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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. Ok its a shame you lost your gear, now embrace the challenge of finding some good loot again :) The debug spawn protection zone has been removed for the top right side sea area as this is where everyone spawns before finally spawning in as their characters. I tried to resolve the sea spawns by putting this in place but its causing too much undesired hassle so its now been removed.
  2. Night time reintroduced tonight, from GMT -6
  3. At Heli Crashes; Spawn % revised of the following; Night Vision Goggles, from 1% to 20% Medical Boxes, from 10% to 5%, Ammo Boxes, from 10% to 5%, M240_scoped removed as it caused backpacks to fall on floor, and backpacks to disappear if player is bandit or wears a guille suit. :)
  4. As requested!! Current whereabouts of the infamous Poopadoppalous :D
  5. One of my many minions (admins lol) will add you asap. Come on teamspeak and say hi! We have a lot of members from europe an NL :)
  6. Well if your mate asks to be deleted to be moved out of the debug area why are you moaning about it!! Tbh im fed up with your crying. Nether yourself or anyone of your 20 strong team bother helping with the server's running cost, you dont help with maintaining or admining the server... you merely play here for free, on our dedicated server that we pay a lot of money for... yet you moan about things and insult my admins like we owe you something. Good luck finding another server and community that is as good as this one. And good luck to the new admins that will have to put up with your bullshit.
  7. Youre full of shit. Show me the qoute where anyone of my admins said that.
  8. An Admin did not mess up your mates character, I am the only admin that can teleport you. Getting TSW messages continuously.... even though TSW protection area for the debug sea spawn area has been disabled for at least 24 hours.... I introduced this protection area as a response to players complaints about spawning in the debug sea (which is an inherent problem for a lot of server owners since the Anti teleport hack.sqf was introduced). So players complain about the bug in dayz code so I try and do what I can as a temp resolution.... then players moan that TSW is kicking them when it shouldn't, so I disable it... then players complain they spawn in the sea again! What more am I expected to do?
  9. No I will not spawn your high end weapons that you lost. No I will not spawn you a chopper. If you get the messages saying TSW is monitiring your debug sea spawn then its a good idea not to start flying a chopper! And be careful how you talk about my admins. All my admins do their best to keep the server and players in line. Insulting admins is a fast way to get banned.
  10. Sneaky did u get any luck with the Wasteland files for our Arma 3 server? I want to try set this up tonight :)
  11. Our GameTracker rating is looking quite healthy :)
  12. OK you're unbanned, but please do not say any racist comments in future, we have a strict no racism policy. This is a rare occurrence for me to unban you, so think yourself lucky.
  13. LOL @ your advice about our server being 'doomed' ! Jog on to another server :thumbsup:
  14. so you moan about spawning in the sea, then you moan about the measures put in place to help your debug sea spawns!!!! AARGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  15. Morning all Our website is down until I create it fully. Will work on it tonight :)
  16. THIS THREAD IS NOT TO BE USED, IT IS FOR A SERVER WE CLOSED A WHILE AGO. PLEASE USE THE MAIN THREAD http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98174-uk10-zombieworldeu-whitelist-applications-new-weaponshacker-freelooking-for-new-players-chernarus-utes-namalsk-teamspeak-arma-3/
  17. the server can handle much more than 1x 50 slot server lol ! were only at 20% cpu load!
  18. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    New server admin looking for some help

    1) dayz_server.pbo\compile\player_Setup.sqf. Set "_coastSpawn" to "1" (The new spawn locations are part of, you can revert back to original spawns simply by changing the coast spawn value to 1. No need to setup new spawn locations like others mentioned above!) 2) no idea... 3) no idea what you mean... 4) backup your MySQL database. Use tools from your GSP, or use one of the many MySQL backup programs. 5) Battleye Extended Controls - www.ibattle.org Use BEC's scheduler.xml to schedule server messages and execute your restart.bat (or use your control panels auto restart function to restart the server and sync it with your BEC warning messages)