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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula


    You shouldn't have posted this thread, mate. You should have read the great big shiny-bright pinned very first thread at the top of the forum that says, "Can I Run It?" :thumbsup:
  2. Sula

    How awesome?

    What does badass mean? It will destroy you. It will take you by the guts, heart and dangly bits, and it will own you. You will lose sleep, you will despair, you will laugh and cry. You will be lonely when you're not playing and it will love you back. Does that help answer your question? :huh:
  3. Hi Chizz, welcome to the forums! If you think this is bad then you should have seen the last release. They replaced it super quickly. If you reloaded makarov in Cherno, zombies would come running from as far as the Northeast Airfield and every town in between! It was nuts. We had screen shots of us in the Cherno firestation and about 400 dead zombies on the ground. Every time you shot a zombie about six more seemed to spawn right in the same place. It is difficult but you know the best time I ever had with DayZ was when I first played. The adrenalin would be racing through my body, my heart pumping, and every second I expected some gutless sniper to pick me off because he hadn't the guts to shoot armed players just the fresh spawn bambis. It was fantastic! Gradually, you'll learn when to run and when to walk slowly, when to crouch, how to use bushes to break the line of sight, and how far you can get without food and water. You'll learn that your axe is your best friend. You'll become an expert on where best to find what you're looking for, like weapons are found in fire stations and airfields, and churches, cafe/bars and supermarkets are good for handguns, food, bandages, drinks, even compasses and maps. You will become the king of invisible evasion, sneaking through towns, quietly killing the zeds. And none of it will make you feel any better when a zombie lunges out of nowhere, clips you once, and you faint and die immediately. That's life! Gotta grit your teeth, smile and drag yourself back up that beach! :D
  4. Sula

    New guy

    Welcome to the forums. Check out the Private Hive Discussion forum for a long list of popular servers. :thumbsup:
  5. Sula

    Clean your WATER!

    Boiling water makes it not worth carrying. If you have to boil it then you need to carry a can of something with you so you can boil it and there's no point carrying empty cans, so you may as well carry a cola and if you're already carrying a cola.....
  6. Sula

    My right click wont work

    Hi Brokenstool, I hope you can fix it. I have had similar happen to me. Sometimes it's just a glitch but other times what the others have already said, was what happened to me. Good luck :thumbsup:
  7. Sula

    My best Dayz day.

    Gutterz, that does sound like a very good day. :) :thumbsup: :beans: I've had lots of good days in dayz but lately they've been not so good with a PvP bandit, disguised as a hero, sniping me at the neaf. I wish they could find something to do about these people who claim to be heroes and then kill innocent players who have never killed anyone. Some of my best memories were finding my first vehicle, my first map, and matches. Also, the first time I played with Derpy Hooves and his team. That was hiliariously funny with Derpy running around with a flare to attract zombies and the rest of us waiting in the fire station in Cherno. I remember watching him run to us and about 30 zombies came running after him down that long road that runs through Cherno. That was with the previous mod release, so with that version each zombie you killed a zombie a whole group of new ones would spawn in. We ended up with hundreds of dead zeds on the floor! :)
  8. Sula

    More sandbox Pvp then survival?

    Yes, game has definitely become more PvP, which not good for us survivalists. Re nights - the thing is, NVGs are so rare that only bandits and hackers ever manage to get them - so that makes night unpopular with those of us who don't fit into one of those two categories. That's why there are so many day-only servers.
  9. Sula

    Bad version...

    It's got nothing to do with where you got your arma. It's most likely because you're trying to access servers that have a different version of the mod or patch. Double check you're trying to access the right ones, via dayzcommander or similar software.
  10. I haven't read it. No Introduction, Purpose, or Recommendations, I note!
  11. I don't suppose he can, as it's not something you'd ever look at once you download it. Plus, it's not necessary. You have to upgrade regularly with dayzcommander or similar server provider. Good luck.
  12. Sula

    Group forming.

    Look in the sub forums of General Discussion. To meet others try either the bandits forum or survivors forum. :thumbsup:
  13. Sula

    Dayz DE 635

    Hi Liukang. This thread should be in the Private Hive Discussion thread. I'll leave it here for a little while and then move it across, as that's where we put all our ads for servers and hives. :thumbsup:
  14. Hi, you should just start playing and getting used to dying. Make sure you've run through the controls in Arma first, of course. Good luck! :thumbsup:
  15. Sula

    Install help please

    Have you watched any youtube guides? I suggest one for updating the patches (there are beta patches and mod updates too.) Look for something like "How to install dayz" I'm sure there are links in the sticky threads here - do have a good search.
  16. Sula

    Crooked Admins!?!? Say it aint so...

    Hi Captain Junkie, the UK/Europe servers are ok it's the US one that's down but it's being investigated from what I've read. :thumbsup:
  17. I agree with you, I think a lot of players would like a plain dayz. If you find one let us know! :thumbsup:
  18. Sula

    What's wrong with Berezino?

    Things tend to go in waves, popularity goes up and down. When I first joined the most deadly place to be was Cherno. Since January Elektro's been the most deadly on many of the servers I visit. That said, it's quietened down again. I think it' might be partly due to mod updates. Not the beta patch updates but the daymod updates. Things seem to get a lot harder after we lost so maybe more people found it harder to get up the coast?
  19. I just had a great evening playing on a server where everyone was friendly. We chatted, helped each other out, had a lot of laughs and still went about out business. Some of us travelling, others repairing vehicles and so on. It was so nice to wander around with an axe and not feel under pressure to race to the most powerful weapon. Of course, as always there was a problem - couldn't find an animal anywhere. So I'm forced to enter my 4th supermarket and each time I lose more blood from those nasty bitey people. :o Thanks guys, it was fun playing on the server with you. :) :thumbsup:
  20. Hi Worsley, just go to the main forum, then find the Private Hive Discussion Forum. That's where we keep all our many hundreds of hives and servers (a hive is a group of servers all linked together, so you have the same character on all of them). Good luck and welcome to the forums! :thumbsup: :beans:
  21. Sula

    Need help

    And don't forget to look in the Private Hive Discussion Forum as there are literally hundreds of hives and servers all looking for people to join them. :thumbsup: :beans:
  22. Sula

    Please Join my server :)

    Hi Neo, as I mentioned to you in my PM, I am going to place your thread in the Private Hive Discussion Forum, as that's where we let people know about servers and hives. Also, you can have a signature and mention your server in it. :thumbsup:
  23. Sula

    Server Admin messing with me? Hacker?

    No. If he waits until the game permits him to leave then he isn't combat logging. Too many people obsessed with combat logging in my view, and people should be carefully throwing around words that can get people wrongfully banned. This is a survival game not a war simulation. That would be Arma.