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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. ** Server is back on Chernarus for 24-48 hours, this will allow all UK#121 players to get kit from their tents/vehicles and transfer it over to UK#10 - Zombie World ** (We use the same private hive when on Chernarus!) :)
  2. Some cool feedback from 2am when everyone's using their Night Vision goggles and killing people with Mk48's :D
  3. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year folk !! May 2013 bring you health, beans, and the accomplishment of your dreams! :)
  4. Everything (tents/vehicles/barbed wire/tank traps/sandbags/bear traps) are auto removed by the server if not accessed within a 7 day period :)
  5. Ok i need to have a look into the spawn equipment settings. I had set it back to default but looks like its not saving my updated setting. cheers for letting us know! in the mean time, enjoy the free tent !
  6. Servers currently got some issues which we're trying to resolve. It keeps crashing when starting. Ive raised a support ticket and im on vilayer teamspeak now. Will update when i know more.
  7. Guys... and Jenny :) I am pleased to announce that UK#10 - Zombie World has merged with UK#121 - DayZ of Doom !! As a result, all players from UK#121 will be transferred over to the UK#10 WhiteList and should continue playing Chernarus. I trust the group of players are good players, however I will be monitoring each one to ensure our hacker free environment is not compromised. :thumbsup: The UK#121 server which previously ran Chernarus, is being moved to the Utes map, players will spawn with a PvP setup, i.e. full high value kit. The Utes server is now designed for fast paced PvP action based on a small PvP orientated map. This will give a refreshing break for some and should bode well with the public. The Utes server will not be using a WhiteList, there is no need to as it is more beneficial to increase player numbers. If you die on the Utes server, you will always respawn with a full high value kit loadout; Mk48 / Sniper Rifle, GPS, Rangefinder, Coyote backpack, etc, etc. :) Link to the Utes server thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...rged-with-uk10/ I would like to welcome Beast, and his crew as a new group on the server. Beast will be adopting the role of Admin on UK#10, please respect his wishes and obey his instruction as you would with myself. The Utes server will be changed back to Chernarus tonight for 48 hours to give players from UK#121 time to move their kit over to UK#10. Both server's are hosted by Vilayer and use the same Vilayer shared private hive (only the same hive when on the same map, you cannot join the Utes server to gain high value kit and transfer it over to UK#10, lol). Thanks guys, please post feedback! :wub:
  8. An admin from my crew. Hasnt been on for a couple of weeks tho. He's the renowned chopper crasher :)
  9. List of admins has been updated in my initial post on the first page: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-zombie-world-merged-with-uk121-whitelist-applications-discussion-thread-9945-hacker-free-looking-for-new-players/
  10. Hey guys, I am pleased to announce that, Mr.Barrington is now an admin for UK#10 - Zombie World !! Please respect his wishes and follow his instructions as you would with myself or Cipher :) Cheers! :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  11. We shall be moving back to Chernarus on this server so players of UK121 can transfer any existing kit/stashes from tents etc over to UK10 :)
  12. without hackers is rare but possible... but no side chat? :o
  13. oops my fault again, saved your old GUID... . try now :D must be my hangover :D
  14. OK seems like restarts arent working. I'll delete them all and will set them all up again :)
  15. My fault sorry, I entered your new GUID but forgot to save the file. Its saved now you should be able to join :)
  16. Would help if you gave me the correct GUID :P You gave me: 5348c6bd3e532dd9ce62e9e9685e22f6 Correct GUID: 5348c6bd3e532dd9ce6289e9685e22f6
  17. We'll monitor it today and if its still happening ill go back to them with the logs :)
  18. Your CRB check came back clean so you're good to play :)
  19. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Searching for friendly survival partners!

    Better place to search would be Survivor HQ and Bandit Campfire :thumbsup:
  20. "Panda, I have monitored your server for the last hour and have seen no players kicked or dropped... Let me know if you are still having this issue. If you have any other queries or issues don't hesitate to get in touch. Best Regards, John Smith (Support Technician) Vilayer LTD"
  21. There wont be many care bears left once the Bandit Panda Bear starts killing them :D