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zeke (DayZ)

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About zeke (DayZ)

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  1. zeke (DayZ)

    Rollbacks and Missing weapons.

    Isn't the purpose of an Alpha test for us to test it on a large scale? In other words, we are TESTING it on a large scale for the developers to find bugs/exploits and general game fixes.... I thought that was the whole point of Alpha testing. Can't really complain.
  2. zeke (DayZ)

    Murdering, Cause I've Been Murdered

    It's a dog eat dog world. No matter how many times I've been killed (Which is a lot), I've never actually shot on sight unless a player wasn't responding to my "friendly" calls. I always try and make new friends and communicate first. I find the game so much more fun if you are playing with someone rather than by yourself.
  3. zeke (DayZ)


    It still amuses me how many people complain that there are lots of bugs.. What do people not understand about it being in the ALPHA stages, not even in BETA yet. Goodbye.
  4. zeke (DayZ)

    Arma 2 Engine - Reality and common sense questions

    Yeah I agree but a few things like the AI complains should be able to be fixed in upcoming patches. I was more just saying that a lot of people tend to forget that the mod is only in its ALPHA stages but still expect it to be perfect (Which wasn't directed at you)
  5. zeke (DayZ)

    Arma 2 Engine - Reality and common sense questions

    I think the main point you're forgetting (and most people that make similar complaints) is that the game is in ALPHA stages. There are going to be a crap load of kinks ironed out, bugs fixed and just general gameplay improvements with every single patch. If they're really that big of an issue to you wait till the game is in at the very least the BETA stages.
  6. zeke (DayZ)

    Hacked Heli at Cherno

    Im pretty new to the game so this is probably a dumb question. I always see people saying about hacked helis but how can you tell the difference if it's a hacked in heli or a proper legit heli?
  7. Hey guys, Everytime I join a server now I get "Waiting for character to create" for about 5-6 mins then it'll go to a "Loading" screen for another 5-6 mins before I actually spawn. So all up every time I die and need to respawn or join a new game it takes me rougly 10-15 mins to get into the game. Is this normal? The first few games I played it would only take me 1-2 mins to respawn. I read that reinstalling Battleye might help but that hasn't seemed to do anything. I want to try avoid reinstalling Arma2 as I downloaded it off steam (7GIG each) and I have a download limit. Any other ideas that might help or is that normal? EDIT: I have searched the forums, I've tried most things people have suggested (Apart from reinstalling as mentioned above) with no luck..
  8. Hey guys, Everytime I join a server now I get "Waiting for character to create" for about 5-6 mins then it'll go to a "Loading" screen for another 5-6 mins before I actually spawn. So all up every time I die and need to respawn or join a new game it takes me rougly 10-15 mins to get into the game. Is this normal? The first few games I played it would only take me 1-2 mins to respawn. I read that reinstalling Battleye might help but that hasn't seemed to do anything. I want to try avoid reinstalling Arma2 as I downloaded it off steam (7GIG each) and I have a download limit. Any other ideas that might help or is that normal? EDIT: I have searched the forums, I've tried most things people have suggested (Apart from reinstalling as mentioned above) with no luck.. I've reposted this in troubleshooting so a MOD can feel free to delete this...
  9. zeke (DayZ)

    No idea where I am?

    LOL, yeah I assumed he meant the numbers were GPS coords -______-
  10. zeke (DayZ)

    No idea where I am?

  11. zeke (DayZ)

    No idea where I am?

    Hey guys, New player here obviously, quite enjoying the game so far. I've never played Arma 2 before and basically bought it for this mod. I was just wondering is there any quick way to find out roughly where I am/would be on the map without knowing the Arma2 world? I find myself spawning and just running in random locations for ages on end and not really finding much at all (Found a gun once). Any tips/hints? EDIT: I did read about looking at the bottom right hand side when I spawn and look for some numbers then using http://dayzdb.com/map#4.128.108 But I don't see any numbers anywhere on my screen when I first spawn? Thanks!