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Everything posted by sixbarns

  1. sixbarns

    Zombie Survival My A***

    Those snipers almost universally hang out around Cherno and Elektro. They do this because they know noobs and fools will go there. Don't. Just don't go there. Ever. No point in it unless you like dying. How many times do you need to get sniped to realize it's a bad idea to be anywhere near those places if you want to play the survivor role? Take 10 minutes and run inland. Follow the roads or power lines if you must. Just leave the coast and stop crying when someone snipes you in the most populated part of the map. I know how frustrating it can be to get killed out of no where but it's part of the game and easy to avoid by changing how you play.
  2. That fix also breaks the core concept of the game.
  3. sixbarns

    Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

    You say chips, I say fries.
  4. sixbarns

    Worst heli crash site loot ever?

    Also, don't shoot the bloody zombies. You can sneak through them with minimal effort.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised after reading some whine thread from an admin last night. "I'm paying for this game! I'm going to do what I want!"
  6. sixbarns

    War on banditry!!! Join the fight!!!

    Bandits don't need a camp full of supplies. They get their supplies from other players and bandits. Your just ruining the hoarders supply which is still cool in my book.
  7. sixbarns

    Trading Coyote Backpacks!

    Seems legit.
  8. sixbarns

    For f@#k sake get of their backs!

    I try not to read threads like that. You can find nearly identical threads posted on every gaming forum. It's just how some people react to changes or when something doesn't go their way. When I do stumble into those type of posts I just scan it for the keywords they all use like "quit" "lame" "stupid" "idiots" "moron" etc and then move to the next post.
  9. sixbarns

    Hackers making game unplayable

    I wish there were more than one server. :(
  10. sixbarns


    Make sure you're not running any nonessential programs. Lower your graphics settings. Make sure you have the up to date drivers, manual install from manufacturers website. Try different servers?
  11. sixbarns

    Not so Enjoyable.

    How to lose zombies. Find trees like this: (sorry, all large images, all I could find on short notice) http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x86/pauld24/arma2treeerror.jpg http://cdn.overclock.net/f/f4/f45e80be_ArmA2OA2012-03-2223-47-05-08.jpeg http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/332100arma2oa2011101214090108.png and then snake your way through them. Try to stay as close to the center of the tree as you can without running into it. As you pass the center of the tree, change/adjust your direction to cut through the other side of the next tree. You want to pass through the branches to break the zombies line of sight. This: http://www.sabrinasabino.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/cones-direction-1.jpg (random images scrounged up from the net) You can lose entire towns of zombies this way.
  12. sixbarns

    I play DayZ to Roleplay

    I'm roleplaying like a champ. I hunt rabbits. I only drink water. I started to shed excess ammo but I keep my food and collect canteens. I try to keep enough space open for a sniper rifle but I'm looking for a silenced weapon for hunting. When I die I'll start all over but I'm going to collect some scalps in Cherno or Elektro first.
  13. sixbarns

    very low fps

    ^ Do you guys see what I see? Elusive aint it? (can't help but thanks for searching)
  14. sixbarns


    Side chat is annoying and I read it was causing lag on some servers.
  15. sixbarns

    We stole your truck.

    I thought that was the joke?
  16. sixbarns

    Why go to Elektro or Cherno

    This. My character has been running for a few days and just now found a compass. It took a lot of searching to find that. I was starting to think they were left out of the last patch as I was only finding watch after watch.
  17. sixbarns

    We stole your truck.

    Oh yeah? I stole your bus while you were looking for a spare tire.
  18. sixbarns

    Help! Broken leg

    I got you covered. What do you have to trade? I'm looking for good primary weapons and rare items. Got any?
  19. And teamspeak/vent is here to stay. It's just the way gaming is now. At least vent/ts doesn't impact the players ability to use the in game direct communication the way it does on consoles.
  20. I'd rather be robbed than murdered but that's just me. If there was a greater chance of being robbed than outright killed I believe people would accept that over the alternative.
  21. Maybe. Are they within range of my weapon?
  22. sixbarns

    Is losing everything... Enough?

    Yeah. I got off track a bit but you did mention weapons and rarity. Wouldn't having much less ammo make epic loot all that more epic? As you said, people find a good gun and then go survivor hunting. If that gun only had 6 rounds rather than 60, that would change. Making the current top tier guns more rare than they are now would only make the game feel a little stale. You'd run around for even longer with just a winchester or enfield and you wouldn't really find anything else at all until you got really REALLY lucky. And rather than trading guns, trading ammo instead of lead would go a long way towards a bartering/trading culture in game. Removing the high end guns from the firehouses in Cherno and Elektro would help a lot right now.
  23. sixbarns

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    I can tell by some of your posts that you guys are playing on the wrong part of the map. These camping bandits are not going to camp an area if no one goes there. Leave the bloody coast already. Avoid the high traffic areas if you don't want to get shot. Scope out an area long before approaching it. The game is open enough to give you many different ways to play. It's pretty much a given that players with much more powerful guns are going to be watching, camping, or pillaging Elektro and Cherno. So why even bother going there unless you want to deathmatch with better armed players?
  24. sixbarns

    So it's pretty damn dark

    I got lost in a park behind my house once. It was pitch black and I was living in a moderately sized city (with great state parks everywhere). I got lost BEHIND my house. There was absolutely no moon at all so the only light available was from the stars. Even the light pollution from the town was no help since I was behind a bluff. I had to FEEL my way down this densely wooded hill hoping to find a game trail. Just like in the game, some nights it's pitch black, some nights it's not. I don't mind it in game as it adds a little more tension while reducing zombie aggro.
  25. Are you running the proper updates for DayZ and the Arma2 beta?