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Everything posted by sixbarns

  1. Just jump. Gear is not essential to having fun and the fear of losing it shouldn't hold you back from playing. You could always try to snipe people from up there or loudly say "I can't take it anymore!" and then jump once you have an audience.
  2. That's another problem. You can't always gauge a players intelligence and skill by talking to them for a minute.. You're just as like to get accidentally shot by them as to see them cross your line of fire.
  3. Not necessarily. I'm the same way and I play with friends 50% of the time. Guys like that are more than willing to team up but 90% of the people in game will shoot you in the back the second you turn it to them. So why would he, or anyone, risk that? Side chat is really annoying. Direct com works great and as long as you're not using the blinders (First Person view) you can easily see a guy coming while behind cover and talk to him directly without sticking your head out.
  4. It's not a real life simulator. In game, I'm going to shoot people who are a threat which is pretty much anyone running around the big cities or anyone that gets too close.
  5. Zombies make these kinds of noises when you shoot them. If you're low on blood and zombies get close you scream. Shock may do the same.
  6. sixbarns

    What is War Z?

    It's a game that doesn't exist 'created' by a company that makes pay-to-win games. Also, search.
  7. sixbarns

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Plenty of hackers out there. Seems to be equally as many terrible server admins.
  8. sixbarns

    Low FPS only on DayZ

    Where are you playing? The cities kill my fps pretty quickly but the wilderness runs smooth like butter. I assume you updated your driver? Did you do it manually or let Windows do an automatic search?
  9. I'm alright with some type of area but players need to pay food or something to get in, weapons locked up etc. But this would only create a new area for snipers and bandits to wait. These NPC guards would need to control a big area to ensure safety in this game. Maybe if we get a much bigger map and heavy instancing takes place. "everything else" will add more bugs. Might even bring back the old ones.
  10. sixbarns

    Keys that can save your life

    There are a lot of new players that haven't even tried Arma before now.
  11. sixbarns

    Church bells

    I don't think they do but they should. That would be awesome.
  12. sixbarns

    Very Frustrated

    Find a row of bushy trees or bushes. Zig zag through them as close to the center of each tree as possible without running into it. Serpentine describes this best. By the third tree the zombies will lose sight of you. Just try not to run on a road or something immediately afterwards or they'll hear you and you'll have to do it again. Any building with two doors can also help you lose zombies, for now. Go into the building, wait, and then run out the other side. You can also run around buildings. Make sure you take the turns as sharply as possible. Multiple houses, fences, buildings can do the trick but using bushes is best.
  13. sixbarns

    y game so hard?

    Log in to server. Press escape. Select respawn. Quit game. Delete ARMA2 folder.
  14. sixbarns

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    Great questions. 1. Yes. 2. watt? 3. Let me know when cultivation and large game that require groups to take down are added to the game. Also, you're not related to me and I have no reason to marry my blood into your family. 4. See 3, look up any history.
  15. sixbarns

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    I find it disgusting that you would use the Aurora tragedy to prop up your carebear logic. Sod off OP.
  16. sixbarns

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    I hope the mods are looking up the IPs that come and post this spam.
  17. sixbarns

    Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

    I understand that but you wouldn't even need that can of food to get to your destination. You could be playing the game rather than not playing the game. Just saying.
  18. sixbarns

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    That's a lot of ifs. You're also assuming this no-name company that has only produced a single pay-to-win game prior to this claim will actually follow through with their promises. Edit: All I'm saying is, don't get your hopes up because of an interview and a few fake screenshots.
  19. sixbarns

    Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

    It's been over an hour and a half since you started this thread. You could have run across the entire map in that time and only need a single soda can or water bottle.
  20. sixbarns

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    I hear Freecell2 is going to be pay to win too.
  21. sixbarns

    Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

    Unless you have some real gear.. actually, that doesn't matter. Just kill yourself and start new. You have nothing that you can't find elsewhere and later. Not playing because of this is sort of silly.
  22. sixbarns

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Stopped reading there. You had me at Arma3 but lost me at the game you obviously haven't researched on your own.
  23. sixbarns

    Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

    No knife, matches, and hatchet? I hope it's not glitched. Haven't fired the game up today. edit: Then again.. maybe the game is telling you to kill a player?
  24. Just watch some of Rockets most recent interviews. Even he explains it. Can't get too much more official than that I suppose.