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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. Donation received mate, thanks very much, enjoy a happy new year! :)
  2. There is some good times ahead, watch this space, full details will be provided soon. I'll try and post the full details tomorrow, once I've recovered from tonight's New Years Eve party :P Thanks to everyone for your continued support! Here's to wishing everyone a good NYE, and a happy 2013!
  3. Be careful though, we do have the odd weasel :P
  4. Donation received mate, thank you very much, it helps a lot towards the running costs :wub: Cheers and happy new year ! :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  5. Yes mate, fresh spawn if its the first time youve played here. It's a small sacrifice tho if you want a good server without hackers :) Theres some nice people on the server, im sure some of them would offer you transport to various places to help you get equiped :P
  6. I think I already added you mate. Can you tell me the post number with your guid and ill make sure youre added. Tnx
  7. Hi mate. Yes Paypal is prefered, it should be easier for both ends, and paypal is safe too. Details for the paypal are in my post near the start of this page :-P
  8. A generous donation has been received from Mr.Barrington, thanks very much for supporting us mate, its very much appreciated :-)
  9. Ahh you mean the players GUID? Your GUID is seperate to your CD Key, its ok to give your GUID out to an admin for example, but never give out your CD Key. Its the CD key that hackers are interested in, GUIDs are useless to them :-P
  10. yeah BE has been playing up tonight, kicking people for client not responding. I raised a support ticket for it and am idleing in the vilayer TS :)
  11. Awesome dude, were glad you choose to play here! I added you to the WL already, can you get on OK?
  12. Hey guys! Some of you have expressed the desire to send some donations to help with running costs of the server. I have setup the following PayPal address where you can send donations to. Every donation, small or large, is extremely appreciated. PayPal = UK10WL@gmail.com UK#10 contract has been extended by 3 months, so any donations received will help greatly towards these costs :thumbsup: :wub: :beans: :wub: :beans: :wub: Thanks very much guys, your support is a true reflection of something great :)
  13. It was going to merge with another server, but its not possible as theyre both setup different, i.e. different maps, and whitelisted and not whitelisted. :( UK#10 will be staying online :) You can continue playing here without hackers :D Rare things like this should not be forced to come to an end!!
  14. Ive raised a support ticket for Battle Eye kicking for client not responding. Hopefully will be resolved soon!
  15. ahh sorry dude. I was setting up a new auto restart for 4pm as the 4pm restarts dont work atm. Hopefuly no choppers were lost :D
  16. Added mate. Hope you enjoy your stay :beans:
  17. Guys, UK#10 is staying online !! I am also going on a big recruiting spree to get new clans and groups on the server. :) If anyone would like to help by donating I will set something up soon, and it will be much appreciated. Will also be creating some new admins :D New comers feel free to submit your WhiteList applications, I'll add you to our WhiteList :D
  18. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Making a Team of Bandits :) Need more people!

    Guys i need more bandits on my server! If you think youre up for it come join and kill us :D http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-zombie-world-whitelist-applications-discussion-thread-9945-hacker-free-looking-for-new-players-clans-apply-now/ Panda :)
  19. Bandit Panda will be online tonight :D Run for fear of getting shot with Makarov ;P
  20. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    OneCast Gaming Dayz clan recruitment

    Hi guys, Thought id take the time and invite you to play on my server, its a private hive server with whitelisting, and we get next to no hackers at all :) We are currently seeking new clans and players to play on our server :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-zombie-world-whitelist-applications-discussion-thread-9945-hacker-free-looking-for-new-players-clans-apply-now/ Thanks and I hope you and your team consider playing on UK#10 Panda :)
  21. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Looking for a Clan/Group

    Hi mate, Thought id take the time and invite you to play on my server, its a private hive server with whitelisting, and we get next to no hackers at all :) We are well established and have one of the biggest threads for any server. We have a lot of good players on, and a good number of groups, im sure there will be people who you can join :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-zombie-world-whitelist-applications-discussion-thread-9945-hacker-free-looking-for-new-players-clans-apply-now/ Thanks and I hope you consider playing on UK#10 Panda :)
  22. Im currently in discussion with the owner of another server about a merge, so we'll see but its going good so far (its not bsm by the way, lol !! ) :) I'm also starting to recruit new players from other areas of DayZmod forumhopefuly some more clans will join :P
  23. Lool Cat, you are too nice, you need to shooot more bambi's :D Feel free to enter the Bandit Campfire area and welcome in some bandits :P