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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. Standalone is going to have 150 player slot capability ♥
  2. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    150 players! OOhh yes please :D
  3. ok youre added! (your GUID is d0a3676d7610a36fc42030dee5972025) :)
  4. try joining the server and i will get it from the log
  5. There is,, but its not to be considered stable yet, I have an issue i need to resolve with the control atm. Edit: Problem fixed :D
  6. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Is white-listing redundant? I think so.

    Ive never known a whitelist that uses IP, always GUID.
  7. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Ahhh, so is this why i'm getting the error message, "Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\publicEH_server.sqf not found" even though it is in the dayz_server.pbo ? Thanks
  8. I did manual restart at 12:10. All auto restarts have been deleted and created again, they should all work again. Frequent problem with the TCAdmin panel. (one less problem we'll have with the dedi) :D
  9. Guys im going to need some volunteers to come over and test the new server today please. Its currently setup on the new, new dedicated server box and uses with the DayZCC ♥
  10. Youre lucky im still awake! Added :D
  11. 3am and still 30 people on, its good to see :D
  12. Read the posts mate? Cipher told you the GUID you posted is too long.
  13. Reason missing. Please also provide a screenshot of your ping test. Thank you.
  14. Reason missing. And please provide a screenshot of your Ping Test, like above. thanks.
  15. please provide a screen shot of your Ping Test. (Open CMD and type ping <server IP>), like this. Thanks.
  16. No idea, it is not a problem with server, it is purely a result of the community made "update".
  17. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    DayZ Bug List

    I have server on two setups, one on Vilayer's private hive, and the other on my dedi box controlled with the DayZCC, both servers have tent saving issues and heli spawn issues. Does how often the server restarts affect in anyway the heli crashes spawning? Thanks
  18. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    DayZ "Medium Pimping" Parody.

  19. LOL, nice, but unfortunate ending :D
  20. think youre joining the wrong server mate. make sure your joining the 80 slot server that starts with the same name as in my sig. If the server youre joining starts "UK#10 - ZombieWorld.eu - Chernarus #1/2...." then you are joining the wrong server...