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U.G.N - Jedi Panda

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Everything posted by U.G.N - Jedi Panda

  1. best asking the hosts themselves... but theyve had bad reports lately for poor servers and ddos problems. Do your research before buying.
  2. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Loading into a private hive server issue

    this normally means you are either running an additional mod to dayz that is not accepted, or you have files missing that dayz requires. make sure youre only launching Arma 2 OA with -mod=@DayZ; Delete your @DayZ folder, and re-download it from dayz commander. if all the above fails, goto your config.cfg and change the line, verifySignatures=2; to verifySignatures=0; this will let you into the server, but should only be done as a short term fix as it will mean players can remove files from their game and exploit it. Such as removing the plants.pbo HTH
  3. welcome :) come join us on teamspeak :D
  4. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    Ok dude, you have a PM :)
  5. aaaaarrrrrrrgghhhh maarrgghhhhh I got such a hangover :(
  6. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    Show who talks in side chat?

  7. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    read my initial post......
  8. Removing 50 cals.... what a stupid idea. You shit yourself when your running through the woods and you hear a 50 cal go off. Now that fear is gone... players will just run about in open fields without a care.
  9. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    Have you read the conditions? How many are in your group?
  10. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    still looking to get more groups onboard :D
  11. no sorry, game is still in the Alpha
  12. Hey dude! Our merges are going well. Still early days but so far weve successfully merged with one group and more details about this will be given when the 2nd chernarus server is complete and open to the public (we're busy base building and testing new scripts atm). We have another group who have also joined us, they will be heading our Panthera server which is due to be created tonight. Seperate to the above ive also got two more groups in the pipeline. One is 15 members from an Argentina group, the 2nd group is 20-25 strong and its early days in the discussion process so time will tell. All this really in just the first week of being proactive with recruiting new groups and communities, we have some good times ahead. You may notice the new teamspeak layout, hopefuly it makes it easier to navigate :)
  13. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    Hi mate. A joint database is not what were looking for, sorry. Thanks for getting in touch though. Panda
  14. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    You have PM
  15. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    come on teamspeak -
  16. IIRC private hives are a no, not from the start atleast. But im not worried about that. My only concern is whether we can host SA on our own dedi box, or whether SA will only be available from commercial hosts like ViLayer. I hope we can host it, otherwise to get a 150 slot server as has been mentioned, i dread to think the costs, especially as hosts seem to be charging $1 euro per slot! The cost of one large SA server i reckon could be around the same cost as our dedi box! :o
  17. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    **FREE DayZ servers**

    Ye man! :D OVH are awesome! Never had any issues and they have a good line up of servers. They're not a gaming server company, rather a business orientated server host, so to anyone thinking of going with them, make sure you know what you're doing as they wont be able to help you with game server related questions :P All the best for your server(s) too! :D
  18. aye, ive never played any other game for over a year on just one map, haha :D
  19. Yeah hopefully my offer will be taken seriously, its a genuine offer so fingers crossed. Its a shame your group split up man, would have been good to have you guys on board! Not sure where you're playing now, but youre more than welcome to join us and get involved with our operation :) Our quiet time is a bit strange to understand really, we've had no incidents on the server that would warrant it, and we have a lot of excellent and active admins. I can only really put it down to a quiet time in DayZ at the moment. as long as our community continues to grow we'll be fine. We still hit 30-50 people on teamspeak each night, some of us are playing other games and doing different things, so its all good. I just can't wait for standalone. We intend to host it as soon as its available to the public, even if we have to use a separate commercial host if there isnt support for non commercial hosts from the start. I trust we will have fully populated standalone servers :D
  20. Hey guys, Im interested in merging my community/servers with another community/server. I currently lease a dedicated server which at the moment which only runs one main DayZ server, one Utes pvp server, 2 CSGO servers, and 1 teamspeak. Im looking to expand our community and make more use of the resources I have available. I can offer any community/clan/group, etc, DayZ servers free of charge, hosted on my high spec dedicated box hosted in Roubaix northern France. You would have full admin access via the DayZ Control Center, and would get full access to the MySQL database for your server. You would be able to have your own admins and continue your operation how you like it, have your own rules, own unique features, etc etc. The only conditions would be you merge with our community, get to know us and use our 512 slot teamspeak. Drop me a PM or reply via this thread if anyone is interested :D Many thanks!! Panda
  21. U.G.N - Jedi Panda

    ☆★☆ Server/Community Merge ☆★☆ Anyone interested??

    Still open to discussions :)
  22. going through a bit of a quiet time atm, were working on getting more clans & players on :)
  23. IIRC all theyre waiting on is the Server>Client architecture to be ready. Theyre making big changes, and good on them :)
  24. morning all <3 not long for standalone now :D