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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. so many restarts means what? 1, 2, 10? yes the whitelist is on, just look for the join and kick messages.
  2. The earlier update set these settings back to default. SC will be back on from 9pm restart.
  3. Side chat will be re-enabled at the 21:00 hrs restart. (along with removal of crosshairs, and Voice Over Net ID, and removal off map waypoints). The earlier update set these settings back to default
  4. Should be OK as youll be on different ports
  5. no idea mate if your already trying to connect via IP....??
  6. This adds support for Thirsk, DayZ2017, Fixes multiple issues with DayZ Taviana vehicle spawning and obejcts spawning, Multiple security updates, adds support for Battleye auto updater, increased hive performance. FIXES BATTLEYE UPDATER ISSUE FOR NAMALSK, TAVIANA AND ALL OTHER MAPS. Fixes perl repo directory issue, INCLUDES UPDATE 5.7.8 AND 6.0. Multiple infrastructure updates to support new maps and mods. Improves database connectivity, Fixes database timeout issue.
  7. yes you should still have gear. currrently at 24%
  8. Currently updating to; Vilayer Code V6.3 STABLE & Arma2OA 101245 FULL on
  9. Sorry I had a weee bit to drink last night! Haha
  10. lol?? no rules on changing name mate
  11. 61 players... oohh yeah oh yeah :D and our resident D.J. - SweUK|James makes his return tonight !!!!!!!!!!! Big up !!!!!!!!!!
  12. yes i know auto restarts are disabled due to a bug in the restart.bat thanks for letting me know tho :thumbsup:
  13. Weasel darling could you please check the players on the previous page are in the whitelist table? I added them all but may have added them to the wrong instance if they cant get on server.... Tnx
  14. Good to see a big team joining :) bit of competition for the cherno police dept :) haha