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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. A funny PM from a player; "Remember I gave you a lovely shiny new chopper (which admittedly Cipher did crash), any chance you could return the favour slightly and use one of your vehicles to run some morphine to my broken and ruined legs as I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere with a fracture and no morphine? Pretty please? With a panda sized cherry on top?"
  2. Come join me for a mess around on a Utes server till the updates finished. Im joining,
  3. OK, update installed, configs changed, lets rock n roll !
  4. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Reliable Server?

    If you guys are looking for a good server to play on, my server is based in Luxembourg on a top class LimeStone network, we have great performance and a great group of players on the server. Were a whitelisted private hive so we dont get the hackers, no server hopping, etc, just really good gameplay :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99476-uk-zombie-world-99-hacker-free-white-list-private-hive-is-looking-for-clans-players-to-play-on-our-server/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-uk-zombie-world-discussion-thread/ thanks!
  5. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Searching for a nice co-player/players

    If you guys are looking for a good server to play on, my server is based in Luxembourg on a top class LimeStone network, we have great performance and a great group of players on the server. Were a whitelisted private hive so we dont get the hackers :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99476-uk-zombie-world-99-hacker-free-white-list-private-hive-is-looking-for-clans-players-to-play-on-our-server/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-uk-zombie-world-discussion-thread/ thanks!
  6. If you guys are looking for a good server to play on, my server is based in Luxembourg on a top class LimeStone network, we have great performance and a great group of players on the server. Were a whitelisted private hive so we dont get the hackers :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99476-uk-zombie-world-99-hacker-free-white-list-private-hive-is-looking-for-clans-players-to-play-on-our-server/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-uk-zombie-world-discussion-thread/ thanks!
  7. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Looking for a home(Server)

    Hey My servers based in Luxembourg on a LimeStone network, its a great server, feel free to check us out and ping test. Ping should be under 30ms for you, and 60 ish for US players. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99476-uk-zombie-world-99-hacker-free-white-list-private-hive-is-looking-for-clans-players-to-play-on-our-server/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-uk-zombie-world-discussion-thread/ thanks!
  8. They used to, not sure if thats still the case. Theres a server manager tool being installed with this update so I'll need to set the vehicles to max again (500) to get everything possible. We wont get 500 but well get the maximum for Chernarus :)
  9. So far its at 34% downloaded, guess its a huge file again, over 20GB. Usually it gets to around 50% then installs rapidly, id estimate 40mins until completion.
  10. Nope, all should be the same :thumbsup:
  11. **Currently Installing: Vilayer Code 5.3 STABLE & Arma2OA 99202 - Fixed Namalsk Loading Errors, - Fixed Lingor Loading Errors, - Fixed Fake Battleye Kicks from Namalsk, - Fixed Battleye Kick Messages #20 #21 #22 #23 #36 #45 #46 #47 #48 #50 #53 #54 #55, - Fixed Killmsgs, - Fixed Carepkgs, - Updated DayZ Server Manager to include new instance control, - Fixed Merged all DayZPlanet maps to and much more Will take a while to download and install this, is a big file. Choppers aren't spawning because they all got crashed, they should spawn soon though, its been a while since they were crashed. There is something I can do that may speed up the process, will try later.
  12. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Clan Looking for a established private hive, know of any?

    Hi Reggie Check out my server mate, were one of the most well established servers in the Private Hive area, we use WhiteListing too to keep the hackers out. Check out our threads to see if youre interested :) Advertising thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/99476-uk-zombie-world-99-hacker-free-white-list-private-hive-is-looking-for-clans-players-to-play-on-our-server/ Discussion thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-uk-zombie-world-discussion-thread/ Whitelisting application thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103593-uk10-uk-zombie-world-whitelist-applications/ Hope you come and join us :) :beans: :beans:
  13. "Hey Panda, Death messages are currently disabled. There were some issues with them in the most recent update. We will bringing them back soon. Trust me, I miss them just as much as you. If you have any other queries or issues don't hesitate to get in touch."
  14. Theyre enabled but not working, maybe disabled higher up at the hosts end, i know they were giving errors with BE making BE kick for SC #36.... ive raised a ticket to see whats up :)
  15. I will be evaulating all the options when standalone is released, i have something planned in December anyway but im not letting the cat out the bag yet :)
  16. Tents + Vechicles auto save on user actions, i.e. put item in/take item out of tents.... vehicles auto save when user turns engine off/gets out/ etc
  17. Fletch, leave us and this thread alone. You've been banned, get over it, and move on.
  18. Well said Deviant. The matter regarding the Jailbait team has come to a close, please no one reply back to any of their insults/flames. Now, everyone from UK#10, lets get on with our games and continue hunting Cipher and his UAZ :P
  19. i get the same thing sometimes with my whitelist tool, probably caused by the +500 guid's on it, but aslong as the admin hasnt removed you, just keep trying it should let you on.
  20. Thijs & Twiin, My rule for admins on the server is and has always been, if one member of a team is caught cheating, the entire team gets banned. If one person of a team is a hacker, its extremely likely more of the same team is also cheating, banning the entire team prevents anyone from the cheaters team slipping through the net. This goes a long way to protect our players. UK#10 is one of the top DayZ servers for a few reasons, one being cheating is not tolerated and is dealt with severely, this server has a strong reputation for being cheater free, and I want to keep it this way. Fletch has been on my radar for a long while, longer than most people would be (meaning I would have banned him earlier if he wasn't part of the Jailbait team). For a while now I've had numerous people report him to me, saying that I need to watch Fletch because they're convinced he is cheating. I have watched him for a sufficient amount of time and I have come to the same conclusion. Last week for example, while I was watching his movements he did something that shows him to be a hacker. The events of yesterday proved beyond a doubt to me that Fletch is using a cheat, he doesn't appear to be running scripts, but he is definitely using a cheat that is called an ESP (wall hack / map hack). Its a shame the legitimate Jailbait people have to suffer because of one cheater, I do completely understand your frustration, but I do what I must to keep our players safe and the server cheater free. There are 5000 other DayZ servers out there, some very good ones, I wish you luck with finding one that you can make your home. Thanks
  21. love the baby panda trying to escape, LOLL