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About Bluntt

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  1. Bluntt

    I need a SVD Camo. Anyone willing to trade?

    I will give you a SVD for a motorbike
  2. To enter a hospital, break the glass on the far left or far right using tin cans or a hatchet. Guns take too long and attract attention. When you regain consciousness, make sure you aren’t bleeding and continue playing. To scope in on a rifle, double click right mouse button. (Same on all weapons) The reload option thing at vehicles, tents and boxes will take the first set of items from it and put it in your inv. (I think) You cannot equip the hatchet while holding a primary weapon (rifle) as the hatchet occupies the primary slot. So either put your primary weapon in your pack (make sure you have room for it and the ammo! Primary guns need 10 slots, and 1 slot for each magazine. Once primary weapon is no longer in the slot, you can remove hatchet from tool belt, once you have reloaded it, all done! To put it back in your tool belt right click and add to tool belt. (The reason for reloading the hatchet is that it was not intended to be used as a weapon, so it has been modified, it is essentially an extremely short range gun)
  3. Bluntt

    Anti Road blocks?

    Yeh, same for me. except for the loot bit. We will be driving along, and all of our group (about 6-7) see different roadblocks / burnt outs, etc at different spots, so depending on who's driving some of us will see him going through a roadblock, and vice versa...
  4. Bluntt

    DayZ roadblocks, why?

    Yeh, its called turning the headlights on
  5. Bluntt

    Admin abuse on NZ 2

    Yeh, I didn't know that admins where not able to spawn things, I just heard alot of stuff about 'admin abuse' and thought this might have been it. But clearly not... I wonder if they will be able to find the hacker, because he just ruins the fun :P
  6. Bluntt

    Admin abuse on NZ 2

    Well, funny enough, my friend killed a couple of people in churno about 10-20 mins after this incident, and surely enough; found 2 NVG's on a guy! :P After about half an hour we were all geared and ready to go again, the NVG's where the only items we where worried about :)
  7. Bluntt

    Admin abuse on NZ 2

    Ohh, ok I'm sorry for misunderstanding. We thought that it was an admin, but now that you mention it, it is probably more likely to be a hacker... If only I got his name... Do you think the admins would have a log of where players died and at which time, or something like that?
  8. Bluntt

    Admin abuse on NZ 2

    How was the helicopter flying? Are they not disabled in most servers? How did the person get on the roof without footsteps? How was I killed? I was running, bam broken leg, dead. Why did I log back in with all my gear, next to my own body? Edit; I was not kicked, the admin was kicking someone else. Not sure what to make of it, but its just there to show whats happening.
  9. Bluntt

    Admin abuse on NZ 2

    They spawned items and helicopter, then they kill people with the spawned items, when they get killed they take the items back through killing us using a command, take all of our hard earned items. How is it not abuse of a roll? They then went ahead to admin another player, and kick more players...
  10. Hello all, A friend and I were sniping around Churno, at approx. 10:30 AM at about 11 AM a helicopter crashes in the middle of churno. A sniper fired at my friend from the top of one of the silo's in the centre of churno. I fire about 10 rounds of DMR at him, and killed him. We found our way to the top of the silo's, looted the body, we now had 2 M107's, NVG's, rangefinder, etc As you could probably tell I was so excited because this was the best loot I had ever found... Anyways; we were sniping survivors from the top of the silo, got about 10 kills. We decided I should go in and loot a few of the bodies. So I left most of my gear on the roof next to my buddy, I was next to where the chopper crashed when my friend yelled, he was killed by someone with an axe.. there was no sound of footsteps on the ladder or the roof I turn to take aim of the person, I begin running back to get a better shot and my leg breaks for no reason, then I die. Unfortunately we did not get any screenshots before dying, because we thought it was all legit... A few seconds later we took this screen shot; We suspect the items were spawned ( the M107, 20 mags, food, water, NVG, range finder, etc) Also, after I was killed I reconnected, and I was passed out with a broken bone bleeding. I waited it out, fixed myself up and then I relise that im next to my own dead body with duped items?! Anyway; I run back towards to silos to see if any items / people are left, I get to the top and all items are gone, which included about 3 guns, a packed tent, loads of ammo, food, water, packs, enough to last 3 people about a week, all of which we found on the body of the suspected person we think is an admin. Let me know what you think guys, pretty anoyed. I can understand an admin killing us and removing items they might have spawned, but why would an admin be sniping in the middle of churno at a crashed heli sight? -_- -Bluntt
  11. DayZ Name : Bluntt How long have you been playing DayZ : Just over a month What is your time of area : GMT +10 Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : Yes What is your primary weapon of choice : Semi auto rifles; AKM Skype name : dougmason33
  12. Bluntt

    Any Australian clans?

    I found one called Knights of The Apocalypse... so far haven't responded to my application...http://kota-au.proboards.com/
  13. Its a fairly good idea in thoery, however I play this game to scavenge, survive and kill, not to take dumps in the field :P Yes, yes, yes I understand IRL hunters, soldiers, etc have to be thoughtful about where and when they poop, but this is just a game :rolleyes: Mabye urinating would be a better idea?
  14. Bluntt

    DayZ Memes
