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About slightlyadvanced

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. slightlyadvanced

    [EU] Looking for good players to join our DayZero group.

    Got 6 people now and some sweet cars and gear.
  2. slightlyadvanced

    Looking for UK based origins/DayZero clan

    Good day. We are not really a clan more a small group but it basicly is the same isnt it? We dont play origins but DayZero. And yeah we are 4 guys and all played since more then a year. If you want to read some more about us: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/146036-eu-looking-for-good-players-to-join-our-dayzero-group/ And well just msg on here, skype or Razer comms Skype: altair.13 Razer: MandrelMan Have a nice day
  3. So, Good day! At the moment we got 4 people wich play a lot. The only requirements are: Age around 16 You got to be "good" on Arma No problem with being a bandit Do stuff for and with the group (not only come on when we are flying/driving around fully geared) Well thats about it with the requirement. About the group We are online a lot Usually have decent cars and gear Always looking for more people to join We are trying out Razer Comms at the moment and i think we will stick to it so i guess thats a requirement too If you got any questions or want to join add me on: Skype: altair.13 Razer Comms: MandrelMan Or just post in this topic. Some stuff about me and the other guys: Im 17 the other guys are between 15-17 There is somebody playing everyday pretty much We play as bandits up north always looking for some action One of us got a YouTube channel with some videos, he doenst upload a lot and just does it for the lols This is the most recent video of our first week on DayZero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TsogLHkLc8 Well, thats about it. I hope for a few or maybe even a lot of responses.
  4. I didn't mean to ram him i thought he is "way" lower and i could pull that of to get behind him, but well didn't work out as planned. And thanks ;)
  5. 1 had but yeah, there where just too many helis all over the place so why not practive for heli battels?
  6. As the title says 3minutes of Heli battels all over Chernarus. We took down about 10 Hueys in about 40min. after the server restartet. The server has a "bit ridiculous" amounts of helis and vehicles you can find it if you type in "600+ vehicles 30+" and you will find it, most of the time all 50 slots are taken and it pretty much only is a pvp server with 20-30 guns at chopper crashes the server is fast and you will get high fps if you pc can take it.
  7. slightlyadvanced

    [EU] Looking for experienced players for our DayZ squad

    bump we are on a new non whitelisted server now we just started out and we are in the middle of gearing up so you would get a automatic gun for sure we are looking for more people again because it got a bit quiet lately and we are up for dayz again just add me on skype and you will be in the call: altair.13
  8. slightlyadvanced

    RSB looking for members!

    there you go just skype me if i got a chance: altair.13 http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/125112-euexpirienced-player-looking-for-a-big-clan-to-join/
  9. Hello! So what to say Im 16 years old i play dayz since june last year so thats about 8 months i played in a group of up to 15people already i was the "leader" along with another guy you could say it got pretty quiet lately and so i am just looking for another group to roll with for a while and maybe even stick to my english is pretty good and im a fun guy to play with i usually play as a bandit but i dont have to shoot everybody i see i got tons of combat expirience and general dayz knowledge im a awesome pilot/driver had everything there is to have a few times played pretty mutch all the other maps but i never really liked them too mutch and just stuck to chernarus you can give me any rifle and i will do a good job only thing im not too good with (yet) are the snipers but on 400 meters range i could take out a few people or atleast support the assault teams im playing between 18-22 gmt+1 mid week and from 13-~3 on weekends I got skype and teamspeak at the moment skype name is: altair.13 and if you use a other program i also wont mind and just get it if you would give me a chance just add me on skype and msg me. Any other questions will be answered here or on skype
  10. slightlyadvanced

    Bandit clan/squad looking for members!!!!

    Requirments: -Obviously a microphone and good english - yes -Being active, preferably being on atleast 5 hours each day 5 days a week - on weekends up to 10hours mid week around 2 -We use teamspeak for communication - sure -Due to timezone issues we prefere people from inside the EU unless you play at european hours. - austria mid week between 18-22 weekend from 13-* -Having some experience - know tons of stuff and also got good aim and lots of pvp knowledge -Atleast 16 years old (if you are younger and can prove your mature enough we might give you a chance) - 16 so yeah if you would give me a chance just skype me and i will answer fast: altair.13 Name used ingame: Frisken. Real name: Thomas (Tom) From: Austria things i dont like are for example: squeaki kids, idiots wich only scream aroudn, randome shit while in combat, tons of background noice also gear whores and lazy people (only playing when there is a chopper or car with gear to go around, no scavenging at all)
  11. i would post on the forum but they just banned me there too also no reason before i got banned i was talking to them and asked questions how they did something and they couldnt provide any answers and just talked shit and then they just banned me and a buddy reason: because
  12. slightlyadvanced

    [EU] Looking for experienced players for our DayZ squad

    bump we are on awa now because the other whitelist server lost a lot of players for some reason
  13. so did they stop abusing and using hacks? if they did it would be nice if you could unbann me and a friend. we didnt get banned for hacking but the admins got mad when we talked about them using hacks in side chat and they just banned us without reason in the end