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Everything posted by P5ykoOHD

  1. P5ykoOHD

    Why is it impossible to place tents?

    Guilty sir ... ;)
  2. P5ykoOHD

    FN FAL Spawnrate?

    Same, it's a pretty common loot ... even the scoped ones. Chances are, OP, when you get to the choppers, thay have already been taken.
  3. Well, CoD 4 was good ... but it just went down hill from there. If thay spent more time developing the games, it would probably be much better. BF3 is "ok" ... however "close quarters" is total bs, trying to follow the steps of CoD.
  4. I love your level of trolling ^^ Cause CoD is shit ^^
  5. P5ykoOHD

    Anyone else fount this?

    Or a groupe of bandits :P
  6. ^ Solve the Alt-F4 issue, solve the random killing ... Alot of bandits will go back to robbing.
  7. P5ykoOHD

    Anyone else fount this?

    Omg !!! Never seen one. Is it fun to use ? (never used it, even in Arma 2) Please dude, if you use it, make a video ^^
  8. Because this is an Alpha ... we are here to test and show the flaws. Till it gets fixed, what else is there to do ? I love this game, the pvp is one of the best I have ever seen in my life of gaming (over 16 years) ... there are very very few games that make you sweat when you engage someone knowing that it's all or nothing. Take it or lose it. I play Css otherwise ... But it gets really booring. (I used to be in the top 10 Awp FR ladder back in college)
  9. P5ykoOHD

    Are the server owners cheating us?

    Getting good gear and stuff only depends on the risks you yourself are willing to take ... You will sure as hell not get anywhere if you only kill fresh spawners ... go attack those "greedy pricks", get their goods and wala ! Now if when you do it the server restarts or you get kicked for doing it, report the server. If people do what you said, then thay clearly don't deserve to have it, aka you are more than happily invited to kill them and take it. You don't get rich by doing nothing and complaining.
  10. Is it my fault that the zombies offer no challenge what so ever ? That even during a fire fight with a player I will ignore the zombie attacking me simply cause he hardly deals any damage ? Sure when I was still a noob, I died thousands of times till I learn't how to deal with them. Zombies need to be "ugraded to the state of "Nemesis" " to actualy be itresting enough to play against. Possible fixes: - Way more zombies - Zombies spanw in forrests - Zombies run inside buildings - Zombies infect you within the first 3 hits, causing a constant loss of blood - Zombies hit much harder - Only way to kill the Zombies = Headshot Also, idk why the F we are calling them Zombies, thay are in fact "Infected", creatures that have kept the ability to move at high speed.
  11. - You can kill zombies without even using a weapon ... it's just a game mechanic that causes them to die if thay do certain things. - You can run through a town, gather a train of zombies and dump them on the first survivor you see (it's actually fun, but not for the survivor) - You can go through towns, looting and all without even alerting any zeds at all - You can loot a chopper by running up to it (and I mean propper running stance) and not alert any zeds, simply by using a flare at night or a smoke during the day. No, zombies are just ants atm, that's why I have turned to pvp, as the "surviving the elements & zombies" aspect of the game offers no challenge at all.
  12. By talking about it as a "difficulty level" you kinda brought it upon the thread yourself.
  13. P5ykoOHD

    Are the server owners cheating us?

    DE 251 Report the servers if you can provide proof of it being restarted after engaging the Admin.
  14. I maintain what I have once said: Banditry would still exist if people did not Alt-F4 ... Bandits could then rob people, and the people could then decide to fight back and the cicle would be restored with intresting player interactions. But no, players need to Alt-F4, therefor bandits are forced to shoot first then loot ... This entire cluster fuck has never been the bandits fault, only the carebears too scared to lose their gear / life are to blame for all this.
  15. P5ykoOHD

    Server Admins - Understand us ...

    In case your ability to read and comprehend english (as poor as my english may be) I said: It is not over just 1 "fu" ... it's over everything we get on a Daily basis ... and not just me, but all the other Admins too ... But I expected people to post such stuff, so be it.
  16. False ... It has it's cons too. And is also a good chance for new players to actually get into PvP against seasoned bandits full of loot. Quit complaining.
  17. P5ykoOHD

    Are the server owners cheating us?

    I installed the new Patch on my server this morning, and when I logged in, my camp & car, both having loot in them where gone. I was also Dead when I spawned, but respawned on my dead body ... wierd yeh. So just looted my own body, and went along. Yes I lost alot of pvp loot, too bad, Gear is not that important tbh. About the Server, well there are many Servers that have auto restart, you might have been unlucky. Also, know that cars that have exploded, not been used, not been saved, will respawn in their spawn location upon restart. Idk if this has helped you, but there are indeed bad Admins.
  18. P5ykoOHD

    Server Admins - Understand us ...

