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Everything posted by Sula

  1. Sula

    Can my laptop run it?

    See appropriate thread for advice rather than posting more "can I run it" threads. Thanks.
  2. Sula

    Can my laptop run it?

    See appropriate pinned thread for advice.
  3. Sula

    DayZ Standalone Problem

    Hi Scrotie, welcome to the forums. Yes, dayz is very demanding on computer systems. I don't think any of us could say what is and isn't needed or what is suitable - I guess even the best computer in the world would struggle at some time or other. We discourage folk from posting their specs and asking if it suitable, as we end up with so many threads like that. Generally, check out the pinned threads at the top of forums to see if answers are already there. Good luck and have fun! :thumbsup:
  4. Sula

    Map of Dayz SA + Loot spawns

    OK anymore sarcastic and unhelpful replies and I will start threatening warning points and temporary bans. Just don't post if you can't contribute helpfully. It's simple. :thumbsup: The rest of you have fun and move along now, nothing to see. :)
  5. Sula

    So Wait for SA or buy ArmA 2 in the meantime?

    Many of us fell in love with this game before playing it. That's how it ended up with millions of players - youtube! :thumbsup:
  6. Sula

    So Wait for SA or buy ArmA 2 in the meantime?

    It's an expense, so has to be a personal choice. I've been playing for about 18 months and still play every day. I can't image just waiting for the standalone. I'd have gone mad or exploded by now if it weren't for the mod! Of course, I still can't wait for the SA and may still burst with excitement!
  7. Edit: Easy on the bumping a little maybe, though we do tend to allow one a day. We do get complaints from other members that they don't like posts with nothing in but bumping. Thanks
  8. Sula

    Would this work to install DayZ

    Looks like your question's been answered. Closing thread. :thumbsup:
  9. Welcome to the forums, Ferret. We've answered these questions many thousands of times, so you'll have to forgive any lack of enthusiasm. Why not read the pinned threads and do a search, that might help too. :thumbsup:
  10. Sula

    hey everyone

    Welcome to the forums, Beatup. Ask if you've any more questions. :thumbsup:
  11. Sula

    Hi Guys

    Welcome to the forums. :thumbsup:
  12. Sula

    Oh Look! We've Got Another One!

    Wherever you spawn, run up the coast keeping the water on your right. That way you will always reach a town eventually. That means chances for food and drink and bigger back packs, weapons and medical supplies etc. Pick up whatever provisions you find - better to have too much than too little. Don't put primary weapons in small backpacks of 8 spaces - primaries are 10 slots so they disappear and are lost if you try to put one in smaller backpacks. Find a map and compass in shops, cafes, train stations etc. Look for fire stations for weapons and I find a lot of hand guns in those enterable train stations too. Sneak to avoid zombies, though I find the latest update has them too sensitive for the living dead. Of course, if you're on a busy server then you're going to be playing an entirely different game. PvP will mean you'll end up dead quickly when some kid shoots you because you're a number and he wants to increase his kills as that's what gaming is about for him.
  13. Sula

    Hello Hello

    Welcome to DayZ, Dyckman. I've had similar problems and I agree with the advice given - get rid of post processing, only useful to rich people and those developers who get fancy kit as part of their jobs. I have a high spec kit but have to run dayz with many things on normal or disabled. I don't care because even though I try to hate this game for many reasons, I just can't. It's the only game I play every day and the only game I truly love. Been that way ever since the first day I played about 18 months ago. :thumbsup: Right, I've got to get back downstairs and peel some potatoes and carrots!
  14. Sula

    Dayz Devine - Whats that? A new Mod!

    Locking thread as it should have been posted in Private Hive Discussion for example.
  15. Sula

    what happen if SA sucks?

    I agree, Demongroover, which is a pity because I include myself in that group. I prefer to roam the land collecting loot. But I'm hoping it'll be broad enough a game that it won't end up just like ever other shooter game, so survivalist players like me can still have fun. :)
  16. Sula

    what happen if SA sucks?

    To the couple of you who keep arguing childishly, just leave the thread and let the good people here get on with their discussion. I don't want to issue warning points or bans but if pressed I, or one of the others, will take action. Good to see most of you having what I find a very interesting debate. After the amount of work put into the stand alone, it's unlikely to suck. As a fellow member of the forums, I do dread threads that will complain about the stand alone not being perfect. After all, what ever is? From what I've seen of the stand alone, it looks good and it's more detailed than the mod. The map is fuller and there's more to do. :thumbsup:
  17. Sula

    my friend the admin

    If that was an admin, he sounds like a psychopathic potential serial killer admin. You don't see a lot of those. I'd suggest trying another server where you're not subject to someone's personality/mood swings. ;)
  18. Sula

    Help - Trees

    Hi, Fruitloop. I have a similar problem. May I ask, what sort of graphics card do you have?
  19. Any other player. The moment I'm near anyone else I end up dead. Not necessarily by them but often because of them. Never trust anyone who says, "I'll cover you." Especially if, 4 seconds after you've just run into the open, you hear a plane engine start or someone say, "Ooh I found some beans...". Means they're not as reliable as you'd hoped. :huh: Oh and weapons for me to use to kill, rather than weapons used to kill me - I do like the M4A3 CCO in SD. :thumbsup: Love DayZ Chernarus but I love my Over Watch too.
  20. Sula

    All time favorite item in DayZ, and why?

    Great idea for a thread! :thumbsup: :beans: So hard to choose as there's so much I love. Of course, there's the beans and a good sniper rifle of any kind to kill those evil zeds from afar but I'd have to choose the axe. I can do so much more damage with my axe than I can with a gun. :)
  21. The reason I posted the reminder thread about bumping was because we get a lot of complaints about it. I suggested people post 'useful info' to their server threads - not so that they were forced to write meaningless posts to disguise bumping - but so that they stop posting anything to their threads if it's just to bump, when the threads should be left to die and move down the page naturally. If people are not interested in a thread the author should not try to force them to read and re-read it every few hours by "bumping" it repeatedly. If they're interested they'll comment and the thread will stay at the top of the forum. As I said, we don't pounce on people each time they do it but sometimes we go through a round of reminding folk. It's not a big issue, we're not going to issue warning points or shoot anyone - well, except in DayZ. :thumbsup:
  22. And I'd just like to point out that you're wrong, Thanatas. What I posted was a polite reminder thread about our current no bumping rule. The rule is not new, it has been in place for a long time but we try to be tolerant and don't jump on people every time they do it. We do post reminders when it becomes necessary.
  23. Enough bumping. Post if you have useful information to contribute.