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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. They already know about combat logging its details in the Rules on page 1 * Rules to be followed * - No cheating - No glitch exploiting - No malicious chat - No racism (racism results in an immediate, permanent ban) - No voice over Side Chat, text only (in English) - Comfirmed Combat Logging results in a 24 hour ban, repeat offenders will receive a 48 hour ban (Combat Logging is forcing your game to close (disconnecting) whilst in a fire fight/under enemy fire)
  2. yes, moved back to server 1 @ 60 slots :)
  3. Added! Welcome :) Come on teamspeak and say hi :) We can create you a private passworded room if you like :)
  4. @DayZ MODS = Please move this thread to the GraveYard. Thank you! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  5. WRONG SERVER !!! THE 40 SLOT SERVER IS CLOSED. PLEASE USE THIS THREAD AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR WHITELISTING http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-zombieworldeu-whitelist-applications-new-weaponshacker-freelooking-for-new-players-chernarus-utes-namalsk-teamspeak-arma-3/
  6. Heli Crash Loot has been revised this morning, our custom weapons have been re-added, spawn chances have been revised :) Battle Eye filters have been updated and should prevent any #20 kicks for the Quiver. Also the Publicvariablevar filters and Remoteexec filters have been updated. Currently setup (and believed working) with the following loot, the number is the spawn chance percentage, e.g. 0.05 = 5% bizon_silenced = 0.04 BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG = 0.04 BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo = 0.03 M16A4_ACG_GL = 0.04 M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1 = 0.03 G36C = 0.05 G36K = 0.05 MG36 = 0.02 m240_scoped_EP1 = 0.02 M249_DZ = 0.05 M60A4_EP1 = 0.03 Mk_48_DZ = 0.02 Saiga12K = 0.05 Sa61_EP1 = 0.04 M14_EP1 = 0.05 M4SPR = 0.05 DMR = 0.04 M40A3 = 0.07 SVD_Camo = 0.05 SVD_NSPU_EP1 = 0.05 M107_DZ = 0.03 BAF_AS50_scoped = 0.02 KSVK = 0.03 FN_FAL = 0.02 FN_FAL_ANPVS4 = 0.02 military junk = 1.00 medical junk = 0.50 MedBox0 = 0.10 AmmoBoxSmall_556 = 0.10 AmmoBoxSmall_762 = 0.10 NVGoggles = 0.01 Skin_Camo1_DZ = 0.05 Skin_Sniper1_DZ = 0.05 Skin_Soldier1_DZ = 0.05 (reduced from 0.20) DZ_Backpack_EP1 = 0.10
  7. strange... nothings changed with the server mate... try reinstall dayz mod / arma beta via dayz commander
  8. What on earth is going on in the TO Team channel tonight!??? :o
  9. Our ARMA 3 Alpha server is at full capacity, 10 / 10 :)
  10. shutting down and moved back to server 1. Server 1 capped at 60 players to stop the previous lag. Server 2 is still up so you can move stuff over from any tents/vehicles, (same character data). Sorry for the hassle!
  11. see my post on previous page, ive applied today for a teamspeak non profit licence so we can increase slots from 32 to 512
  12. maybe delete both your @dayz folder and your ARMA Beta files and try reinstalling them both... :S
  13. Welcome! Come on teamspeak and say hi :) We can offer your team a private passworded room if you wish :)
  14. Please everyone go to our new website and post some stuff :D We need the forum to be active for TeamSpeak to grant us our new Licence :) http://zombieworld.eu Let me know if theres any new categories you would like to be added :) Thanks!!
  15. Success Your email address has been confirmed and your request for a Non-Profit License has been submitted. The review process for new Non-Profit Licenses can take up to two (2) business days. Once your request is approved, you will receive an email containing your license key. woop wooop :D
  16. and this is the Panda whilst at work.....
  17. They're not Panda's, they're Weasels, lol ^^^^^^^^^^^^ THESE ARE PANDA's !!!
  18. Morning my love ☆★♡♥♡★☆
  19. Still need to modify the heli crash loot table, will try do that tomorrow :)