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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. 1: Can you hold a gun properly? Yes. 1b)Yet alone shoot it?197/200 @ 200m on three inch targets, breave, squeeze, and follow through. 2: Are you really that cold blooded? I might not be but my buddy is ex military, it well probably be him that shoots you first if ya are being shot on sight, this guy is a freak of nature when it comes to irl tower defense 3: What purpose do you have to shoot on sight? Other then by the time it comes too where people are rare having one of several 'fortified' buildings (brewery overtake plan or building a house on a 2 mile long train bridge that the lowest point to the ground is 30 feet, None really, cause we'd have guns locked onto you before you could even get over our fences, and we would be happy to let you know you have several well trained people aimming at you, well after you probably already get that feeling someone's watching you, plus the signs sitting about on the fences. So no purpose to shoot on sight.
  2. so your exploiting a glitch in the game then is what your saying
  3. Sever error I believe, Or maybe you are using a different profile in the game without knowing about it
  4. so join severs with less then 10 people on it durning the night hours. It's how I load up on all i need, hit the grocery stores first, and reap the rewards
  5. Meat turning into AKM ammo During my unfortunate trip into the debug plains and over 50k of running, my computer over heated twice when i hit 17k (respawned 30 k out the second time and third) After logging back in all the uncooked meat in my backpack turned into AKM ammunition. I died from starvation as I was taunted by getting back into the map. Though it wouldn't have mattered, I couldn't eat 13 AKM clips This happen to anyone else?
  6. I would be have been fine if it at least left one meat in there so i could have cooked it and lived, lol, I even had an AKM so i wasn't complaining about it, until i starved to death. Dam you game, taunting me with mass loot and killing me in the process
  7. Remember ARMA 2 has more fun in it then dayZ as well :v but yeah you'll hate most the players you'll not meet... cause they shoot you before saying hi
  8. Do you get to march around with the enclave radio over direct chat?
  9. Well i think the dl was 10 gb for ARMA: OA
  10. F^ck Pepsi, thats why my backback is full of coke... literally
  11. Then you well get people grieving by running around with newbies just to find and destroy everything useful they can get, I say no
  12. Remove PvP, DC problem solved :v
  13. what about people with a shitty laptop that seems to want to overheat tonight?
  14. So due to my recent unlucky random toss into the lands known as the debug plains (which I might add is full of goats) I did some calucations (which i could have done wrong, been awhile) but it seems your character travels at 17km/h at full sprint (I have 2 hours sprinting ahead of me still)
  15. I still got 10,000 hp left, why did you DC so soon afterward now its like I wasted those 3 bullets on you :3 Thank is all.
  16. not able to fill a whiskey bottle with water, everyone is a serial killer with little to no moral values and I can sprint full out for hours on end this game is truely realism at it's best :v
  17. I'm horrible at any other language then english.. and even then...
  18. in the tower of the firestation building you can jump on the ladder at the top of the stair cases in the right postion looking at the wall.
  19. hmm, my entire travel plan is unmarked
  20. Good idea, cause she's a nun