Rig: -Processor 1090T -GPU xfx 5870 -8gb ram I have tried to look and search what might be causing this bug, but no clue: -Some textures are normal, as they should be. -Some of textures are little bit or very blurry. -Some textures are square shaped, but still got the right colour (trees are dark green, bushes are olive green squares etc). -Some objects are missing textures complitely (like white bushes). I have no idea, what are causing this, so all the ideas are welcome. What i have tried to do: -Search for same kind of problems, and try the same fixes -Try to verify integrity of the game cache in steam -Try to install whole gama again (Arma CO) -Try to install DayZ mod again -Try to install DayZ to RAMDisc -Try to install drivers of graphic card again -Try to install whole windows again (WEll, i got Windows 8, but my friend runs the game with W8 also, and no problems. And he has worse rig than i do. I think the problem isnt in the dayz, because in arrowhead textures are also quite bad. PICTURES: (AND NOTICE THIS: ui is fucked up, because i had to upscale windowed mode to full hd resolution, in order to get pictures. so jsut skip that bad ui positioning) [attachment=1610][attachment=1611][attachment=1612]