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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. ALL added! Come join us on teamspeak :D :)
  2. Hell yeah!!! Lets keep this thread active... even though we have our own website now :)
  3. All added to the whitelist :> hope you enjoy the server. Pop on teamspeak and say hello :)
  4. My guess would be there is your problem...
  5. Ill add u guys as soon as I get home from work ina few hours. Unless another admin beats me to it :>
  6. welcome guys! come on teamspeak and say hi :)
  7. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Looking for hardcore whitelisted server

    Hardcore but without 50 cals? Sounds rather soft-bambicore to me :>
  8. Yes... now is the time to begin branching out into the world of Counter-Strike :)
  9. Almost there weasel your next post will be your 400th :>
  10. 512 slots :) Lol, and F★ck the missus... quite literally :-]
  11. Congratulations! Your TeamSpeak 3 Non-Profit License has now been issued. TO ACTIVATE YOUR LICENSE: 1) Place the attached licensekey.dat file on the root directory of your TeamSpeak 3 Server installation folder. 2) STOP AND RESTART the TeamSpeak 3 Server master binary (exe) process. Please DO NOT share your licensekey.dat file with ANYONE outside of your registered organization. Doing so may cause your license to be SUSPENDED. Thank you. BIG UP!!!!★☆★☆★☆★
  12. Hmmmm...... last man standing on the Utes pvp server could be fun... whoever holds the control tower at the end of the round wins... or something similar. .. ★
  13. No, thats just how day z works. If you think it should be changed submit a request to the dayz community dev team :)
  14. get out of cherno and elektro then, lol :P theres plenty of players up north :)
  15. now thats an interesting idea! :D
  16. An idea for the next event; Sniper Challenge... Weapon: SVD_camo, no rangefinder other than the markers built into the scope. Location: On top of Sniper mountain (Cap Golova) Target 1: Pre setup standing survivor target anything from 600-900m away. Target 2: After killing target 1, sniper must kill a running survivor target, 600-900m away. Will run in a straight line for consistency. Winner is whoever kills the target in the least shots, 2x 10 rnd magazines per sniper. How does this sound?
  17. Sorry we cannot do roll backs on specific survivors.
  18. No, server 2 info is in the server 2 thread. This thread is for our main server, and always has been.
  19. this has already been detailed many times in the previous pages!