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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    How do i make a good DayZ private hive.

    Crosire stop development of DayZCC but theres still a big community on dayzcc.tk its an excellent server package and control center. I cant see anything major in the 1.7.7. that would cause any conflicts. Even if you dont use it for your main server, like mentioned above its a great way of learning what everything does and how all the files & databases work
  2. Well its a good thing Panda sits on the throne :) Waypoints will never be turned back on. They are very overpowered and remove the need RangeFinders, Compass, GPS, and the need for skilful terrain navigation.
  3. Nope. Been there, done that, markers are off.
  4. I am running dayz server on my dedicated server, and in BEC i notice i have excessive Rcon Admin logins. As Arma / DayZ can only have a maxmimum of 5 Rcon admins logged in at one time, this is preventing any of my admins and myself, from logging in with Rcon remotely. This prevents us from running The Silent Warrior, and Dart admin tool, or any other Rcon tools. The only things running on the server are arma2oaserver_1.exe, and Bec.exe. Whitelist is OFF, DayZCC is OFF. I have updated BEC to the latest version 1.497, and i have updated Arma beta to latest 103419. I have reinstalled DayZCC to see if that helps, but nope. Anyone have any suggestions please? As i say this is a BIG problem that prevents any admins logging into my server via Rcon.
  5. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Excessive "Rcon Admin logged in" ---- Help please !!!

    good idea, but i think the problem is with the DayZ Control Center.... it seems to be OK now though.... strange! :s
  6. epic post! :D make sure to post in the Survivor HQ, Bandit Campfire, and clan/group recruitment area of the DayZ Forum! http://dayzmod.com/f...ral-discussion/
  7. Lots of people pimping out the Utes PvP server!! You spawn with a high value loadout especially for fast paced and fun PvP action !! :D
  8. this has been dealt with already on teamspeak
  9. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Need a server

    Youre welcome to join the server in my signature. :) Youre welcome on teamspeak with us too :)
  10. I have this morning added some new weapons added to the Heli Crashes; VSS_Vintorez M4A1_HWS_GL_camo M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_camo RPK_74 All tested and working 100% :D
  11. server is up, maintenance completed :D
  12. Added! Welcome and come join us on teamspeak :D
  13. We hit 49 people on TeamSpeak tonight :D
  14. Yeah Weasel, you should listen to him, he's an admin :D