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Everything posted by P5ykoOHD

  1. P5ykoOHD

    Dayz gameplay

    How do you get such a far render distance ? On my PC it's like stuff materialises 100m away. I mean trees are one big blob of textures blured together till I get within 100m, when all the details come out.
  2. I actually don't mind hackers like that who contribute to the fun, and not just insta kill you.
  3. P5ykoOHD

    Green Mountain

    Never been there actually ... What's it all about ? Is it really a Death trap ?
  4. P5ykoOHD

    Exploring the Shipwreck

    Ans others say it only appears when the fog over the sea vanishes, then disapears after it quenches it's blood thirst ... :o
  5. P5ykoOHD

    Ghillie man haunts player in DayZ

    It aftually looked like "found footage", you know, the type of stuff Movies try to make fur fail miserably at doing ? It was freaking genius, and GG to the dude on the stream for not Alt+F4 'ing.
  6. P5ykoOHD

    Exploring the Shipwreck

    It's a ghost ship ... poltergheists are the reason you get killed :P
  7. IED !!! Terrorists everywhere !!!
  8. P5ykoOHD

    speed art | wp DayZ HD

    With some architecural knowledge (knowing exactly how a bridge is built) it could be a 1000x better :P But about your PS skills, pure boss, gg dude, you got fucking sick skills.
  9. If you have any friends who do not yet have the game ... Or if you just know someone who wants it cause he is playing on "Arma 2 Free". Anyway, good luck if you chose to participate.
  10. Bump ... already 3 days. Giveaway is still happening, sign up ... no need to subscribe, just "like" the video and fill in the form to participate. It's simple, so why not ? If not for you, do it for a friend ^^
  11. P5ykoOHD

    Give us Pve only servers...

    Or in other words: "Give us a server so that we can grind gear in peace, and never risk losing anything" ... Sure bro, why not ... then why not also allow us to Lock Servers so that we can also grind in peace. It's the same threat level = zombies only.
  12. P5ykoOHD

    Are AS50's worth anything anymore?

    Any "Anti Material" weapon will literally blow someone to pieces ... even if thay hit the leg or hand.
  13. Go play in your own Time Zones and quit making servers lag. If you want to play with the other side of the planet, go get better internet.
  14. Just had fun with this: My neighbors tend to be very annoying and loud, getting drunk every night blasting Rap loud ... and well, this morning I had fun with my 7.1 ^^ I always wake up early (world belongs to those who wake up early :P) And, well, blasted this. Reaction was the cops at the door, however, thay did not arrest me or anything, thay actually said "GG" ... Those cops are usually called in by my other neighbors who are constantly annoyed by the people nextdoor. Was hilarious when the cops came.
  15. P5ykoOHD

    For "dem Bass loverZ" ^^ - Music thread

    Bring it on :P
  16. P5ykoOHD

    Looking for a dayz partner.

    Are you a female ? If yes, let's have some beanz around my camp fire :P
  17. I surrender ! In my backpack, take them !
  18. P5ykoOHD

    fn fal vs. bison

    2 weapons you can simply not compare. As thay are 2 different weapon categories. It all comes down to what you want to do with either one of them.
  19. Ok, so as a Server Owner, I have recently started manually restarting the Server ... however, even though I warn people (5min, 3min, 60seconds) befor restarting, weither it's just a restart or to install a new patch, people will still join the server in between those warnings, and therefor will risk losing stuff due to "unexpected restart", since thay did not see the warnings. So I was wondering, if us server admins, would be able to have an excpetion and "lock" the server during those 5 minutes so that more people do not join just befor the restart and risk losing stuff. I know some may abuse this, but I really want to avoid having people lose stuff stupidly on my server.
  20. If I have no idea where the shot comes from, I go prone and role in random circles. Best is to run horizontal to his position and in zig zags ... total random movments is what makes a shot harder. I personally can kill people running horizontal in a straight line over 600m. When you know the time a bullet takes to travel, it's pretty easy to just put your scope on the line he is runing on, and shoot wheh he reaches the corresponding mil dot.
  21. Can you give me the wcript used ? I am fairly intrested.
  22. P5ykoOHD

    whats is your ideal gun setup/gameplay style

    Noob nonsense dear sir ... that is what you just read.
  23. P5ykoOHD

    Waypoints removed?

    This. Not all servers (no matter is Regular / Veteran / Expert) have the option to set waypoints "activated". It's the Owner who decides if or not he wants it in the Server cfg files.