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Everything posted by Sula

  1. I would never knowingly combat log! That's against our rules. Besides, I'm a mod at Balota Buddies and admin of their UK server but it isn't that I have to play there - I want to! I love it but I want to beat these AIs. <_< I was looking more for ways to get better so I can fight these AIs off! Other players have a lot of fun fighting the AIs and stealing their guns and loot. :thumbsup: I want to do the same. I want to play it but when you're as crap as I am at shooting well, really, there's a lot of dying involved. Usually it's my own. :facepalm: By the way, Dagwood, no not at all. There is loot but it's hard to get. It's a lot of fun but it's embarrassing when I'm the one who always ends up dead. :)
  2. Sula

    New Server

    Most servers sit empty all day.
  3. Sula

    Zombies are just too bad...

    AddictedFool, I know it can be frustrated. I think every update causes issues and what I find is you just have to forget the game you played and go more basic. Just kill the zeds, kiiiiiilllllll! *waves hatchet* :thumbsup:
  4. I've been chased all over the map by zombies and I've died in every town but I do like Berezino. I like your route. :thumbsup: *starts singing I left my heart in Berezino"
  5. Sula

    Magazine. Not clip.

    Clips are what you put in your hair to look pretty. Magazines are what you read to see piccies of your favourite boy bands. So what's the fuss about? :P :beans:
  6. Yes, it has. There is much less stuff, so there's much less to do. Trying finding an axe and hacking the zeds apart before they kill you! :) :thumbsup:
  7. I wouldn't "just murder" anyone in an apocalypse. However, I would kill anyone who threatened me or my family without a third thought. I'd given them the second thought though. :thumbsup: I really don't know if the game does reflect reality. No guns where I live, generally peaceful life, so it's hard for me to say. :)
  8. Like I said the first time we posted this thread: You drive passed a row of houses and wonder which ones are enterable.
  9. Sula

    New player introduction

    You can use dayz commander to choose which servers to play on, sort the list of servers to show you which are quiet and which are busy, or to see which have the best pings for you. Excellent bit of software. :thumbsup:
  10. Thanks, Van Heighten. We've only been public for three days, so it's all a bit new to us. We're trying to developer our user population with all the changes, as the previous server was vanilla. It's best to visit GMT evenings to find others players. :thumbsup: As mod here could I remind everyone overly bumping threads isn't allowed, so only post if you've got news or additional information or are answering questions when people are asking about BB servers. Thanks. :)
  11. Sula

    My Dayz introduction

    Hi Ryan. Feel free to ask if you've any questions. Do you play as a bandit or survivor? We have separate forums for each but we also have a shared general discussion forum too. :thumbsup: To find servers visit our Private Hive Discussion forum, there are lists and lists of servers to play on. Have fun! :beans:
  12. Sula

    How much time does it takes?

    Do it overnight, I have same sort of service and truth is it is never as slow as it says. :thumbsup:
  13. Sula


    Hi That's Rad, all you have to do is click on Ping in the Dayz Commander menu and it will list servers in Ping order, so the lowest will show at the top. When the list is being refreshed they go high but once it's finished you will see all the green ones. :thumbsup:
  14. Sula

    New player introduction

    Hi Vax. Did you buy Arma2 Combined Ops? (That's Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead too) You need those plus a download of the mod to play. Then dayz commander or other service to find the servers, that's my favourite one as it's so easy and updates your game for you too. Welcome, and good luck. Ask if you've any questions. :thumbsup: :beans:
  15. Remember to get those signatures updated to say "BB is now PUBLIC, come and join us!" etc... :wub:
  16. In the year I've been playing this game I have never killed another player. So that would be a "no" to your question, friend. :thumbsup: So ignore anyone who says that's what everyone does, it isn't.
  17. As far as I know there has not yet been a final decision on the exact price for which the standalone game will be on sale. As far as I have managed to grasp, the standalone will be a different game to the mod but similar in nature. I hope they don't get rid of the mod because I can't imagine not being able to play it. The standalone will have different controls and look different and it'll be on a different version of the Arma engine. I don't understand why people ask if they should play dayz the mod or wait for dayz the standalone. They're not really the same thing. Though I see the mod devs are adding things that Rocket has said in interviews will be in the standalone, like all this ruddy infectious diseases and antibiotics and having go to the lavatory, and "crafting" as they call it (which in my country and the US means making your own birthday cards and jewellery etc and quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they made us do that in game too!) and I will stop now or I'll get negative and that's not why I'm here. :thumbsup: All I can say is I love the mod - though I don't always like the changes the devs have implemented - but I still love running up that beach, looking for an axe and can of food or drink. Why wouldn't you want to play it. Look at youtube videos and see how much fun it can be. :)
  18. Sula

    Hello! New player here!

    I agree, line of sight is the main issue. However, the additional problem is these new zombies have been given the vision of bloody eagles! They can see you from the next town. <_< Anyhoo, I say keep walls and bushes and trees and vehicles between you and the zombies. If it's dark and you're walking slowly then you can walk right passed them. If it's daylight and you blink too loudly the entire map's zeds will come running but as I say, learn to swap quickly from slow crouch to fast run and back again. I've changed my keys so they are closer to my arrow keys, which I use instead of the wasd keys. :thumbsup:
  19. We've never had vanilla but thanks for the compliment. :thumbsup:
  20. Sula


    Remember, posts with latest news are always welcome but bumping isn't. :thumbsup:
  21. Enough of the bumping please. Post when you've new news by all means. :thumbsup:
  22. Sula


    Marvellous. Good luck with that! :D
  23. Sula

    obtaining a vehicle.

    The only vehicle I ever remember is there's often a GAZ just outside the church in Mogil. :thumbsup: