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Benz (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Benz (DayZ)

  2. I have been playing the entire day just fine until I stopped, started Six Launcher again, and tried to join a server. All the servers had a ping of 9999 (ALL of them) and under protection all of them had bad. When I attempt to join a server I see the loading screen then it says ''wait for host'' forever. I do not see or hear anything going on, all I see is ''wait for host''. I don't think its a problem with the server because it says there is players on the servers. I downloaded the games through steam but I don't launch them through steam. Also this issue seems to only be happening to players with Six Launcher. A couple other weird things are when I verified ArmA 2s game integrity there was 160 files missing, and it took a hour to re-download them all. I ran the steam version once when the problem was happening, but now when I try it says ''Error creating direct3d graphical engine''. I know some other people have this issue, but please don't reply saying ''I have this issue too'' and making me wet myself thinking I am going to be able to play DayZ again when checking my emails. P.S. I have had a sh*t ton other problems but I fixed all of them, I hope I can do the same with this Ok, out of the blue the normal ping and protection came back, but I still can't join shit!! D': Ok, out of the blue the normal ping and protection came back, but I still can't join shit!! D': Oh I forgot to mention when I launch the game and go onto multiplayer there isn't any games, all it says is ''Host new session''
  3. Benz (DayZ)


    As I was walking through a town, I noticed a ton of vehicles. All of them were unusable. This was really annoying, because you don't have a good way to tell a working car from a random prop. Since you die so much from zombies, snipers and broken bones, its pretty much hell to walk back to the city/town you were at. I think that more of these cars should be operational just so you can take a big chunk of the boredom factor out of this game. It would also be way more realistic, as it hasn't been over 5 years since the apocalypse (listen to the beans) and the zombies don't have molotovs and RPGs. Also, I think you should be able to scrap some broken cars for parts (scrap metal and glass) to repair working cars (though finding a broken car to salvage would be very rare). Also, I think more cars should be totally operational, as the engine and tires don't just disappear. My real point is, its REALLY boring to walk to electro or another city and we need more functional cars as the zombies don't eat off the tires and magically rust it to nothing.
  4. Benz (DayZ)

    Bounty's on bandits

    No real currency, so this may be a bad idea. But the real bounty is the guys stuff and some humanity, you don't really need anybody licking your feet.
  5. Benz (DayZ)

    Health Regeneration & Eating (v2)

    Amazing medical system my ass. AMAZING idea, one of the bests i've seen yet. Also you should be able to crouch on a broken leg on a horrible limp, just saying this because so many glitches criple you.
  6. Benz (DayZ)

    Objective suggestion: finding your family

    I hope your talking about single player, because that would be pretty retarded on a server.
  7. Benz (DayZ)

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    Ok, so as everybody knows, barb wire shouldn't have ever gone in the game. The only use for barbed wire is to keep people out of firehouses and trolling. Barbed wire doesn't do jack sh*t but troll because it can't even keep the f**king Zed out. Same with those metal campfire things (tank traps?), all people do is place them into the small gas stations and in doorways so nobody can loot. It is possibly the worst feature of the game, because litterly the only thing it is good for is trolling. I have seen over 9000 other threads saying the same thing, so I know i'm not the only person pissed off about this stupid ass feature.
  8. Benz (DayZ)

    Weapons and weapons

    So many players are complaining about the looting, right? Not finding any weapons? Always getting brained by a crowbar by some guy lucky enough to find one and not even being able to punch? Being in a group of 3 and bleeding out because one zombie keeps chasing you? Well, I am not going to say spawn more guns because that could turn out to be a disaster, but you should add more melee weapons. That way players will avoid zombies, but also be able to realistically fight back when being chased by a single frog-zombie. You could add in a baseball bat and another thing you could do is make it so the hunting knife works like an axe, where you can cut wood (skin animals) when needed but also slice and dice when you run out of ammo. I think this would make players happier and stop alot of these complaints that keep comming in. Also, TOO MANY AMMO AND CANS!!! I don't want to find military grade ammo in apartments! I don't have those guns yet! And holy f**k, I don't know how the amount of cans isn't making me have a FPS of one.
  9. FUCK YEAH! I fixed it. Turns out the sneaky motherfuckers at McCaffee decided to enable the firewall even though I had no subscription. FUCK YOU MCAFFE >:(
  10. Benz (DayZ)

    Steam usage after installing with six launcher

    There is a weird thingy mabob that you can do to run the steam version through six launcher. Enable beta and launch through steam in the options and a popup will come up. Go to that website and it will have instructions to do that thingy-mabob. I haven't a fucking clue how to do it as I am lazy and stupid, but maybe you will have better luck than me. I'm also new so I can't tell you if your formats wrong, but if it is, your better off than me rofl.
  11. I posted a thread of this, but whenever I try to join a game it says ''wait for host'' for eternity. Please find a fix D:
  12. Join a server with a lower difficulty, da-derp :P
  13. Benz (DayZ)

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    Is your character broken? (can't see yourself in 3rd person, Zed don't attack, don't die from hunger) If so download this if not try downloading it anyway. If that doesn't work your fucked until you find a server where the issue doesn't happen.
  14. Benz (DayZ)

    Install and invalid Key

    Do you have steam? If so, run it as admin, run ArmA 2, then run AO, then run AO as CO. I hope I didn't make that sound too complicated lol
  15. Benz (DayZ)

    game map wont load right?

    Can you see yourself in third person and is your crowbar a sub machine gun? If http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B6FZI1kVlcso, If not, join the server Canadian 2
  16. I am no techspert but I have had a lot of issues with Z. A abnormal amount actually, I am posting a thread right now for another glitch. But I can help you with the installing Z part. This is a amazing tutorial-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B6FZI1kVlc
  17. Benz (DayZ)

    empty landscape problem

    I had the same problem, fuck walking 45 minutes. Join the server calle ''Canadian 2'' and you will spawn in forests. You should also install 6 updater if you don't see yourself in third person. Heres a tut-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B6FZI1kVlc
  18. Benz (DayZ)

    bad serial number givin?

    Restart steam as admin, run arma 2, run arma 2 OA, run CO :D worked for me. If that doesn't work I would restart my comp :P might work might not.
  19. Benz (DayZ)

    no entry 'bin config.bin/cfgweapons.' error

    I had this problem before and fixed it, I will tell you as soon as I remember lol :P
  20. Benz (DayZ)

    Lots of hills...

    Can you see yourself in third person? I'm guessing your character isn't broken. Filter the word ''canadian'' in the filter thing and join the Canadian 2 server, you spawn in a forest near a town instead of the middle of nowhere. Also fixed the problem with other servers too. If your char is messed up (can't see yourself in 3rd person) install thishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B6FZI1kVlc
  21. Benz (DayZ)

    Problem with loading

    I had the same problem. You should install six updater if you don't have it, because whenever I run CO DayZ through steam it always does that. Heres a good tut for you:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B6FZI1kVlc Oh yea this will also help with using items and seeing yourself in third person, and that weird ass thing were you spawn in the middle of nowhere
  22. Benz (DayZ)

    Can't use items in inventory.

    I had the exact same problem. Can you see your player in 3rd person? If not install 6 Launcher, a good tutorial here : Oh yay, chances are you aren't attacked by zombies and don't die from hunger. If that is the case, DEFINETLY install Six Launcher