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Everything posted by komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

  1. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Would this run dayz?

    OP if you're gonna buy a gaming PC, buy a decent one that can last for 4-6 years. Seriously, you won't regret it.
  2. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Would this run dayz?

    Well you can run it at lowest settings possible, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to have Wii graphics?
  3. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Would this run dayz?

    The GPU isn't made for games, so no. Also, don't buy gaming PCs from Best Buy etc. They're obviously gonna be shit, and it's much more affordable to build one yourself.
  4. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Podcast with ROCKET, Future of dayZ

    Rocket can't afford a decent mic ;( Dissapointed. It's nice to see him speak about future of DayZ though
  5. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    How populated is Green Mountain?

  6. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Weird experience...can anyone explain

    I had the same experience. Just a bug while downloading data from the hive.
  7. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Actual solution for pve only servers

    Or make seperate hives - one for PvP and one for PvE. Simple.
  8. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    HELP ASAP! New player our server was teleported and I am screwed.

    You may try relog and note the location that appears right after you spawn. Your buddy could grab some morphine from hospitals and patch you up maybe?
  9. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Ever had a dream related to DayZ?

    I had a dream that I was looting Cherno and killing zombies... Quite boring really
  10. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk


    The chance of catching a fish would have to be quite low. Otherwise, it would be too easy to get your blood back to 12k. Unless it doesn't restore as much blood.
  11. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    So who's brilliant idea was this?

    Yeah, the respawn button when fractured feature is kind of broken. Now it's the time to whine about it in thread.
  12. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    recomended operating systems

    Windows XP used to be good, but Windows 7 took over. Go for 7.
  13. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Please fix zombie no-clipping through doors!!!

    It's an engine-related bug. Rocket can't do anything about it until the game goes stand-alone. For now, try to stay away from walls and doors ;)
  14. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk


    From the variable, it looks like Rocket's last-known location teleport script.
  15. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Friendly Fire Feature? What Just Happened????

    It's a bug. Sometimes that happens.
  16. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Why cant I make steaks out of other Players?

    From all the zombie blood, you'd like to eat human flesh and get infected? Sure thing bro
  17. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    DayZ Shortcut

    Make sure you have all the files in your DayZ folder.
  18. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    will there be a fortress ?

    Probably. ArmA 2 allows you to build bases, so I don't see why you couldn't do that in DayZ.
  19. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    ATV question .

    ATVs get back on their wheels after a server restart. The only thing to do now is to save it and wait for a server restart.
  20. If you're in debug plains, relogging should spawn you at the beach/last safe location
  21. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    all servers gone?

    download the newest update (95417) and see if that fixes anything
  22. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    Map filter

    Use DayZ Commander. It allows you to filter out different server settings such as 3rd person, crosshairs etc
  23. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    how do i get version 1.96.93616

    The newest version is 1.62.95417. Make sure that the server is legit, and not private/cracked.
  24. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    The Game Is Now Un-Playable.

    I don't about you guys, but DayZ runs great on my computer with current ArmA 2 & DayZ patch. Update your graphics card drivers or upgrade maybe?
  25. komoter226@yahoo.co.uk

    So, can we still get sick?

    Now you can randomly get sick depending on the weather.