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Everything posted by seze

  1. seze

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Actually, if they fix the dupe/tent glitch and logging out and back in to respawn ammo, sniping would cut back. Really, how much ammo do you find for sniper rifles besides for the M24/DMR. The .50 cal rifles ammo is a pretty rare find, and if the shots that you had actually counted and could possibly run out of ammo then it would cut back. People wouldn't just spray Elektro and if they did, they would eventually run out. Right now you can shoot a few pot shots, disconnect and reconnect with a full clip again. Making the ammo for the DMR more rare and fixing the dupe/reconnect bugs would help. I do enjoy the sniper rifles however, and I don't snipe Elektro.
  2. Great story man. Those are the best times in DayZ. Just the other day I had a similar mishap. Me and a buddy were heading to our old camp that still had some items and he got there a minute or two before I did. As he is checking out weapons I am coming up to camp and hear shots. I thought it was just my buddy as I can see him firing the weapon in camp to decide whether or not he likes it... I was at camp and saw the puff of smoke of the fire. Then over teamspeak, he says "Oh SOB, I died..." That was when I dropped to the ground and saw the guy wearing a ghillie stand up and run to our tents. He lays back down at our tents and I fire a single shot into him and he dies. The guy never knew what hit him like my buddy did. How the world goes round...
  3. seze

    Would you take the shot?

    I would have taken the shot... I think of it this way. If that was me sitting there with my loot map open, I doubt the guy on the other end with the DMR would even take the time to scope in on my dome, and probably be satisfied with shooting me instantly in the torso/leg/kneecap/toe to grief me.
  4. Oh yeah. Lately the server I play on has had 6 different camps found in the matter of days. It seems wherever they are put, a few hours later they are refound, and demolished over and over. One of the more recent times there was a fire spawned on one... I feel since this patch there has been an increase? Or just never noticed them as much before.
  5. seze

    Get rid of this mindset

    I bought Arma 2 for DayZ, but I watched a few videos of Arma 2 on youtube and it actually looks amazing... I wish I knew of it before I did. I only found out that Arma 2 existed BECAUSE of DayZ and plan to buy Arma 3 if it is the same concept and playing it for the game itself.
  6. I have grouped up with several people on the DayZ server. Idk about this one, but there is a 500 person one on the TS3 Server list... and I frequent that one when I play. Pretty nice.
  7. Stop reading them...
  8. Not to much of a drop, but a fail on my part. Me and my buddy were in Belota getting loot when I spot someone in the control tower with my binoculars. We decide to take him out as he is up there laying prone and just watching... We wanted to continue to loot and to avoid him seeing us and doing it first from the tower, we stake him out. My buddy goes behind the control tower of the ground level door and watches it. The guy in the tower was running around the glass tower and to the downstairs the entire time. While he was downstairs, I told my buddy to move in closer(We're at the end of the airstrip). So as he is behind the control tower, I am still staking him out from afar. The guy darts out the back door right next to my buddy and then heads to the hangar next door. My buddy takes a shot at him. I start to move in to help out knowing where he is now. As I am closing in, the guy darts to the second hangar. By this time I am at the HMMWV just outside of the second hangar. We are both at each side of the door trying to formulate a plan on how to close in the rest of the way for the kill without getting ourselves killed... well apparently during our plan making, the guy bled out. ___ Another great story is when my buddy shot a guy in the woods. My buddy said that he was dead, but there was some zombie aggro so we took them out before looting. When we went to loot, it offered us to check pulse/drag body and whatnot. I asked my buddy if it actually did say he murdered someone. His reply was "no." So the entire time the guy was still alive bleeding for his life.
  9. So DC and join a new server?... So ideally what you're saying is to exploit. Got it. Keep that in mind next time I play a survival game where the only goal is to play and survive. Thankfully, a lot of people are saying that exploits help you stay alive. I didn't know what they meant until now...
  10. I am currently in the process of starting an Enjin based website to coordinate groups of survivors so that when players are online, they have a community to play with. Currently this is not a clan. Just an organized social website gathering other survivors information so that the rest can establish groups. http://dayzcore.enjin.com/home It is open to the public, and the only requirement is to treat those with the respect that they have earned.