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Everything posted by P5ykoOHD

  1. We should also be allowed to lock 5 minutes befor restarting the server. To avoid people some possible issues due to a server restart. For those who do not listen to the 3 warnings I give befor restarting, too F bad. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/43981-server-admins-need-the-dev-team-to-answer/
  2. P5ykoOHD


  3. P5ykoOHD

    The rush of not alt-f4'ing

    Awsome read dude. Thanks for the great time ^^
  4. P5ykoOHD

    where do you guys find good weapons?

    And quickly !! I am usually geared up ready to go north for Stary Sobor within the first 10 minutes of my life.
  5. P5ykoOHD

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    I have dissables Death Notices on my server ... +1 to the idea, I noticed a change in performence since I updated my server this morning. A solution could be to let people chose where thay want to spawn, or give them a "preference list" of 2-3 spawn points and the game spawns you in one of those points at random.
  6. I am currently working on windage calculations in the Shooting range on moving targets. Finding the time to travel of the bullet for each range, calculating the amount of lead needed for each stance (running, crouch running, sprinting) ... It's hard. Good luck with your idea thought, hope you manage to get it done.
  7. BEC is not compatible with Host Altitude Servers ... we need to use "Battleye Rcon Tool" instead, and I am a lazy ass when it comes to doing stuff like that. (If someone can provide it for me would be awsome :P) So I prefer to do it manually, and make sure myself that the only people who risk anything, are the idiots who think thay are worth more than an Admins Warning to disconnect for server maintainance.
  8. I thought about that, only problem is people don't all have the same Time Zone, and some people don't think about doing the simple maths. Automatic restarts don't really appeal to me, as BEC does not seem to work on my server (Host Altitude) and the tool that does is, well a bitch to get configured. So, if there has to be a restart, I prefer to be the one doing it, like that I can make sure it goes well. But thanks guys so far, thanks. Well, it's happend to me, so if it can happen to me, it can also happen to others.
  9. I have updated my server to it, and it seems to be running with even less lag.
  10. P5ykoOHD

    where do you guys find good weapons?

    Killing people who have good weapons is a viable option ^^
  11. P5ykoOHD

    Why do people stream snipe?

    There are a few Rules for people who are Streaming to follow. - Hide the "Kill feed / Chat bare" - Hide the little area where your name appears when you are in Gear "G" - Hide the Debug window - NEVER Press "I", showing the name of the server. - Never say what server you are in on TS when a groupe is joining the Server If a Streamer does not follow those few rules, then he deserves to die. After all, it's their fault if thay enjoy screaming "I am here, come kill me" ... Thay are the only ones to blame.
  12. P5ykoOHD

    civil discussion about PVP

    Exactly what I have stated in my answer. It's human nature.
  13. P5ykoOHD

    AS50 Or M107?

    Kill those who have them, magic it's yours !!
  14. P5ykoOHD

    Effectiveness of Battleeye

    Punkbuster is also shit ... just look at Combat Arms Europe ... No matter the protection, hackers will always manage to bypass it. And when I say hackers I mean hackers, those who create the cheats / scripts ... why flatter a cheater by calling him a hacker.
  15. P5ykoOHD

    Please For The Love of God.

    Once again, changing options, or sound is not a matter "omg I need to do it fast fast fast" ... Everyone is aware of that button, so why hast.
  16. For new players to learn what buildings are worth looting and what are not. Otherwise, the in game map is perfectly fine, and all you need really.
  17. You sir have absolutly no idea what Banditry is all about ...
  18. P5ykoOHD

    AS50 Or M107?

