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Posts posted by ryan.jacklin@hotmail.com

  1. As you can tell from the video we thought it was hackers' date=' and that they were trying lag out the server, which sorta worked if they were since I had about 3 fps

    You are recording a game(fraps i guess?), see a "bunch" of mobs, and because you have 3 fps you think there are hackers to "overload the server". fps droprate isn't caused by the server, but your computer not able to handle the framework. Was probably just an admin having fun, or you extreamly lucky to see a spawnbug in the mod.

    But props to your guess about the hackers dude (Y)


    I was recording in 25-30+ earlier, they were also spawning just infront of me, I've also seen it on different servers and so have other people on the forums.

  2. So I was getting ready to log out somewhere when suddenly I see a group of people in the woods. At first I thought it was someone being chased by zombies but then I realised it was priests.

    OH and btw I put a full mag into one off them which I didnt record, all he did was go prone then get back up.

    As you can tell from the video we thought it was hackers, and that they were trying lag out the server, which sorta worked if they were since I had about 3 fps :P and then they continued to spawn just infront of me, in the end I think were about 30-40? I didn't count properly.


    Oh, We also saw some priests the other day as we drove through a town but took no notice of them since they couldn't keep up with the truck and thought they were just zombies.
