then we can try to understand your point. :thumbsup:
  15. Sula

    DayZ Requirements

    Combined Ops/Arrowhead required. Issue answered. Closing thread.
  16. Hi, Patch. This thread should be in the Private Hive Discussion Forum. That's where private hives should be advertised. I'll leave it here for now, so people can see it in case they've forgotten. :thumbsup:
  17. Sula


    Also, I hear that you want pass out/die when the crazy orange storm comes, if you have the heart. No idea if that's true.
  18. Heh! just noticed HerrJon posted same thing while I had been typing mine up! Great minds think alike! :thumbsup:
  19. One of the things I do, if I spawn at Kamenka is just check each railway station platform for loot. I've often found an axe, and some food and drink, plus ammo I can use later. I avoid the wooden cottages with only one exit as I have died in those a lot and often find dead players already there. Now I might try it, as I've learned you can lie on the ground and the zeds might not see you. Also, I run up the coast to check the building at Komarovo, which is brilliant for loot, and the big metal barn next to it (small room at far side on the top floor), and the sheds. It's tricky with the sheds if you're new you have to watch those zeds. Then I shoot along the coast to Balota, check both big metal barns/sheds next to the sea, then cut through the trees just passed the barns and run across the fields to the hangars and air traffic control tower, to see if there are any weapons. By that point my backpack is usually full of stuff but sometimes there's just nothing to be found. So I head back across the field to the 4 deer stands at the balota military tents (nothing in those so don't bother looking but the deer stands often have weapons and ammo). Then it's on the cherno to upgrade my backpack to alice pack and pick up a compass, matches and hunting knife if I haven't found those already. :thumbsup:
  20. Sula

    Best servers

    Look in the Private Hive Discussion Forum for servers. The threads in there are "adverts" for servers and players give comments to show what they think of them - which is good feedback when you're look for servers to play on. Also, remember you can join as many as you like. Don't limit yourself. :thumbsup: You'll also see that many of us recommend servers in our signatures, like mine.
  21. That sounds odd. I seem to recall losing a few clips myself but only once, not regularly. I'm not sure what might be happening. Has anyone else had this happen lately? Also, do check around the tent, as things might drop and can be invisible in the grass. Point your gun at the grass and look for the green gun sign that indicates items in front of you. :thumbsup:
  22. Sula

    Hey there :D

    As you entered this forum the very first sticky thread was/is 'Can I run it?' That's where you need to ask if your computer spec will run DayZ. For general help and tips on how to play you can read the thread titles or do a search. We can help with any more specific or unusual queries. :thumbsup: Welcome to the forums. :)
  23. Nice production on that video, friend. I like the music too. But I'm not sure you should be recommending that people suicide to avoid areas where the loot isn't what you want. That's the reality of being a survivor! My advice would be to always head up coast and keep looking. They can use your excellent tip about how to avoid zombies by lying in corners, for example. :thumbsup:
  24. Fol, mate, I'm so sorry to read your thread. I feel for you because I know exactly what you mean about things pushing you to the brink. For me it's not hackers - seriously, I think I've maybe seen a hacker once or twice? It's been so long I don't remember - for me it's the poxy admins who out of the blue suddenly change the map without warning. Last night I went downstairs to make a cup of coffee and when I came back I couldn't get back in to the server, that had been empty, because the map had changed to Namalsk. I had just found my first ever totally 100% perfect UAZ and it was full of fuel. I felt sick in my guts. Look this isn't an advert and I can't promise you hacker free but I am sure you won't have this problem when the standalone is released. That's one of the reasons they are using the different engine version. (Also, I'm assuming you've spent hours playing on private servers and have had the same problems for this to have driven you to the point of erasing the game? Right? If not, why not?) BUT you've misunderstood and are blaming Rocket for something that isn't his fault! Remember, the reason the mod is easy to hack is because ARMA II is easy to hack and that has nothing to do with Rocket. That's BIS's decision. AND that is a deliberate choice - it's meant to be easy to edit and change - and therefore make it easy for players to make mods for it. Sadly, the world has a lot of emotionally immature people who lack the ability to grasp the significance of the negative impact their hacking has, unless you make them pay the price. That price is to deny them access. The standalone will do that. :thumbsup: Best of luck with whatever games you play. :thumbsup:
  25. Sula


    Had to laugh at Smasht's comment. Though I was reminded that when my sister was a kid she was punished for being left-handed. She was forced to right with her right hand and told that using her left hand was a sign of the devil's work. Did I mention we were educated at a convent school? <_<