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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. lol, thats quite a compliment, paying for the game twice just so you can play on my server :thumbsup: Bye now.
  2. Yes Sneaky, excellent games tonight!! Cipher, what can I say, "sorry" wouldnt cut it I guess, being part of the group who was hunting you and stealing your UAZ(s).... :o
  3. Fletch/Twiin, as I've already explain I only ban when I am 100% certain, I do not ban without evidence. I do not have to provide you with copies of this evidence; you do not fund the server, you do not contribute, you merely play on my server for free. Your bans will stand.
  4. Fletch, fpmsl you've got a front to appeal this, although I guess you have to, to look legit to your team. Twiin, if you honestly dont know anything about what Fletch is doing, I suggest you take a good look at your team mates actions and his knowledge of player whereabouts. I do not ban unless I am 100% certain of a hacker, in this instance, I am 100% certain. I also ban all known associates of hackers, this is why the entire Jailbait team has been banned.
  5. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Server hosting?

    generally the minimum is 40 slots, you may be able to find a company that does lower, but i dont know of any... Vilayer did have a sale on, 50% off for the life of your contract for new customers, not sure if its still going, but check them out: http://www.vilayer.com/
  6. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Cant register on AWA Private Hive

    FPMSL, im not associated with AWA, but ive registered on their website as i needed their help with something (very helpful and nice guys btw!). I remember this stage in the registration process, and its hard to get it correct, the letters just were too hard to make out for me lol, lol.... just take your time to enter the codes correctly, thats all you need to do.
  7. vid looks good mate, havent heard of those guys before.... haha, that vid is true to Cipher i think :P
  8. Youre welcome to check my server out mate, its a whitelisted private hive based in the EU, if you like the sound of it you could ping test :) we have a really good group of players on the server :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99476-uk-zombie-world-99-hacker-free-white-list-private-hive-is-looking-for-clans-players-to-play-on-our-server/
  9. Should we make that 5, Cipher? :facepalm:
  10. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Different Types of Crash Sites

    I like this, maybe a few too many military weapons, but to be honest, in a world wide zombie apocalypse, all these weapons are still going to exist...
  11. with my 0.80 Mbit/s upload speed mate its going to take me ages to upload 2 GB, lool, youll have plenty of time to get yours up before me, lOOLL
  12. thats in part 2, had to cap the vid at 15 mins as per youtube limitations, will up the 2nd part tonight :)
  13. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Vilayer New Hive and Map updates

    vilayer have excellent customer service in my experience, you just have to know the good times to go on the TS support server. If your server wasn't getting populated its down to how the server is run by the admins. My Vilayer server got to 10th most popular server in the world, and 2nd most popular in the UK, until i introduced whitelisting :)
  14. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Private hive Vs. Official Hive

    I havent banned anyone on my server since i introduced whitelisting 3 weeks ago, this is incredible tbh, there were days where i was banning 15 people for hacking just in one day. pros: safe game play with 99.9% no hackers, people who apply to join a whitelist server are like you, i.e they want to play in a safe environment without hackers/little kiddies/griefers/spammers - custom loot, custom vehicles, increased vehicles, no server hopping to gain advantageous positions during firefights, ability to backup the database should a hacker get through and mass kill everyone. cons: none that i can think of. **as for there being no quality control... most of the sanctuary servers (private hives) are hosted by gaming companies, so they have the same quality and server performance as the standard public hives. if your looking to play chernarus, check out UK#10 zombie world :P
  15. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Private hives and whitelisting.

    whitelisting rocks, havent banned a single player since the introduction of whitelisting on my server 3 weeks ago :)
  16. I shut it down in time, well, most of the people was saved, a few still were in the air, but its the best we could do :) Shame i forgot to load the whitelist after i changed the config settings earlier. your account is active again mate, just disabled it whilst i was installing the 5.2 update :)
  17. Start the video from 11:00 minutes unless you want to sit through 11 min of James singing :)
  18. SIgh, now they release Code 5.2, lol, got to do update again, LOL
  19. guys this update is big, its like a 20GB download for the server, then it has to decompress files and install them, this will be finished by the morning, its not a quick 15min job.... and yes unfortunately this means a fresh map with fresh characters.....
  20. OK, here comes a big one; Vilayer Code 5.1 BETA & Arma2OA 99202 THIS IS A MAJOR UPDATE! -This update will start your server from fresh, connected to a new FULLY protected database. -This update contains all the latest files, DayZ / DayZ Fallujah 1.4 / DayZ Lingor 1.2 / DayZ Panthera 1.7 / DayZ Takistan 1.6 / DayZ Zargabad 1.4 / DayZ Utes 1.2. -Improved in game protection, -Stopped MYSQL injections, -Improved in game performance, -Fixed Battleye Kick Messages #36 #50 #53 #54 #55, -Fixed in game clean up objects, <<<--- Hopefuly this means the bug with destroyed vehicles not cleaning up/respawning correctly -Migrated all maps and mods to the new database infrastructure, -Fixes Perl Lib Functions, -Merged all DayZPlanet maps to and much more. You must install the latest DayZ Mod files -
  21. post moved to page 37 for greater visibility