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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Then you're not trying something new and different then are you!!! :P
  2. I have never once managed to hit a single zombie with an arrow or with ten arrows.
  3. Sula

    Rental Server by NgZ

    Try the Servers forums members there might know.
  4. Sula

    Im new

    Hi, welcome to DayZ despite your suspicious name! :P I agree, DayZcommander makes it much easier to find where you've been playing but I write down my favourite servers too. :thumbsup:
  5. Sula

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    Did you see that? Hetstaine! I'd swear I saw him passing through but apparently he is a phantasm. Hmm well, even if I spelled that wrongly the fact is, I don't think he's a real human being. In fact, I'm starting to wonder if he isn't in fact an AI - you know, like in Kubrik's Space Odyssey! *looks all mysterious* :huh:
  6. ...or don't spend your time doing the same old PvP stuff, hanging around the cities killing everyone. Seems to me there are far more people doing that. So, to get my thread back on track - I'm saying try something different, try something that you don't personally do normally, and have fun with it! There are so many thousands of servers out there. Why aren't you on dozens or hundreds of them with lots of characters - be brave. Live in some lives, die in others! :thumbsup: :beans:
  7. Sula

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    I can't think of a polite response to this thread so I shall say no more.
  8. I DO want to watch people play dayz for hours on end but only if they're characterful, witty personalities or something keeps my grip. I watch Zemalf who can spend an hour crossing a field cautiously. So people like different things. I can't stand asshole pranks of the kind mentioned above. It takes all sorts and you'll never please everyone. So what you need to do is please yourself. :thumbsup:
  9. No need to remove voice chat all you have to do is mute the idiots who abuse it. Then the rest of us can carry on playing the way we want to play. I am very much against restricting freedoms of any kind, not just in the game but in life, in general.
  10. Sula

    Female character

    The female skin option disappeared when (I think it was ) the penultimate dayz mod update/patch was released. It wasn't suddenly almost all server admins/hosts deciding to pull the female skin. It came from the mod software developer side not the admins/hosts of servers side. It drives me nuts, and I moan about it almost daily. Some rare admins/hosts of servers have re-added the female skin on their private hives, bless 'em.
  11. Sula

    Trying to add an Image to My Sig.

    it's 9am and I've run out of "likes" for the day or I'd have "liked" these helpful replies! :thumbsup:
  12. Oh Repo, mate, sorry to hear what's been happening. Looks like we're all recommending Balota Buddies (because it is a friendly place) but let me inject a word of objectivity: Check out the Private Hive Discussion Forum. That's where all the adverts for servers go, and there are lots of good places to play in there. Remember you can join all of them, you don't have to just join one!
  13. Sula

    Day/night server Question.

    Isn't DayZ Commander any help? It's not exactly defininite but I does give times of day as best it can? Good luck, mate! :thumbsup:
  14. Sula

    Pro Tips Please

    I agree with everyones' advice and I'll add/repeat. - If you hear shots or think someone is shooting at you, keep on moving but never in a straight line. Move unpredictably, get walls, trees, rocks, vehicles (whatever is available) in between you and where you think the shots are coming from. Duck in and out of places, make yourself hard to focus on. - Like Doomsday says, only shoot your gun when you are out of other options. You will draw attention and tell everyone where you are. - Never run across fields unless: 1) you are the only one on the server 2) the only other person on the server is your mum, or 3 you want to die. - If you don't personally know someone do not let them stand anywhere close to you because they can easily steal from your backpack. So keep anything precious, like morphine, on your person, not in the backpack. - Don't worry too much about primary weapons. If you have to, you can kill with an axe in most close range situations. If the other person is a sniper then you've little chance of survival anyway. Well, unless it's some 12 year old aiming like a monkey with an explosive banana. Edit: Oh and trust no one except me. I really am entirely trustworthy. :thumbsup: :beans:
  15. I chose to play on a server that was clearly labelled "blacklisted", as it was empty and I thought it might keep other people away. (Besides how can it be a blacklisted server, right?) For the first hour it worked. I was skipping around all alone, peacefully wandering through hills. I decided I'd take a new route and headed to Zeleno. Running in the fields and trees I aggroved a distant zombie and then another. I dived into a tree. Then I heard more and more coming. But I also heard Pew! Pew! Pew! Someone was killing then with a silenced gun. One after another they dropped. His name was Monster Prikol. I asked if friendly. No reply. I said thank you and that I was scared to move from under the tree! No reply. Then I see a ghillie suit crawl passed the tree. More pew pewing! I spoke into the mic, "Spaseba. Angliski", in case I was with a Russian. "Rassian" came the reply. I tried google-translate to see if that would help but it didn't and he spoke no English. Next thing a cream coloured UAZ appeared and he drove maybe 50 metres, jumped out, killed zeds and a red UAZ appeared, he jumped in, killed more zombies and a camo UAZ appeared. Next a red car and the same. Suddenly there were bear traps all over the hills and he crawled across one. I heard Ow! and he started to bleed. So I bandaged him and gave him morphine. So he crawled over about 30 more of them. I didn't try helping after that. So for maybe ten minutes we shot zombies. I'd have liked to have left for a coffee but I didn't want to offend and I don't get to meet Russians often, it's exciting. Actually, meeting any player who doesn't shoot me dead is exciting! I got the zombies to chase me into the church so I could kill them. As I reached the door I heard more pew pew shots and one of the bullets clipped me, then another. Odd, this guy was an ace shot so how was he clipping me. I ran into the church and tried to bandage myself but then the zombies started to get close to me. I checked the player list, there were five or six Russian names and couple of English ones. Next I hear a voice, "Sula, are you friendly?" Hmm a different voice, one that spoke English quite well but with a Russian accent. "Yes, I'm friendly. Sorry, hang on, I'm bleeding", I say, and I try to bandage myself. A ghillie suited player ran into the church. The reply comes, "You are also murdered" and a player/hacker called Liam shot me repeatedly until I died. I hit 'I' after the first shot as that shows who's shooting/killing you - both your name and the shooter's flash. I like Russians, they're usually pleased to speak with people from other parts of the world. They have a great sense of humour, often bleak but it reminds me of the English sense of humour, full of pranks and fun. I don't think Liam knows the damage he did to Anglo-Russian diplomacy! The lesson is, it doesn't matter where you are in the world, if you're mate's an arse then he's going to mess it up for you. Liam was an arse. :thumbsup:
  16. Sula

    Horse sound?

    Yes, I hear it too. So either we're all losing our minds or it's one of those sounds that is included in the background. It's like when I'm running, I can hear my kit making noises but I also hear a noise like a man with a blocked nose, sort of snorting or chocking. But then I might be nuts, remember. :huh: YorkEagle, re that twig - me too. The times I've spun around. Of course, the one time I didn't spin around I got shot in the back. :o
  17. That's been troubling me since the stand alone was announced.
  18. So now, let me get this straight. That's use the search system is it? :D Anyway, shouldn't this have been posted in or be merged with the thread already entitled "DayZ stand alone?"
  19. I'm glad I didn't read this thread before now. I thought it was about some version of DayZ available on a Motorola Razr phone, so I ignored it. I wish I hadn't read it now. I gave up in despair at page 3, so my apologies if my comments have already been made. I've no doubt all developers are working very hard on their projects be they community or standalone, and with the very best intentions. However, I hope they will all understand that sometimes when I hear of these changes my stomach sinks. I feel actual dread because it reminds me we don't have anything tangible that we own, which will always be the same. If you express concern you're told you didn't pay for it so you have no right to "moan". My instincts tell me that is wrong, it feels wrong. Everyone should have a right to express their views but it shouldn't be abusive. It should be constructive or at least not contain dirty words! :thumbsup: What I dislike inherantly is that the mod and the standalone will change and continue to change, and change regularly via *spits* Steam (I'm aware of the benefits and reasons for using Steam but that doesn't mean I have to like it). So the very factor put forward as a benefit (easy to keep on changing and updating every few days), is what I dread most. Somewhere, someone will decide I am not suffering enough when I play DayZ, so from now on when I do X, Y will no longer happen but instead, Z will. The following week Z.1 will, the following week Z.2, and then Z.3.... That's why I wanted a single player - I had a deluded hope of something finite and tangible that I could get on and play in peace without someone else deciding that "Actually, you can't be female anymore and we're not going to tell you why", or "We're going to take away your favourite gun, or derp it so it only kills chickens". Even physics expects us to come to a stand at some point! :o On the subject of realism: realism isn't everything. If it were, we wouldn't still be getting our ears - and everything below them - wet just to fill a water bottle! :huh: In any case, we need to make our points without swearing and being abusive. I mean no offence when I reply quite passionately to these sort of discussions. I try to be devil's advocate, as it comes naturally, and I am sincere in my passion for the game but I know those working on developing the project must be many times more passionate about it. So I try to keep that in mind. :thumbsup:
  20. Sula

    Public Server and lost all my gear???

    Similar happened to me, earlier today. Still had my stanag magazines but no gun. :huh: Just got to live with it, and hope Arma's people at BIS one day fixes some of these things.
  21. Sula

    What do new players prefer?

    Exactly! And that's what some admins are doing, as so many people want to play the game but so few can get NVGs. :thumbsup:
  22. Hi Sam, welcome to the forums. Check out the HQ Survivor Forum too, as that's where people look to find other players to meet up with. Be careful though, some of them are bandits pretending to be friendly. :thumbsup:
  23. When I rejoined a game earlier today I still had 6 stanag magazines but no weapon! I won't miss that when it stops happening! :thumbsup:
  24. No Admiral Greene, you are not meant to do anything. People who want to post about their strange experiences in DayZ are free to do so (doesn't have to be Russians!). I don't need you to tell me I'm a good story teller.