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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **Unable to remove weapon crosshair.... please help..... :)

    both the name tags are already set to 0 as per Veteran default :)
  2. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Admin abuse - What you need to know

    You Sir (OP), you have my beans, and my mountain dew :) owner of uk server :)
  3. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Configure Server Time + Vehicles

    I also have a new server with Multiplay, and I also want to change the server time back. Our servers peak times so far are 8pm -2am, but with ingame time being GMT this peak time is night time. GMT-6 would be perfect for us as we also have USA team members join. Hopefuly theres a way to do this......???
  4. U.G.N - Jedi Panda


    ^^^^ Obvious trolls are obvious. ^^^^
  5. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    You sir are acting like a pussy. Try communicate with the other person, ask if theyre friendly or not. If not, kill them. Disconnecting to avoid death is serverely frowned upon in this game.
  6. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Config Settings please

    version = 1; blood = 1; viewDistance = 1600; terrainGrid = 10; volumeCD = 5; volumeFX = 5; volumeSpeech = 5; singleVoice = 0; gamma = 1; brightness = 1; class Veteran { class Flags { 3rdPersonView = 1; // (0,1) Disables or Enables 3rd Person View for your server armor = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Gives you improved body armor, tank armor etc autoAim = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Enables auto aim when you're not looking through your weapon's scope. Also works with crosshair off autoGuideAT = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - AT missiles will be automatically guided to their target. If 0, player has to lock onto the target. autoSpot = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - If you're close enough to an enemy, you'll report it without right-clicking cameraShake = 1; // ALWAYS ENABLED - Used for camera shake for shock, injuries, etc. clockIndicator = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Displays the clock indicator on the left of your screen when giving/receiving orders like "At 11 o'clock, eemy man at 200 meters" deathMessages = 1; // (0,1) Displays "XXX was killed by YYY" messages in multiplayer enemyTag = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Displays information on enemy units friendlyTag = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Displays information on friendly units. ONLY WORKS WITH 'Weaponcursor=0', eg crosshair on. hud = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Shows you leaders location and your position in formation hudGroupInfo = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Shows your group information in the HUD hudPerm = 1; // (0,1) Permanently show or disable the HUD hudWp = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - hows Waypoints right after they're ordered to you hudWpPerm=0 ; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Shows Waypoints permanently map = 0; // (0,1) Enable or Disable Waypoints on the map netStats = 1; // Enables the scoreboard functionality tracers = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Displays tracers even of small arms that in real life would not have tracers ultraAI = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Enables some kind of super AI that hears and sses more and has better tactics. This is for both friendly and enemy sides. unlimitedSaves = 0; // ALWAYS DISABLED - Enables saing permanently. For single player missions. But you then can only load the last save state. vonID = 1; // When using VoN (Voice over Network), display the name of the player speaking. weaponCursor = 0; // Shows the crosshair for your weapon }; skillFriendly = 0; // Friendly tactics skill (For AI Only) precisionFriendly = 0; // Friendly shooting precision (For AI Only) skillEnemy = 0; // Enemy tactics skill (For AI Only) precisionEnemy = 0; // Enemy shooting precision (For AI Only) };
  7. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Config Settings please

    http://community.bis...ver.armaprofile use the veteran config but make sure the -- is removed and replaced with // for the notes.
  8. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    its because they are noobs and the game is too challenging for them.
  9. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    What about having a requirement that you can only log off / disconnect in a safe area? i.e. when you have not agro'd zombies and when you are not in a fire fight with another person? This should be somwhat easy to implement? Also, you could build in a feature where if the client ends the applications process in task manager to disconnect, the clients character stays active in the game and can be killed, unless the client exits the game in the correct safe area procedure. +1 cookie for me pls :)
  10. Hi guys, I have a good computer which uses the GTX 680 Kepler GPU, it should be able to stonk DayZ as it does with BF3. But I get really low fps in DayZ. I have the settings up high, but surely the card is more than capable of giving good frame rates at high settings? I am getting bewteen 15-25 fps. I can turn the graphics settings down and i get around 60 fps, but surely something must be wrong here ? I would have thought this card would handle everything at high or very high settings ?? Spec: Win7 64 bit Intel 3930k ASUS Sabertooth X79 32 GB Corsair RAM GTX 680 OCZ Max IOPS SSD 6x 2TB RE4GP RAID
  11. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    Vilayer boasts they are providing 8172 live servers, yes the absence of one person causes this much hassle, poor customer service, and server downtime!??
  12. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    To all Vilayer LTD Customers

    NY22 - - Rebel Regiment -- server is still offline. Vilayer please bring this server online, its been 3 days now. Cheers :)
  13. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    A few suggestions...

    Hey all, and hey Devs :) A couple of things I'd like to see in DayZ... 1) Different tents, i.e. food tents, medical tents, ammo tents, gun tents, etc. Tents that you can see just by looking at it that it is a medical tent for e.g. At the moment its hard to remember what tent has what, we do have around 20 tents at our camp... lol :) 2) A large marquee type tent, call it a military tent if you like, something that can hold more than the standard small tents. Make the tent fairly large, large enough so that you must think hard where to put it as it will stand out like a sore thumb in an open area. 3) Fishing. I would like to see fishing be made a way of getting food. You would need to carry a fishing rod/equipment with you. It would be nice to be able to fish for food and have to cook it the same way as raw meat. 4) Outfits. More customiseable clothing. I know the new patch is going to introduce waterproofs so I wont go on too much about this. Although it would be nice to have a larger selection of civilian clothing, at the moment its very very hard to distinguish between friends and foe. 5) Custom face paint. Id like to see custom face painting where you could edit the characters face and paint it any colours you want. This will aid in distinguishing friend or foe. 6) Trip wire. Id like to see trip wire in the game, for e.g. you could pair trip with with a smoke/frag grenade. So you could set the wire across an entrance to your camp, and if someone trips it (friend or foe) it sets the grenade off. 7) Streams. Id like to see some water streams in the map. It would look nice and add some variation to the map. You could also go fishing for food in the streams :) 8) No server hopping. Items which you accuire on one server should only be used on that server. If you play on a nother server you should start from scratch. 9) No disconnecting whilst in a fire fight. ATM people disconnect at the first sign of trouble, reconnect on a different server, move position, then reconnect on the original server in the new location and have an extrememly unfair advantage. I.e. they just teleported to a new location. 10) Animals. I would like to see more of them. Rather than just one cow in a field, how about a herd of cows, like 20 cows would be good :) Feel free to post comments and suggestions :) Heres to hoping the developers read this :heart:
  14. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    GTX 680 --- Low FPS in DayZ.... help pls...

    Thanks for your reply. I play on our clans server, its a 40 man server based in New York. It gets frequently restarted and it's kept up to date with the patches... I cant (can but wont) play on other server as all our team members play on our server. According to one member he is using a GTX 580 and gets around 100 fps with all settings on High. So how with a GTX 680 do I get 20 fps I dont know... :( I can try going to a different server and testing what FPS i get, if I get good fps there then something must be wrong with our server??
  15. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    A few suggestions...

    well great minds think a like :) lets hope the Devs take these points on board :D :heart: