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About Kruemelkatze

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  1. Kruemelkatze

    Underground Base.

    Land on an zombie-infested shore. Grab beans. Get a weapon. Build a fucking underground complex. Sounds legit to me :rolleyes: I would prefer an option to add defenses to existing buildings. E.g. barricading windows, setting up a barb wire fence, build limited (!) walls, grow some wheat, etc.
  2. Your first post was serious trolling (i laughed hard), but now your trolling skills are leaving you and you are fucking up your troll reputation. Run, before it's too late!
  3. Kruemelkatze

    we need vampirez

    In Sovjet Chernarus, vampires suck blood, not cocks. Sorry to say so, OP.
  4. The crossbow kills with one hit, independent of where you hit the zed. I've run along with a crossbow around 20 hours, until I found a MP5SD6. It's totally worth having one, as you can kill zombies noiseless. But always keep another weapon in your backpack, just in case you meet a hostile player. Concerning the bullet drop: Don't try to shoot zombies when they are running, you are going to miss. And for information: On short distances, the bolt impacts around 1cm above the point designated by the crossbow's iron sights! Also forget to search for bolts lost in fields/woods, it's worse than searching a needle in a haystack. In general, you will be able to regain 50-70% of the bolts you fired. Sometimes you miss, sometimes the bolt flies through walls and sometimes the zombies will cover the steel bolt.
  5. Kruemelkatze

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    Counter-snipers snipe snipers and counter-counter-snipers, while counter-counter-counter-snipers are on their crusade against counter-counter-counter-counter-snipers. A black hole is definitely going to devour Chernarus.
  6. Kruemelkatze

    DayZ Stories

    Two stories of today: As a friend and me were looting Berezino for vehicle parts, I entered one of the apartment builds on the north side of the town. After killing some zombies chasing me, I look on he floor and saw a package, thinking "What the hell is this". It turned out to be a Camo suite and i hurray'd. In the same building I found a Lee Enfield, an ALICE pack, a makarov, a m1911 and lots of food, soda and bandages. I already got a full ALICE pack and good weapons but this would have been the perfect place for a new character. As we went on, my mate attracted some zombies but didn't want to shoot, so we started running to the town centre. I managed to find a small tool cabin and found another clothing stack, this time it was a Ghillie suit! As I went to help my friend, who ran into a school, I looked for zeds lingering around the building and discovered a tent. Apparently it was owned by a server hopper farming this school building, as it was filled with residential stuff . We refilled our provisions and continued our journey. Around two hours later, nighttime has just started on the server and we looted Polana. Just as we wanted to leave the city, my mate asked if I had fired. I turned around, answered and saw a fireball in the field north of the town. A look into the binoculars revealed a dead survivor, who had rammed the only tree on this field with his tractor. :) Carefully, we proceeded to the corpse and were happy about finding an AK, a coyote backback and lots of medical stuff. Thanks to you, Save, and rest in peace!
  7. Kruemelkatze

    I'm tired of not finding vehicles

    A mate and me were looking for vehicles for some days. 3 days ago we found 2 ATVs and wanted to fix them (missing wheels and engie). While looting Berezino, we found an UAZG and laughed hysterically. Unfortunately, the server was shutting down for maintenance. We didn't care much, because we saved the car and it was hidden quite well (+ this spawn is not marked on any loot map). But as I joined the server again the next day, it was gone, hurray... Still, we are looking forward to find another car. Just don't give up ;)
  8. Kruemelkatze

    Some people are real dicks

    At least, this guy was an honest dick and trying to kill you from the first moment on. Many players declare themselves friendly and kill you after coming near. These are the worst.
  9. That's not making friends, that's harvesting headshots.
  10. Being a bandit or shooting on sight is gameplay, but this is just antisocial shit. Where's the kill user button on this forum?
  11. As far as I know, it's possible. When buying Arma 2 CO on Steam, you get two separate keys: 1 for Arma 2 and 1 for OA, they are even listed as separate games. If you already own of of them, you can use the new key as a gift.
  12. Kruemelkatze

    Hatchet doesnt work as a weapon?

    Right click on the hatchet in your primary weapon slot / toolbelt and select 'Chop Wood' or what it ist called. Yes, unless you are lucky.
  13. Kruemelkatze

    Map print out for free

    Nice job! But why didn't you go to the next printshop and let it print in A2? Costs around 7-9€ :)
  14. Kruemelkatze

    The zombies need to be more dangerous.

    In my opinion, three aspects of the game should be changed: 1.) Zombies should be able to move quicker inside buildings. Not as quick as when running outside (in reality, they would crash against every corner with this speed^^), but maybe twice as fast as they do now. 2.) Zombies should chase the survivors directly instead of running zig-zag and be able to punch them while running. Also, a kind of stamina system would be nice, so that after short or long, the zeds WILL catch you if you are running away from them. In order to give the survivors a possibility to get rid of zeds, the hiding system should be improved. E.g. run around some corners, letting the zeds a distance behind you and hide behind some barrels or containers. 3.) Less Ammo. I have never been in a former sowjet-russian house, but I don't think every houshehold owns a kind of zombie survival kit, including flares, ammo, whatever. As far as I know, the devs are already working on the zombies AI and I'm really looking forward to see the results :)