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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. Ive raised a support ticket for the hive related problem of character data not saving. Ill update when I know more. The 8am restart was missed by me, sorry. Next restart will be at midday.
  2. yep should be automatic, and there should be warning messages :thumbsup:
  3. Use dayz commander to update to the latest arm beta files. If already using the latest, revert back to an old one... then reinstall the latest. This should solve your problem.
  4. Most likely maintenance on the Hive. Nothing we can do apart from restart the server, although seeing as we have restarts every 4 hoursvits not likely to fix it.
  5. Double check that you gave me the correct guid. If I gave you my beans in the WL thread then I entered you.
  6. Might be a few days until I get this video up, Im at work over the next few days and my time in the evenings will be limited. Also my editing program Sony Vegas 11 pro, isnt playing the video only the audio, i will be able to sort this out but need time, lol. The videos all recorded perfectly, its just an issue with Vegas :( hopefuly get it uploaded soon !
  7. Not sure about any lag hopefuly the 4pm restart will have fixed this. The whitelist is off at the moment. I'm at work today and the WhiteList tool closes when the connection to the server is lost (i.e. when the server restarts) and it doesn't attempt to reconnect. There is a modified .dll file which I can use that will fix this, but will have to wait until I get home tonight (2.5 hrs from now). From tonight onwards the WhiteList tool should be working 24/7, if it doesnt auto-reconnect there is another way I can manually start it via my phone with TeamViewer for Android, but will try the new .dll file first LOL :beans:
  8. Id be up for that! need to find a quad bike first tho ! :lol:
  9. EPIC times on the Party Bus tonight lads! I got EVERYTHING recorded, all 100 GB of it :lol: tomorrow evening after work i'll edit it and will upload the video :thumbsup: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  10. Vilayer Code 4.6 STABLE & Arma2OA 98866 MAJOR FIX TO ALL CLIENT SIDE FILES TO RESOLVE VEHICLE ISSUES. Fixes More Namalsk Loading Issue, Fixes Battleye issues with Namalsk, New Time Zone Changer Released to function with latest HIVE. Fixed multiple performance related issues and increased performance, Fixed multiple stability issues, Improved vehicle spawning instance, Fixes vehicles spawning and saving.
  11. The WhiteList program shutsdown whenever the server restarts, I have to manually restart the program for it to become active again, this is how we get the odd time where its off. I try my best to remember to do it :thumbsup: Also the timezone changer is not working, its being worked on tho :thumbsup:
  12. Doxic and his associate have been banned :)
  13. eerrrr yyyeeaahhh I think the death messages could be slightly possibly a little itzy bit maybe bugged..... wasn't Panda B) B) B) :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan:
  14. ** SERVER UPDATED AND IS ONLINE ** Make sure you update to the latest Arma 2 Beta 98443 and DayZ 1.7.3
  15. OK there is a problem with the update, ViLayer are aware as other server owners are having the same problem. Server will hang on the loading screen until the problem is fixed so please don't try joining. I'll update when I know more, this should be fixed tonight whenever Lee from ViLayer finishes his break, he's been coding this update since last night UK time :o Cheers! :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  16. normall takes 15-20 minutes, but I think there's a problem with the control panel, will know more in 10-15 mins time, hopefuly it will be ok. :) I'll keep you guys posted when I know more :beans:
  17. Vilayer Code V4.2 & Arma2OA 98836 Update Updates DayZ to 1.7.3 DayZFallujah to 1.3 / DayZLingor to 1.1 / DayZPanthera to 1.6 / DayZTakistan to 1.5 / DayZUtes to 1.1 / DayZZargabad to 1.3 / DayZNamalsk to 0.60. Updates the master hive with original source code dll and improves performance. Fixes a huge amount of bugs within the game (Tent saving / Vehicle Creation) and updates the game to 1.7.3 PLEASE NOTE THAT CLIENTS WHO HAVE NOT UPDATED THEIR CLIENT FILES WILL CURRENTLY BE UNABLE TO JOIN YOUR SERVER! Please also note that the time changer is currently being re-coded and an update later tonight to the DayZ Server Manager will bring this function back to life. The update fixes a huge amount of issues within the current DayZ, we've merged all of the changes in 1.7.3 to our current mods. We have also updated the hive to ensure that all functions are working correctly. A changelog will be posted after we release a stable update.
  18. There is a new update which I have to install, not having the update installed is the cause of the problem. I'm installing the update now, be wait for the moment. Thanks!
  19. "Seriously?... I really wanna motorbike!" :rolleyes:
  20. Hacker is banned. Thanks for letting me know :beans:
  21. It will be installed whenever ViLayer choose to make it available. At the moment theres nothing new in this update for us apart from the Toolbox and the Alt-F4 thing. We have had all the bug fixes and more for months. If youve upgraded to 1.7.3., just uninstall/delete your dayz folder and install