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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. yes this is something i already plan to modifiy on my days off at the end of the week. the devs made the spawn chance 20% for soldier clothing which is far too high. should be 10%, even with camo and guille IMO
  3. Ive seen mate thank you. Ill rectify this tonight, as soon as I return home from the zoo ♡
  4. Nvg has not been removed from either server. Whoever said different??
  5. Not quite sure what you mean? All our details are stated on page 1.
  6. I will look in to your case tonight when I return home from work. My admins will not have given you a 24 hr temporary ban without due reason. I hope you understand we enforce combat logging rules to uphold the spirit of the game. Combat logging is severely frowned upon by players and admins. Panda
  7. Sounds like its best you come on teamspeak and speak with an admin in person. You will be unbanned if you weren't combat logging. At the end of a ban reason will be the admins name who banned you so we can speak with the responsible admin.
  8. we cant (to my knowledge) regulate the weather, only the time of day :thumbsup:
  9. we'll be back to regular day/night cycle from monday. we try to do reduced night at weekends due to the increase in players, but changing the time zones it a bit harder on our current setup.
  10. youre probably looking at the old server. and we run
  11. well you have the wonderful new "DayZ" updates to thank for that! :( I'll revise the chopper crash loot tables over the next few days, will remove the weapons above and will try and get our original list of extra weapons working again (see page 1). :)
  12. welcome! feel free to pop on teamspeak, we have a number of members from the USA :)
  13. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    the silent warrior? manual changes to the database.... how do i remove this "anti teleport script"? It is bugged and causing players to spawn in the sea.
  14. Lots of us chillin out in the Chillout Lounge :D
  15. Sneeky got any screenshots from our convoy start last night?
  16. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Mega back packs? 40 slots?

    wasnt there an extra large backpack that Rocket removed? Called the Alexander pack?
  17. well it wasnt for the guys who were setup closer down the road than you were :P They had satchel charges planted in the road waiting for our convoy. We didnt even make it through Elektro, LOL !
  18. Added! Welcome Riri ! Feel free to pop on teamspeak at some point and say hi :D
  19. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    im looking for a whitelist server to call home

    An alternative whitelisting private hive, recently opened a 2nd server :) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-event-in-progress-hunt-the-admin-convoy-kamenka-berezino-and-back-join-us-for-fun-uk10/