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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Eager for the update :D <3
  2. Cool, youre added! Feel free to come on teamspeak and say hello :D
  3. Sure it wasnt the derpy hooves canned muffins.?
  4. WL is off until I conclude what I'm doing with this server. We are thinking about merging this with our main server, and having 3 x 50 slot servers sharing the same hive, rather than 1 x 100, and 1 x 40. Update will follow when I know more.
  5. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/125577-dayz-mod-176-update/#entry1203790
  6. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    I can confirm this fixed the BE kicks when players eat // drink on my server :)
  7. Add the image URL with tags in the channel description
  8. Seeing as we're maxing out our 32 slot TeamSpeak server, we are in process of applying for a Non Profit Licence from TeamSpeak, this licence will allow us to increase slots to 512, along with other benefits :)
  9. HiveExt Error #1064 is resolved. Character data saves correctly to the hive again. :)
  10. Thank you!!! :D :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:
  11. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* * We're aware of the new error where character data is not saved to the hive. HiveExt error #1064 is being worked on by the DayZCC team. * *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
  12. A server side Control Center update was released today, change log is as follows; Changelog: [NEW] Updated to own HiveExt build 0.9.8 [NEW] The online player map now has auto refresh enabled at default [NEW] Added Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable [NEW] Added "log" permission to allow give access to only the Server and BattlEye logs on the web admin [NEW] Added images for new backpacks and items [NEW] Commented the server pbo config file to make it easier understandable [FIX] Added exceptions to the BattlEye filters for new backpacks [FIX] Fixed wrecks either not spawning or too many spawning when old method is selected [FIX] It wasn't possible to upload sqf files when importing buildings [FIX] Fixed "Remoteexec #8" kick [FIX] Wrong DayZ+ version was displayed in the log [FIX] Tents weren't saving properly [FIX] Kicks when using new weapons, now updated to latest community banlist filter [FIX] Maps were showing nothing [FIX] No tracking lines showing up [REM] Removed no longer used "mysqlcppcon.dll" [REM] Deleted old Visual C++ Redistributable Packages
  13. Ohh yeah, we wont be too much of an easy target, (hopefuly)
  14. Aye... next week were thinking of an admin convoy running along the coastal road from Kamenka to Berezino... anyone who ambushes us and kills us keeps whichever vehicle that admin was driving and all the equipment inside :)