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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Posts posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. To many pages :D

    Giving blood transfusion - BE restriction #150 and kick player. Just checked twice, BE was updated as well and still get kick from server. Looks like this need fix asap !

    That is down to the BE filters not the update! Contact the admins of that server.

  2. Are developers reading this thread ? because i have something to say to them. a part from this hotfix has made dayz alot better for instance i have just that much better fps generally now that i am able to play with i5 650 3,2Ghz cpu without getting shot every time i enter cherno/electro. Before hotfix i didnt even have a chance to aim because of fps less than 20. All so looting has no irritating can't loot problem and ect.

    Some things that this hotfix changed was just out rageing like tents doesnt cure infection anymore (1% chance when resting every 5 minutes) what makes these situations where players get infected, pretty much a death sentence because its more likely to find a unicorn at the end of the rainbow when its raining than finding antibiotics at hospital. it helps little bit when it's less common to get infection than it used to but still its a death sentence anyway.

    From my own experience i have not found antibiotics ever and i have been playing about 2 months now, but today i just lost it when i had the best gear i have ever had and i got infected(Ghillie,SVD CAMO,M4A3 CCO,Survival pack & all equipment to survive at north).

    Here is the situation where i was.

    Day 1 Fresh spawn at CHERNO (looting) ---> Electro (looting) ---> Rog. at this point i had all the survival equipment and M4A3 CCO 1clip with survival pack

    Day 2

    Start heading way up north from ROG looting every deer stand for ammo at my way to DOLINA through POLANA (No luck, only tin cans wtf).

    I make my way through BLACK FORREST heading EAST to NW AIRFIELD using survival equipment to get some goat hamburgers and pig ribs with pepsi

    (tastes like urine by the time i drank it.)

    Check Point

    I set up a camp at PRUD north side of NOVY SOBOR. after a moment of inventory i start my way to NW AIRFIELD but

    after 5 minutes of hiking i stumble into HELI CRASHSITE what i approach very slowly with my axe raised and start bashing those zeds with it one by one

    without taking any hit. i found 20 STANAG Mag so i was delighted for even than. There was nothing else exept smoke granades & bandages... i head back to

    my tent and take survival pack with me to go get rest of the ammo and then it happend. There was another group of zeds wondering around crash site. i'll try

    sneak again but it goes way down from here. i get raped by those zeds and get infected and GTFO from there back to my camp, eat some prime rib to

    compensate blood loss caused by infection. At this point i have no food but i have more ammo than i need for a quick run at the NW AIRFIELD.

    I can see the forest between me and AIRFIELD and i stumble again into HELI CRASHSITE and find nothing but GHILLIE, Smoke & Bandages again.

    I'm walking my left foot at grave by this point. No steaks only pepsi (that urine tasting pepsi) when i'm desperately searching cattle with less than 1/4 of my blood.

    i see a cow at the distance and start making my way there as it is my only hope to struggle my way to airfield with a hint of hope that i'll find antibiotics even tho there isn't

    any. From barracks of NW AIRFIELD i manage to find SVD CAMO. at this point i have ½ BLOOD left, Survival pack contains M4A3 CCO with 6 mags, SVD CAMO at

    my primary weapon & M1911 at secondary. Zombies have been wondering outside barracks all of this time and one VIRAL ZED have heard my coughs and is

    heading towards me inside barracks. I'll rip out my secondary and aim carefully to the head and BOOM one shot zed is down but now i hear a zombie orgy outside

    barracks and guess who is the guest of honor. double tap my W and start sprinting like a Usain Bolt with 6 agro zeds behind me. I make my way to the Nort west

    where on the way i have lost those zeds at a steep hill and start searching food once again. i must have been running there at the field for 20 minutes and there

    there was nothing. so i just placed my tent to nearest forest and start resting but no luck. Blood allmost out when i get this idea to downgrade dayz to 1.7.7

    because then i'll have 1/16 chance to cure my infection, but what happens instead i join a server and spawn into wilderness (debug zone) and there i just get shot

    before i even raised my gun and there i was. Sitting at my computer. Staring at my screen with "YOU ARE DEAD" picture. and all of this could have been avoided

    with antibiotics or even a 1/16 chance to cure infection resting at a tent. fucking hate this game right now. i can taste shit in my mouth.

    Cool story.

    Do you have anything constructive to say and suggest rather than just QQing?

  3. Man there's so much crying about this patch. Get over it or go back to Farmville where you belong. Its a zombie apocalypse. You get hit, you get infected. There aren't any zombie universes in fiction where you get hit 200 times in an hour and somehow live. The devs have already been nice enough to give you the ability to survive a hit. Every time I read about a server owner rolling back to an easier patch I wonder why they're even bothering with Dayz to begin with. Seriously, why aren't they just running Arma2 and being done with if they don't want to be bothered with having to deal with zombies the way zombies should be dealt with? What kind of person would chose to go into the biggest city in their country, for any reason whatsoever, during a zombie apocalypse? Its a huge map with a lot of possibilities if you chose to go it alone. Just don't bother crying because you want the game to be a watered down version that the devs don't want it to be. Rocket keeps saying he will not vary from his original vision. What the hell will all these poor crybabies do when SA comes out?

    They'll reach for a new box of tissues :P