    If anything, it makes me an even better Admin cause I am not banning the player (aka following the illogical Admin Rules) This happening once, will not get me "upset or angry", however this happens all day long and for no reason ...
  19. P5ykoOHD

    Want to know WHY I SoS?

    I do find it fun when Greedy little pricks, think thay can continuesly rack up gear ... by doing so, thay are only painting Targets on their backs. Making themselves more intresting to shoot at. Was the RULE N°1 of this game not: "Do not become emotionelly attached to your gear, because you WILL die and lose everything" ? This isn't carebear land ... and without the threat of dying, there is no point in playing, cause zombies are piss easy. My full point of view is here: http://dayzmod.com/f...gs/page__st__20 If people did not Alt+F4, banditry would still exist ... and people would not be forced to KOS.
  20. P5ykoOHD

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    You might want to read the rest. jus to have a littme more insight.
  21. P5ykoOHD

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    You guys forget 1 MAJOR thing ... Life expectancy is not dictated by the murders / kills ... it is massivly influenced by the fact people "Respawn" to find better spawns ... murders being only a little part in the cause of those respawns. The numbers do not reflect the reality of the situation. If people stopped chain respawning till thay got to where thay want to respawn, the life expectancy would go sky high.
  22. P5ykoOHD

    Bandits, Survivors or Abusers.

    Someone who understands ^^ You got my beans.
  23. P5ykoOHD

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    Carefull, you're going to make me cry !!! Honnestly, PVP is what makes the game intresting, from a certain point, which you do not yet seem to have reached, the game becomes booring ... - Zombies: Once you know how to avoid them, how to kill them without any weapons (I know how to), how to dump a train of zombies you freshly gathered for fun on another player (done it alot, it's extremly fun ^^), once you are able to go through a town, loot all the stuff you need and get out, loot helicopters using Flares ... Zombies become toys, harmless little things, a booring mechanic that happens to be part of the game. - Players: Well, players are all 3 of those "choices" combined. Irl, a man will kill another if it allows him to survive for just 1 more day ... you probably have no idea of what human nature really is, as most of you little scums have grown up in a bubble called carebear land. I was doing studies to become a thanatopracter, when you learn to deal with real dead people on a daily basis, you are on the front line of what humanity really is. Restoring mutilated people to make them look calm on their death bed is not an easy thing to do ... going to get the deceased body of an old person who has been abandoned by their familie ... yeah human nature sure is that pretty cute little thing you have been tought, when in reality, it's so far from the idea people have tought you. So quit the crap, there are no "good samaritans", there will be even less in a real zapocalipse ... when one is forced to survive, he will do what ever he deems necessary, and that includes eliminating any threat before it has the possibility to hatch. - Bandits: Thay no longer exist ... and believe me, it's not because people shoot eachother on sight, that is but the meer concenquence ... It no longer exists because people have "discovered" how to save their lives using Alt+F4 / Abort-Disconnect ... if people stayed in game, banditry, robbing people would still exist, and would make for extremly fun videos on youtube ... If anything, it's really people who only care about Gear who are destroying the game. WHY ? Well, thay spend time gathering gear, thay get paranoid about losing their gear, and start shooting on sight ... I have passed that stage, I have matured within the game. I am role playing the Bandit/Hunter, cause I enjoy "punishing" the greedy little scums that you are ... You don't see bandits come to the forum whining cause thay lost their gear, or because thay got killed ... No, I get killed, cool Well played to the person who managed to kill me. Here is a video of me saying GG to a person who killed me using my Admin "powers". I did not kick him, I said GG ... So how am I the one damaging the game ? Please come back an cry more, so I can fill my canteen and quench my thirst on your tears.
  24. P5ykoOHD

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    Killing people who are butthurt gear freaks is fun ... You don't need tents full of gear, the biggest backpack and guns to survive. All the necessary gear, for survival, you get within the first 10-20 minutes of your life ... Also banditry has been rendered useless, as most of the people prefer to shoot rather than drop their weapon / surrender. It was fun while it lasted, now I am over the gear hunt, I am now here for just the human hunt. There are no real predators (wild life I mean), so since this is a survival game, I guess it's normal to have hunters & hunted. Just quit crying cause you lost all your precious gear, learn to play without it, after all, your are only feeding your greed. Greed for always more ... so who is really to blame ? The killer or the killed ? By constantly looking for better loot, you only make yourself a better, more intresting target for those who are as greedy as you ...
  25. P5ykoOHD

    Maximize Frame Rate On DayZ and Arma2 - Low Frames Fix

    And what is that command line ? How to set it ?