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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Do private hive admins have to follow the rules?

    As everyone has said really, Private Hive server are not connected to the main dayz hive, so they can do anything they like and be run any way they like. The main reason for going with a private hive in my opinion is that you get less hackers, and more decent playes who want to play well without hackers ruining their games. With the main dayz public hive admins cannot ban hackers, they are can only submit logs and via an extremely long winded and inefficient way, while the hackers continues to screw the server and all the players on it. On top of this you can get whitelisted private hives (like mine) which have even less hackers :) @Chabowski, if your looking for a whitelisted private hive check out the one in my sig :) I'm sure you'll have seen our threads :)
  2. Hi, OK youre unbanned, will take effect from the next restart at 12:00 GMT. Cheers
  3. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Whitelisted Servers- What do you think? -Pros & Cons

    Whitelisted private hives are excellent, you get a lot of decent and players who want to play the game properly, without hackers and little kiddies // griefers :) :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  4. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Unable to register at AWA website

    I have sent a message to the owner of AWA on your behalf, I linked him to this thread.
  5. Ill watch him mate, thanks for reporting it :) Update: Still no update unfortunately, I know they are still working on it, its not forgotten about as its affected every Vilayer server, not just their DayZ servers.
  6. Yes i know we all have this, its due to the server not being restarted were waiting on the main server for the TCAdmin control panel to come back online as it was down for maintenance since this morning. I'll update as soon as the main servers online.
  7. Well we've had 4 confirmed hackers out of 632 entries on the WhiteList, so that suggest it is 99.36% hacker free. I'm happy to listen to any suggestions though as to how we can screen applicants...
  8. The WL was on, they applied in the WL app thread!! DIRTY CHEATERS! The two BNS people have been banned for hacking. Teleporting and other hacking actions.
  9. You were Bill, the player who was down near Kamenka, then a moment later up north of the NWAF with an SUV. You're banned.
  10. Still waiting on the main TCAdmin server to come online, its going to be a few more hours unfortunately. Will restart as soon as I can :thumbsup:
  11. mmmm so how did the massacre on the island happen? was there something that kickstarted it all off??? LOLL :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. Edited my mistake, thanks! :facepalm:
  13. Yes, really. Either that or someone else was teleporting you around the map! Either way, you're banned.
  14. Bill, I removed you because you're a hacker, take your teleporting to a different server!
  15. what is your in game name and GUID?
  16. Could be due to the server not being restarted in ages, due to the control panel being down. Its being worked on now and will be up soon, as soon as its up i'll restart server :thumbsup:
  17. not sure of any stuck on loading screen issues... i load quickly....
  18. I will unban you as soon as I can, just waiting on the control panel coming online again, its down for routine maintenance, should be long!
  19. Hi mate, yeah someone told me about him. The WL is back on now :)
  20. Glad youre enjoying yourself mate. What does it say when youre being kicked? Does it give an error message? I looked on the WL tool and it shows you as connecting and being WhiteListed so I dont think the WL is kicking you.... maybe BE for high ping??
  22. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Cant register on AWA Private Hive

    ye i know, thats what i meant in my first post, its the most overly difficult verification codes ive ever seen. Maybe they get hit with spam bots alot or something, LOL
  23. <3 Lets organise a PHAT party for next Friday / Saturday (which ever night James is on) :P
  24. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Cant register on AWA Private Hive

    well what do you think !!??? LOL whatever letters show up yes chernarus rocket
  25. only if the WL is off, which is rare.