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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Will Dayz standalone come to Mac

    I'm tempted to propose a fight to the death, as I see no other way to end this bitter farce. Seriously, lads, keep it self-controlled and civilised. Remember, your mamas could be DayZ forum fans and reading this thread right now, shaking their heads and saying, "No, no, it can't be my little soldier causing all that grief". You never know. Oh, and if you think that unlikely, well, you're all my little soldiers and I love you all. Aunty Sula x
  2. ...new information about your server, such as changes to maps, or IP addresses, or settings, for example autofuel being added but please don't just type "bump" - making it interesting. :thumbsup: Only post genuine replies please.
  3. Yes, and please everyone remember bumping is not permitted. Neither is posting the same thread more than once/or very similar. You should only post if there is specific news or additional information.
  4. No more bumping. Post if you have news or information to update people but remember, no bumping or spamming. Thanks, Sula
  5. Sula

    fill em with hope then fill em with lead

    If you keep your bickering under self-control, then threads will be closed and warning points will be given, which I do not want to do. Thanks, Sula.
  6. Sula


    From this point on, helpful replies only please.
  7. Sula

    Can I run it? r9 270x

    Locked for obvious reasons. These questions should be added to the thread at the top of the forum.
  8. Sula


    We've all suffered attacks from zombies walking through walls. It's all part of the fun to expect the unexpected and leap before they get you! :)
  9. Hi, Polvermorta, welcome to the forums. H3 gives a pretty good explanation above. Some servers are linked so when you join any of them you have the same character in the same place with the same stuff, and as you do stuff all the servers on that "hive" save your information to the same database. Whereas some servers are individual or part of private hives and you will have a different character on each of those, or across any shared ones. Basic dayzmod maps are called Chernarus. There are other mods such as Epoch and Overwatch (my personal favourite because it has lots of loots, weapons and vehicles to collect.) There are many others too. I suggest you experiment. Make sure download the relevant versions of updates and check on dayz commander to ensure you have the right one for the servers you want to try. I won't say which ones I prefer or I'll end up with another post being hidden. Good luck and ask if you have more questions. :thumbsup:
  10. Sula

    Newbie Flying

    Alright, settle down people, and keep it polite and on topic please. Or might have to have a flounce in my frilly skirts!
  11. Sula

    [Hive Buddies] Server closed.

    No bumping. Thanks.
  12. Hawken, one post is enough. No spamming or bumping either please. :thumbsup:
  13. Sula

    Newbie Flying

    It does depend on the server/hive you visit but helicopters tend to be at airfields and castles on hills, though they can be found in town centres (there's one that sometimes spawns outside the hospital and flats in lower Cherno, for example). They usually require work/parts before they can fly and on many servers you will need to go find a jerry cans (30 gallon ones are essential in my view) to fill up the fuel tank. To fly, hit Q and your engine will start. Scroll the mouse wheel and make sure auto over is ON. Then when the blades are really spinning, hit Q again and you will lift off. Get a good height and scroll wheel again to turn off auto hover. At this point, if you've not spent a few hours practicing in arma on the armory, expect to plummet to the ground and die. You should have a good knowledge of moving the keys and or mouse to move the helicopter and that includes pulling up with mouse to slow down or stop and pushing down and forward to go faster and down. Hitting Q while going forward will help keep you elevated whiling moving forward. Honestly, the best way is to have someone show you or to practice first in arma. Good luck!
  14. Sula

    dayz orgins and epoch

    Hi Tango. If you have DayZ Commander you can download all of the mods very easily. If you need help, just ask. :thumbsup:
  15. For me it has to be Over watch. I love all the loot, there's so much to collect. Then there's the great variety of weapons and vehicles, and on top of all that there are usually crowds of AI to tackle too. It's not just the baddie bandit AI, I also love the friendly AI. I end up squealing about how cute they are when they rush over and get in my helicopter or car. Sometimes they won't get out and I have to fly around with them. A friend of mine almost had his heli pinched by an AI. He jumped in the heli and they kidnapped him, driving around with him for about half an hour. I'm amazed they didn't crash and kill him. They're quite good at that. :huh:
  16. Ads for servers go in the Private Hive Discussion Forum, thanks.
  17. Sula

    Dayz gamemode

    I've been a mod for about a year, Diddums. What point were you making?
  18. Sula

    Dayz gamemode

    Hi Coleris, We do seem to be having problems understanding your request. If you could let us have a bit more information we will try to help you. Thanks. :) :thumbsup:
  19. Hi Vuk, unfortunately none of the people in this thread have experienced what you are going through. So they are trying to tell you what to do when there isn't a problem but when the problem occurs you're stuck. However, I have experienced what happened to you and I can tell you, sadly, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. It's a glitch that seems to be happening more and more frequently. It's as though you are looking at a drawing or a bit of the wall, for example. There are no menu options for you to pick up stuff or roll your mouse over. There are no "sweet spots" as there are when the game is working properly. There's nothing you can do unless some one can work out what is going wrong and then repeat that error predictably, so the devs can address it.
  20. Sula

    friendly servers?

    I could suggest "any empty server" but that might be a little cynical. It depends on what you play. I know musty.com and 64bit gaming both have busy Epoch servers. I play the over watch and standard chernarus servers, though those are much quieter. :thumbsup:
  21. Sula

    New player, confused

    Good to hear, Tugay. Welcome to DayZ, have a great time! :thumbsup:
  22. Sula

    New player, confused

    Tugay, don't load via steam. Use DayZ Commander and you shouldn't have the kicking problem. It will help you to select servers that match your requirements - eg the right mod (I prefer personally) and patch, and you can sort via ping. So you will find those servers that will work best for you.
  23. Sula

    You NEED bandits like me

    It applies to everyone, of course.
  24. I use DayZ Commander but when I chose the "Hide unofficial" option I got a zero return! There are very few public servers left. They all disappeared last year I think it was, when the main public hive was closed by the company running it. But apparently, it got re-opened as people say there are still some servers available. In my experience the European public servers tend to be German ones that start De. Good luck. :thumbsup:
  25. Sula

    You NEED bandits like me

    The thread has been left open but is being monitored. I do get a bit tired of some of the bickering you lot do. Try to keep it civil please. You've got a nice forum here to chat and discuss subjects. Better to have it than not have it, right? :thumbsup: