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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Please help, im new.

    I'll do what I can to help anyone. I have the game via steam but I don't play using steam. I used to upgrade manually, which seemed to happen about 3 times a week but lately, I've been using dayz commander and rarely seem to need to update. I don't know about other ways of installing dayz mod and updating it, so I'm not sure if I will be able to find answers for you ghillie but I'll try.
  2. Sula

    Please help, im new.

    Send me the PM we discussed when you are online and I will try to help you sort it out. :thumbsup:
  3. Sula

    DayZ buddies/friends are needed!

    Why not check in our Private Hive Discussion Forum? There are loads of hives and servers in there, all looking for people to play. If you mention your location that might help, for example, the country you're based in. :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Do you have to use steam?

    You keep saying arma2 but what about the rest of arma (arrowhead) you'll need that too. So check it's cost too (or both are together called Combined Ops) You can still buy it from other places so do if you think it's a bargain.
  5. Sula

    Please help, im new.

    Edit - If still not working tell us exactly what steps you took: for example - used Steam to install arma 2, used steam to install arrowhead (or Combined Ops), installed DayZ mod, installed Dayz Commander and so on... If it still doesn't work I will talk you through an update tomorrow on skype if you like? sulalee01 is my username Send me a PM to agree times. I'm in the UK and it's 23.44 right now. I'm off to bed soon but will happily help tomorrow.
  6. In my experience Rocket doesn't seem to like anything the easy way. He just climbed a bloody great mountain, for example! So my personal guess would be ain't nothin' gonna be gettin' any easier.
  7. Sula

    Why don't people leave the coast?

    Because they keep dying before they can get away from it? I get geared up and head up country, so I don't really know why. Maybe they are trying to increase chances of killing other players?
  8. Sula

    Should I get ArmA 2: CO for this or wait?

    Arma 3 is not compatible with the DayZ mod. Neither is it necessary to later buy Arma3 when the Standalone DayZ game is released. I don't know anything about an Arma3 DayZ relationship.
  9. Sula

    Do you have to use steam?

    No you don't have to buy it from Steam Remember you will need Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead too - both called Combined Ops when referred to together. I do find it easier via Steam and I am by no means Steam fan but credit where it's due. However, if you also download the free DayZ Commander you will find updating the game easy. :thumbsup:
  10. Sula

    Should I get ArmA 2: CO for this or wait?

    We have no specific idea when the stand alone game will be released. I say buy Arma2 and Arma2's Arrowhead (the two together are called Combined Ops). You can find some good deals and every week or two there's a sale on steam. You will need the free mod, DayZ too from the dayzmod website. :thumbsup: Some people say wait but the stand alone is a different game based on the mod, it's not going to be the same thing, as far as I understand but I could be wrong. Me, I love the mod and just wish they'd stop messing about with it every time there's an update. Personally, I recommend trying it. Of course, the stand alone will be on sale via Steam so if you buy Arma2 and the get the free mod you will still have to buy the standalone game if you decide you want to buy and play that too.
  11. Sula

    Can't do much...

    Hi Murdawg. Axes that you can pick up can be found in big metal barns with blue doors, in small sheds on the outskirts of town. You won't find them in town. For example, in Elektro I go down to the industrial area and look in all the little sheds as well as the big blue doored barns that are often close to the river. Invariably, you will eventually find one in those but always go back and double check as they can take time to spawn. :thumbsup:
  12. Sula

    Noob with a patch

    Hi Webbers. It sounds like your server has updated to the latest version and so you will need to update your dayz mod version so you can continue to play on that server, however, it will be a new version of the game, so expect changes. In my experience that usually means loads of tin cans and not enough food, drink or ammo. *sighs* So. I've no idea how to upgrade with your "play with six" so I'm afraid I can't help you further. You will need to find someone who knows how that works. I use dayz commander, as it does it all for me in seconds. :thumbsup:
  13. Sula

    What do I need to Buy to play DayZ?

    Hi Apprentice, sorry for the confusing replies. Let me try to clarify. You need Arma2 and you need Arma2's Operation Arrowhead. However, I believe these are sold together and called "Combined Ops". So if you see Combined Ops then you've got the right thing. You will also need to download the mod, DayZ, which is free. I recommend buying them via Steam if you can, as it makes things easier in my experience. However, others may disagree. The mod is being developed into a separate standalone game, which will be available for purchase via Steam but I don't know when. In the meantime we're all playing the DayZ mod and personally, hope to continue playing it long after the standalone goes on sale, as both will be different games in my opinion. Ask, if you've any questions. :beans: :thumbsup:
  14. Sula

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I agree, "patch is shit" is pointless negativity. Had it followed with an explanation why that was the case then that might have given productive, useful information.
  15. Sula

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Sob stories? I'd say all feedback is valid not just the kiss ass praise kind of feedback.
  16. Damn the game is looking great. Those jumping zombies are scary as hell!
  17. Sula


    Hi Rebel, welcome to DayZ. If you want to play with others how about you go look in the Private Hive Discussion forum. There are hundreds of threads in there, each of them advertising Hives (groups of servers) with people to play on. You can join all of them or any of them. :thumbsup:
  18. Dayz Commander and Steam make for an easy way to play the game. I found Sixlauncher a nightmare, personally. DayZ Commander, you just click on the server you want to join. It updates itself, and updating dayz maps is easy on it too.
  19. The DayZ mod and the standalone game will not be the same thing. If you like the look of the DayZ mod, and can afford it, I'd say buy arma II and operation arrowhead and download the mod. If you want to later buy the standalone game you, when it is eventually released. I intend to continue playing the DayZ community mod when the Standalone is released. I'll be playing both if it's possible, as they're not the same game.
  20. Sula

    Places to get better gear?

    Ammo for what? Best place for ammo for Makarov, M1911 and Revolvers is everywhere - they spawn in supermarkets, cafes/hotels, houses, schools, all over the place. Best place for weapons is fire stations and then Berezino might have some in its military tents (not sure). As you move up country Stary Sobor military tents are the best for high grade weapons and ammo, Then up map the NW airfield has a firestation, an air traffic control tower and hangars and 2 barracks (one south of the airfield and one north). Look out for tents and British backpacks as they are the biggest that are easily available (18 spaces). The Coyote backpack is only found rarely. I think it spawns at Stary and the airfields, as do range finders. Also, look out for helicopter crashes as they spawn the best weapons and ammo, as well as NVGs.
  21. Sula

    Do cars, tents, etc. despawn?

    I arrived at my camp today to find it not there. The admin says the tents have been despawning on their own but they're looking into it.
  22. Yes nice guide but near the start you suddenly mentioned 300 but didn't explain why. So that was me lost. :huh: :beans:
  23. Sula

    New guy, somehow-..

    Welcome, Cook. Feel free to ask any questions here in the forums too. That's what we're for. :thumbsup: :beans:
  24. Sula

    Picking a public server

    We each have preferences, Webbers, so it's hard to say without being biased towards the ones we each like best. I'm a member of Balota Buddies but there are lots of really popular groups of servers. Why not take a look in the private hive discussion forum? There are hundreds of servers there and they're all worth trying out. See if there's one or two you like the look of. I think there are very few public servers left these days - though I'm not sure, as I haven't looked in a while. If you look in dayz commander you'll see those servers with a little cloud on the left of their names with a little X in the middle, those are private hive. However, many are just single servers not a part of a hive. If you click on Players the list will be in player order. So you can see empty servers and then those with 1 player in, then 2 and so on. To see the full or very busy servers just click Players again and the list will be in reverse order. :) :thumbsup:
  25. Sula

    Yet another nooob !

    Hi Moses, they're a good bunch here but remember most of them will shoot you in the back of the head for a can of beans! :beans: ;)