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Everything posted by tehNuka

  1. tehNuka

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    at this stage the game is not about zombie
  2. Sry but your closed testing is peace of shit, half of the bug from the changelogs didn't fixed lol.
  3. tehNuka

    Mil Dot correction tables

    That tables are wrong
  4. tehNuka

    New Zombie LOS

    Living people? Srsly?
  5. DE 143 Server down already for 12+ hours. When it will raise from the dead?
  6. tehNuka

    [] Weapons in backpack disappear.

    Similar:- In Primary - CZ550 + 2 clips In Backpack - m14 aimpoint + 5 DMR mags and ~8 free slots 1 Open inventory 2 Open Bag 3 Switch weapons using arrows 4 CZ550 disapear but 2 mags was safely placed in backpack
  7. VEEEEEEEERY LONG LOADING. reboot server plz.
  8. tehNuka

    Server Restart Possessions Fix

    DE #49 after several restarts no cars no tents...
  9. tehNuka

    Server Restart Possessions Fix

    De #49 Lost 3 cars and 4 tents. Some basic spawns are also empty. Thats alpha yes. But don't say me that u didn't have any simple DB skills to backup it.
  10. WTF? Punish them! video: http://twitch.tv/tehnuka/b/323188230