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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. Server updated to; Vilayer Code 5.7.6 STABLE & Arma2OA 100258 - This adds support for Taviana 2.0 and Namalsk 0.72, - Updates all Battleye filters with the latest community developed updates.
  2. All new whitelist applications have been accepted :) Merry Christmas guys !!
  3. Nice to see another group joining :D
  4. Welcome to the server guys :) Camel Nutz...... lol, what a name :P
  5. I'll update my OP soon with more clear rules. I can add some auto messages into the server, but the MOTD is limited to 4 lines max.
  6. Guys, excessive shit talking in side chat is unacceptable. Side chat is enabled to give better interaction between players. If people start abusing it by insulting other players and by being disruptive, you will be banned. I've looked at the chat log from today and I can't say I'm too happy with some of the comments, take this as a warning, you know if you were involved. Thanks!
  7. Should be ok now. This is what happens when I try to add people via my phone at work lol. There was a blank line entered in the whitelist around a quarter of the way down, it prevented all guids after it from being read. All should be good again ♥♡♥♡♥
  8. Server is up and running. A new update was released today so it may have due to that. I will install the update early Saturday morning. New whitelist applicants will be added tonight around 7.30 GMT. Thanks !!
  9. Bandito I definitely unbanned you... I'll check again though incase I missed something :-S Forgot to remove your IP ban. Should be OK now, try again :D
  10. Guys, can someone who knows what the entries below from Bandito mean please? I have banned him for cheating but I want to make sure this is definitely entries from a hacker... Thanks. All found in, addmagazinecargo.log
  11. If you just paid for the game once, then you should be OK. You say your character data stays the same when you switch between PC's then your GUID should remain the same also (i think). If you find it isnt the same just add another message and I'll add both your accounts :) Cheeers!
  12. No worries man, yeah id feel a bit off it I were in some logs and subsequently accused of hacking... I have pitched the issue to the DayZ community to see if anyone can shed some light on it. Please DO NOT post in the thread, I want to see what people will recommend (I am aware there are some that will act like they know what they're talking about when they really are just assuming, so don't feel the need to step in). Cheers, see you on the server :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/112606-help-please-what-does-this-mean-from-the-addmagazinecargolog/
  13. I have unbanned you. I need to establish exactly what these entries mean. You are unbanned, but it will only take effect from the next restart. Sorry for the hassle
  14. Guys i need more views on this please!
  15. Thanks for replying. I will get another opinion on these logs mate, I dont want to ban you if you are a genuine player. Have you ever come across a hacked in weapon box and accessed items from it?
  16. Hi, anything over 5 ish consecutive entries in this log should be considered suspicious, your entries are more than suspicious.
  17. Yep, I've noticed some excessive entries in some of the logs, i.e. when a hacked weapon box is spawned, hence the bans.