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About Draeconis

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    On the Coast
  1. Draeconis

    Please use another game engine :/

    To be honest, I can't tell if the issues are centered around DayZ or just ArmA, I only bought this game to play DayZ, but I cannot get it working smoothly at all. Apparently there are issues with ArmA detecting graphics cards with 1Gb+ video memory, which limits the game to 'Low' and 'Normal' graphics details, it also doesn't like machines with more than 4Gb memory, and I'm simply not willing to remove RAM to try and play a game properly! I get nasty flashing of quite a few UI elements (though strangely not everything), which some other people have YouTubed about. The reason I've not really submitted any bug reports, is that everything I'd complain about has already been submitted, suggestions offered, which I've tried, and it still doesn't seem to make any difference. I apologise for my tone, it's just really quite disappointing after being really enthusiastic to play it, to then spend nearly an entire day trying to get it working properly :/ If anyone has suffered similar problems and there are actually ways to fix it, I would really appreciate some help. Sorry I came across as rude :/
  2. Draeconis

    Please use another game engine :/

    Nope, I have Arma2: CO from Steam. Manage it using 6, tried the various methods Google suggested to get decent performance out of it, but it's very numb-feeling. Game just feels entirely broken. :/
  3. DayZ is the kind of game I and many others have been waiting for, but in this game engine, it's utterly crippled. I have a decent machine, yet I can't get any sort of reasonable graphics performance from it. Doors don't open or close properly, then suddenly open without warning. The flashlight seems to have a mind of its own, and only illuminate certin surfaces for no good reason. Zombies ignore me standing next to them, then run after me when I crawl prone many meters away... The game UI is a mess (an issue with Arma 2 so I'm told, but this game has been out for years, why hasn't this been addressed?) It's such an anti-climax from the videos on YouTube, I've no idea how these guys get that sort of performance from this game, nor how they put up with a game. Engine so flawed it hurts. I'm running a Xeon W3530 2.8Ghz, 8Gb RAM, AMD 5870. There is simply no good reason why I can't run this game engine from 2009 at least at resolutions of 1920x1200. Yes I've tried all the suggestions to improve performance, it's made a slight improvement, but doesn't stop most textures looking like vomit, and most buildings just being flat blocks, even if I stand next to them. Trees are all just huge cuboids until I go right up to them, and all of this just pulls you away from any sort of immersion you would expect from a game of this premise. So please, move to another game engine. ANY other game engine! I would dearly love to play this game, but as it is, it's unplayable. Edit Well ok, turns out I'm a dumbass. I did leave one rather important factor out, my machine is running Windows 8 x64 Release Preview. I'd made the now glaringly obvious stupid assumption that because the issues I was seeing were the same as people in Win7, and that plenty of other games run just fine in Win 8 build 8400, then it was an ArmA problem. Ahem. No. Sorry chaps, it does work :/ Ah the shame :/
  4. Draeconis

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Well, what an anti-climax. Load of hype about this game, some awesome YouTube videos, I buy the game, install the mod, start it up, find a server, and 'loading'. Updated it through 6, nothing. Turned beta on, nothing. Deleted @dayz folder and reinstalled, just tried to get into the game using A2, now get sounds, but still stuck at loading. Disappointing to say the least :/