    M24 or Lee Enfield for me. ^^
  19. My opinion is that the Survivors are the cause of all the shenanigans happening in todays DayZ ... Alot of stuff would not need to happen if survivors did not behave the way thay currently do. And yes I am talking about survivors, not bandits. Now let me develope my thoughts. Sure, this Mod has become popular, and it is really sad that alot if not all of the new players, do not play Arma 2 ... Now, as this game has become so popular, it attracts all kinds of people, a majority of them being "CoD Kiddies", the very ones you hear yelling over voip, the very ones who made the CoD Community such a shit hole ... I am not here to trash CoD, even tho imo, it went down hill from CoD 4 (Promod). But I am just setting the global mentality of most of these new arrivals. You will alwys find scumbags who do not want to play the game as it was intended. Those people ruin the image of banditry, however thay still remain a minority, as most of them do not last long in this relativly hardcore game ... because what thay are used to and want is "Easy stuff", like in CoD ... Thay will end up leaving the game. Now, why is it the fault of those who call themselves "Survivors", may I point out, you don't see Bandits coming to the forums to complain ... Well, Survivors are for most, subject to greed, therefor thay will constantly go for more & better gear ... doing so, thay are painting huge red flashy "Kill me, I got good loot" targets on their backs ... and well, thay become paranoid, thay do not want to lose their gear, gear thay took DayZ to get ... And, being so scared of losing their stuff, thay tend to Alt F4 to avoid death ... and shoot others on sight just to make sure those other people don't kill them for the loot. The issue is that, Bandits, can no longer Rob people, cause when thay try, the "Survivors" either Alt F4, or shoot. Sure, fighting back is one of the awsome interractions that can occure during a robbery, I love it myself when the person I try to rob puts up a fight. But because nearly 99% of the people Alt F4, bandits can no longer rob, so thay end up shooing first then, well you know ... So, is it the fault of the Bandits ? Not really, sure there are morons who will do what thay want, but don't let a minority kill the game for the others. PVP is needed for this game to remain intresting, without the fear of death, there is no reason to play. I love DayZ, because it is so far the ONLY game / mod that gives me such adrenaline rushes, it's the only game that gets my hands shaking when I meet another player. Help us save banditry, stop Abusing the game. Death is part of the game, and believe me, starting fresh is equally fun, if not more. Have fun & play fair.
  20. P5ykoOHD

    civil discussion about PVP

    My opinion is that the Survivors are the cause of all the shenanigans happening in todays DayZ ... Alot of stuff would not need to happen if survivors did not behave the way thay currently do. And yes I am talking about survivors, not bandits. Now let me develope my thoughts. Sure, this Mod has become popular, and it is really sad that alot if not all of the new players, do not play Arma 2 ... Now, as this game has become so popular, it attracts all kinds of people, a majority of them being "CoD Kiddies", the very ones you hear yelling over voip, the very ones who made the CoD Community such a shit hole ... I am not here to trash CoD, even tho imo, it went down hill from CoD 4 (Promod). But I am just setting the global mentality of most of these new arrivals. You will alwys find scumbags who do not want to play the game as it was intended. Those people ruin the image of banditry, however thay still remain a minority, as most of them do not last long in this relativly hardcore game ... because what thay are used to and want is "Easy stuff", like in CoD ... Thay will end up leaving the game. Now, why is it the fault of those who call themselves "Survivors", may I point out, you don't see Bandits coming to the forums to complain ... Well, Survivors are for most, subject to greed, therefor thay will constantly go for more & better gear ... doing so, thay are painting huge red flashy "Kill me, I got good loot" targets on their backs ... and well, thay become paranoid, thay do not want to lose their gear, gear thay took DayZ to get ... And, being so scared of losing their stuff, thay tend to Alt F4 to avoid death ... and shoot others on sight just to make sure those other people don't kill them for the loot. The issue is that, Bandits, can no longer Rob people, cause when thay try, the "Survivors" either Alt F4, or shoot. Sure, fighting back is one of the awsome interractions that can occure during a robbery, I love it myself when the person I try to rob puts up a fight. But because nearly 99% of the people Alt F4, bandits can no longer rob, so thay end up shooing first then, well you know ... So, is it the fault of the Bandits ? Not really, sure there are morons who will do what thay want, but don't let a minority kill the game for the others. PVP is needed for this game to remain intresting, without the fear of death, there is no reason to play. I love DayZ, because it is so far the ONLY game / mod that gives me such adrenaline rushes, it's the only game that gets my hands shaking when I meet another player. Help us save banditry, stop Abusing the game. Death is part of the game, and believe me, starting fresh is equally fun, if not more. Have fun & play fair.
  21. P5ykoOHD

    Anyone else feel that .50 cals....

    What is your PC config ? I get 120Fps in the wild, and only 20 in town (or even just looking at a town).
  22. P5ykoOHD

    M4 holo SD = Hacked gun?

    This ^
  23. P5ykoOHD

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    So many beanZ to give !!!
  24. P5ykoOHD

    Favourite vehicle in DayZ?

    I am a server owner, and have not yet layed my hands on a vehicule. At least I am not abusing my Server & Admin rights to farm the server. But I would love to have a bike ;p
  25. P5ykoOHD

    Top 10 weapons

    1 - Lee Enfield 2 - M24 Only 2 weapons I rock. PVP lovers might understand the reason why ^^