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Everything posted by komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

  1. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    A start into web programming

    Hello. Over the summer I'm planning to learn about web design and how to write in HTML, CSS etc. What sort of guides/books could you recommend to me, an absolute beginner?
  2. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    People dont understand

    G000gle where are you from?
  3. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Standalone modding support

    Hello. I'm really interested in making my own map for DayZ that would reflect my home town etc. etc. But the main problem is the complexity and hassle you have to go through right now in order to create even the basic terrain. The tools involved and lack of updated tutorials/guides really restrict people like me from creating custom content. Will Dean sort this mess out in standalone and release modding tools for his game so it's much easier to create custom content for DayZ?
  4. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk


    It's gonna come out shortly after the upcoming DayZ update. That's all I know. And most of the new features for Origins are presented in the video.
  5. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Standalone modding support

    But playing on the same map gets boring very quickly.
  6. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Standalone modding support

    But what I'm asking is will Dean help the modders out?
  7. Some guy was trying to sneak up on me and shoot me probably. I presumed he was trying to crouch, but instead I turned around and saw him jumping in mid-air. Too bad for him he didn't get my beans that day.
  8. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Lets be honest: How many times?

    I've died today due to them storming a house I was in and blocking the entrance. While trying to squeeze through the door I broke my leg and bled out.
  9. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Really bad fps on pretty good pc (all details included)

    Take a screenshot of your in-game settings, because I can't see much faults with the config file.
  10. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    You can max it out without a problem. FPS guaranteed above 40 at all times.
  11. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    I want to play DayZ but help !!

    Are you sure you have installed DayZ through DayZ Commander? Also check if the server is running correct mod version of DayZ.
  12. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    help stutter lag.

    What OS do you have? And by stuttering do you mean the game has microfreezes every 2-3 seconds? The -winxp parameter is just forcing the game to run in DX9 (which you already have).
  13. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    G36A camo for sale

    2 Coyotes full of beans
  14. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Looking for members on DayZ Origins

    bump We need more members, it's getting boring here...
  15. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Looking for members on DayZ Origins

    Add me on Skype - icecoldkillapl
  16. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    The whole Chernarus

    According to ArmA 2 Wiki, the map that we are playing in is only a part of the whole Chernarus. Can you guys imagine what if the rest of Chernarus were to be made and implemented into DayZ?! Also, according to my measurements, the whole Chernarus is 14,000 km2! (140km x 100km) Which means that it would take approx 4 hours and 30 mins to get from the East to the West! Now THAT would be a lot of travelling ;)
  17. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Standalone FPSMMO?

    War Z will be a MMORPG set in zombie universe. But I don't think Rocket will go and turn DayZ into a RPG. And yes, DayZ is already a FPSMMO
  18. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    What now?

    Also, it's BIS' fault for allowing client-side scripts in their game. Don't worry though, once DayZ goes standalone (which is in about 3-4 months), most of problems will be gone.
  19. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    What now?

    DayZ ain't a game, it's a mod. Plus it's in alpha, so it's not supposed to be fun. You're a tester. I think I made myself clear.
  20. You can close down the game with ALT+F4. It's often used as an exploit where people quit the game to avoid death/combat.
  21. I don't know what the guy took when writing that.
  22. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Are different maps possible?

    I don't think custom maps will be acceptable. If so, they would have to be verified first.
  23. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk


    Glad to see fellow 4channers here (although I'm a /b/rother and a /vg/er). But yeah, this place is really turning into a huge clusterfuck.
  24. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    More accessible houses...

    Hopefully Rocket will make every house enterable in the new map.