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About Alchonis

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    On the Coast
  1. Alchonis

    Truth Time Rockett

    I played Dayz for a while, then got bored with the amount of people who kill for no reason. Its alright though as when the game is out of testing(alpha Beta) and in full release their will be no restrictions on what server operators can do and their will be plenty of servers running no player kill rules under threat of ban. So dont worry you will be able to play your way too and not be forced to play the way the pvp players want. In fact people will be shocked at how many of these servers will exist when the mod is released fully.
  2. So care to explain why we have law' date=' regulation to create order in society? If you think people are living in fantasy land, aren't you living in it too generalising people who has their opinion? In theory, indeed not wrong. Have you ever been a law enforcement officer in real life where you get to see how people behave in their worst right on the ground? Have you not realise the London Riot 2011 that people who riot, rob consider about the other human beings? Have you not consider in the event where there is no law, no order and between survival of 2 human being, would both of them share that one can of food or would they kill each other to survive? Fact is, either way could happen. Are you trying to say that for sure where survival is concern, ALL and EVERY single human beings would share their resources and not fight? I doubt so. For every example you pointed out, there is no example of one where there is 1 resource that decides whether one human being lives or not between the two. The concept of DayZ is a survival game. Food, drinks, weapons are resource in certain limitation. Have you administrate a DayZ server to see that people do band together to know that this is not 100% a deathmatch game? Have you seen the chatlogs of a DayZ server from an administrative overview perspective, rather than just a personal standalone player perspective? IMO, your angry view is myopic and fail to take a step back and think deep. End of the day, I love this game enough to hope that it succeed and is sustainable for as long as possible. The question you should be thinking is how and would the mechanics of this concept make it successful across the board and sustain the interest of the market if you would as well like this game to succeed. Becoming a pure DM of course would make this game, become just another game. However, I still do not see this is a DM at this point of time, both as a player and as a administrator of a server. You have answered your own question, why do we make laws then if we are all inherently evil and want to take eachothers resources? because we are not evil each person has both good and evil inside them and the fact we have created so much in the world and have so many things we have worked together on shows we choose to be good more than evil. If we are all like you say then why create laws to go against things we want to do? Because we dont want to do these things, we do want be good to eachother. You talk about criminals yet they are a minority and so dont reflect what the majority of people would do in adversity. The london riots were started by anger and were hijacked by a few individuals to start the looting and fires. Most are now in prison and the vast majority of people believe that these acts of violence were wrong. The next example shows you to be a very shallow person probably with few friends and rarely interacts with other people. As 2 people WOULD share the food then you have 2 people not just 1 to find more food. I ask you if 1 person breaks a leg what can he do alone? if that person he shared his food with is still around though he can carry him to safety and he wil not die, thus being by far the best survival option to share and not take. So why would the other person burden themselves with another who was wounded? Surely he would walk away its not his problem... well if you truely believe this then i pity you greatly for you only a shell of a person. the final thing i will say is that human beings are social animals and need eachother not for food or protection or even for their supplies, but they need eachother for social interaction and stimulation. If dayz was real and you had walked around Chernarus alone for even a week you would cry tears of joy when you realise the figure coming towards you was not a shadow of the dead but a real living breathing person who you can talk to and just be around so you are not alone anymore... If you cannot understand this then i have nothing for you but pity, what cold and callous human being you are. Needing eachother is NOT and opinion, it is a fact.
  3. I think all people here that think it would be a free for all if their are no laws are living in fantasy land. I think you have been watching too many american movies where very shallow people turn on eachother at the drop of a hat. The fact is the world is not like that and will explain. In times of great adversity people do not go mad and start murdering eachother, in fact quite the opposite happens, they help each other. Take every major dissaster man made or natural to happen in the last 10 years and you will find that far from bringing out peoples bad sides it brings out the best in people. Take the japanese Tsunami for instance thousands of people died and did the japanese stand alone? no people from all over the world came to japan to help search for survivors and give medical assistance. People who had never been to japan before game up their own time and money to go to the other side of the planet and help others because it was the right thing to do. The major earthquake in New zeland a few years ago, people lost their homes and everything they owned but did their neighbours say "thats tough shit your not having any of my food or my blankets"? NO they did not they helped eachother and again many people came from around the world to help them Every year in austrailia their are hurrendous bush fires but in 2010( i think it was this year i cant remember) they had one of their worst on record and again people from all over their country(and thats not easy cause its a fucking huge country!!!) to help people and they donated things to help. Even their prime minister when to oversee the rescue operation personally to show how much it meant. When the chillian miners were trapped hundreads of feet underground with no way to rescue them other countries came to their aid, they did not have the technoligy or the expertise to build those capsules they(1 of them anyway) were made and designed on short notice in Britain. The huge expense of this would be clear but the chilian government never had to pay anything for it, the countries involved were glad to help. Hurricane Katrina was one of the worst that america had felt in a very long time and the deavistation can still be seen in some places. Again people came from all over the country and even the world to help with the homeless and the wounded. And when people thought that enough was not being done their was a HUGE public outcry from the american people to get more done for their fellow countrymen/women. And finally in britain before world war 2 their was a great class divide and rich and poor didnt even talk to eachother let alone understand eachother. When the blitz was going on it was like hell on earth and people from all walks of life felt it. Barriers came down and everyone took care of eachother, Britains new found unity and togetherness and the Great British spirit is what many people believe let the British hold out so long against so many Nazi raids. I hope this makes you all understand that the idea we would all turn into mindless killers in the face of adveristy is so ridiculous and far from the truth that it boggles the mind to wonder what the people who say it are really like. I am sorry for my poor grammer and maybe some of the details are not pin point accurate but i was so angry writing this out that i think some of it comes across in what i say. Anyway goodnight.
  4. People in this game kill for the sake of killing, they kill because they can. This has to stop their is NO defense for it, i play a lot of games and this issue is always present. When i play an RTS and an ally kills my own tanks, he doesnt do it for stratagey or for survival he does it because he can, because within the constraints of the game he can get away with it. This is why people kill other people in Dayz, they do it for the hell of it they do it for the sake of it they do it because they can. I have no problem with pvp for survival reasons but people dont kill for this reason, they kill because they can then they adapt the reasons to fit what they have done. And as i have said before their is NO defense for it, i cant believe as i read some of these posts that people actually try to defend some of the practices they perform in the game.
  5. If you have been running and your character is out of breath your aim will be off untill he recovers. I hate it when after running only 30m he breaks down and start swallowing his own tongue, i feel like i wanna slap him when he makes that noise. He also does it from crouch walking aswell.
  6. Alchonis

    Zombies still coming through walls

    I can go one better, i was holed up in a house killing them coming through the door and the walls WHEN THEY CAME THROUGH THE GOD DAMNED FLOOR AT ME!! lol.