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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. Wonder if today will be the day we pass 100'000 views :D
  2. I'll route the server to Russia, then theres no arguments from the weseal's :) Well explained above Cipher btw :)
  3. https://support.dayzmod.com/cart.php http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55657-start-here-a-beginners-guide-to-dayz-servers-and-administration/ give me beans :D
  4. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Help stopping kick for Script Restriction #85

    How on earth did you get those vehicles to spawn withour rmod? I've been trying all sorts to get certain vehicles to spawn on my servers and they never spawn as theyre banned vehicles, even though i removed their entries in the config.cpp of the dayz_anim.pbo please advise... :D
  5. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    DayZ "Medium Pimping" Parody.

  6. A few pics of our new dedicated server host, the server is watercooled, LOL :P
  7. Well said :) Plus TeamSpeak3 has better voice clarity and quality, and lower latency :)
  8. you can see your blood level in the blood indicator icon
  9. Oh nice, another thing that the unoffical community made update broke
  10. Sounds like the daily hacker occurances on the public server are ruining the game for you. You will be safe from hackers on uk10, however you will need to fight for your survival as we have a lot of bandits and pretend care bears ♥ Your guid is auto generated relative to your cd key, you will only f8 d th8s out when you have arma 2 oa installed and running. Intructions on how to find it are on page 1. I hope youll enjoy your time here ♥
  11. Hopefuly UK10 will bring and end to your DayZ problems mate :) Welcome :D
  12. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** I would like to welcome Dahlvash as an admin on UK#10 ! Please obey his instructions and respect his wishes as you would with any other UK#10 admin. Thank you Dahlvash for your efforts in keeping UK#10 hacker free :) Direct link to Dahlvash's DayZMod profile: http://dayzmod.com/f...79866-dahlvash/ *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** * UK#10 Admins, including point of contact * - Panda http://dayzmod.com/f...er/37864-panda/ - Beast http://dayzmod.com/f...618-dayzofdoom/ - Cipher http://dayzmod.com/f...ser/41161-gari/ - Mr.Barrington http://dayzmod.com/f...7-mrbarrington/ - MindOfDave http://dayzmod.com/f...397-mindofdave/ - Benny http://dayzmod.com/f...1052-bennybuss/ - Weasel http://dayzmod.com/f...24807-weasel82/ - Stu http://dayzmod.com/f...70198-indiestu/ - Dahlvash http://dayzmod.com/f...79866-dahlvash/
  13. Accprding to Vilayer, the tent issue is a big problem and is the same for many providers. Apparently the updatebeing poorly coded along with the owner of the Bliss Hive abandoning his Bliss Hive project have caused a lot of errors and occurances where data is not written to the database correctly. Vilayers head coder is currently working on a fix but it will take a day or two to be completed. Once the fix is in place I will wipe all tents and have a fresh map. This will only affect tents. Vehicles and character data will remain unchanged :thumbsup:
  14. OK servers coming back up after the maintenance :)
  15. Im on TS with Vilayer discussing the tent issue caused by the latest botched update
  16. You're attitude is not welcome here. Jog on to another server.
  17. Well all these new problems are caused by the new DayZ update. We have to remember this update is NOT an official release. It made purely by kiddies who "know" how to code. Everyone was very quick to want this update but it has not been tested and it is causing a lot of issues. I think the DayZMod forum team should of made it more clear this Mod update was not created by the DayZ team and we should expect a wealth of issues. On a side note too, this update was designed for Chernarus only, so anyone running other maps with this update are having an even worse time that we are! :( I'm currently on TS with Vilayer seeing if theres any changes they can make for us.