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About deadbulky@hotmail.co.uk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. deadbulky@hotmail.co.uk

    How is this fun?

    I paid $30 for dayz
  2. deadbulky@hotmail.co.uk

    Get hit once

    Leg breaks Might as well respawn
  3. deadbulky@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking for someone to play with

    Steam = deadbulky Gimme a shout if u wanna hook up :)
  4. deadbulky@hotmail.co.uk

    Looking To Play With Someone

    My steam Id is Deadbulky Gimme a shout if you wanna team up anytime during the day as i work nights.
  5. deadbulky@hotmail.co.uk

    Day in the life of a Non-Bandit

    Just a nameless face i don't care to remeber :( It was on a Uk server Oh well able to log in again, gonna try hunting a weapon
  6. deadbulky@hotmail.co.uk

    Day in the life of a Non-Bandit

    So basically i was walking through a farm village, i hear some gunshots so i decide to go investigate and i find a guy with 5 zombies chasin him so i do what any good person does. I take out my lee enfield take aim and bring a few of them down, he takes down the rest, i approach him and say *Hey man you allright i got some spare bandages if you need them* and guess what he does, turns round, looks at me and says yeah i can use one thanks *BAM* shoots me in my face. Still i'm not gonna let these bandits ruin me, i will keep helping people who need it cus thats what i like to do, no matter how many backstabs i take.